So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


The same rewards as if you did it with 100 people. Doesn’t really seem fair does it?

My story goes like this. I went to south sun cove for the first time in 3 months and did a dynamic event by myself because nobody else was there.

It was actually pretty fun honestly, but the amount of time I spent on it and the difficulty….all I was rewarded with was the same rewards I could have gotten on an event in orr which takes 1/3 the effort/time.

I dunno, maybe Im to caught up on being “rewarded” for my time..but then again south sun cove and a lot of other areas in the open world are basically empty so maybe I’m not..

Edit: For long term goalers like me who strive for a legendary why is rewards so limited? Also I’d like to point out there’s a number of events that can take a quite a while without sufficient players and they are hard to do when a lot of areas are empty.


Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

(edited by BlackhawkSOM.6401)

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


If you found it fun, shouldn’t that also be a reward in itself?

Would it have been as much fun doing it with a zerg?

Would the reward have been worth it without the fun?

Here’s a thread that might interest you:

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


It was actually pretty fun honestly

maybe I’m too caught up on being “rewarded” for my time

You are. It’s a common theme on these forums. DE rewards are pretty standard. Expecting more because you solo one flies in the face of past experience, so it was an unrealistic expectation to begin with. Also, ANet built a game under the vision that people would do things for fun. If you can let go the idea of return on investment, that opportunity is still there. DE’s “replaced” standard quests from other MMO’s. How much fun does the standard traditional MMO quest provide? There’s a lot of variety, but for me, less than a DE — though ommv.

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Fun is subjective..

Doing a Dynamic Event once for fun is cool doing them hundreds of times without rewards is grind and not fun.

Obviously this game rewards are very messed up, and i personally would get tired of no rewards or very little without a reward when doing content over and over..

e.g. World boss gives a few rares and an exotic for 5 – 10 mins of game play, Jump puzzle gives a few blues and a green for multiple hours of game play, champion bosses give one blue etc etc…

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


The more ppl there the harder the event the less ppl there the easier the event so ya your rewards are right on.

The new guild mission use “south sun cove and a lot of other areas in the open world.”

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loneknight.8425


I’m already getting used to solo group event, especially at low level maps (i.e. Champ Svnair Marauder), while the rest are waiting for more ‘profitable’ group event (i.e. Dragons) to start, just to get my dailies done. How I see it is I’m maximising my what-could-be wasted time on waiting on something more productive

The thief who did dat – Crystal Desert

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


But for a player like me who has a long term goal of getting a legendary isn’t getting rewarded for the effort fair?

And no zergs are no fun to me but dynamic events by yourself can get a little boring too.

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loneknight.8425


But for a player like me who has a long term goal of getting a legendary isn’t getting rewarded for the effort fair?

I assume you are referring to getting a precursor? The drop for it does not necessary limited to dynamic events, it can be from chest as well, i.e. 2 days ago one lucky folk got Dusk from Borderland’s jp chest. Yep, jp chests do drop precursors.

The thief who did dat – Crystal Desert

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The only time I would complain about this is when you do a DE solo and you only get a Bronze or Silver reward. I mean… How does that even happen?!

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


The only time I would complain about this is when you do a DE solo and you only get a Bronze or Silver reward. I mean… How does that even happen?!


Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The problem with most MMOs is that people are selfish, because of how things are rewarded. So if you did get a better reward for soloing, what would happen when you’re soloing something and someone else show’s up. You’d be all kitten off. Go away, this is my kill.

This is precisely the type of attitude Anet wants to diminish.

If I see more players, I know I’ll get rewards faster, and not suffer for them. It’s intentional, and in my opinion, good. I’d rather be happy to see people than get kitten off at seeing them.

I mean in other games where you have to tag mobs, and you’re waiting for a boss to respawn and you’ve been waiting and some idiot rolls in at the last second and tags him before you, you have a moment of rage. I don’t find that fun.

So enjoy soloing the champion as a challenge, but be happy you’re playing a game that doesn’t reward that behavior, because it’s one of the best things about this game.

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


The only time I would complain about this is when you do a DE solo and you only get a Bronze or Silver reward. I mean… How does that even happen?!

It means it’s bugged and you’re supposed to report it. The only time I’ve seen a bronze while soloing, besides finding an event that was left at >50% complete, was while doing a timed defense event, where waves spawn as soon as the last wave was killed. I’m assuming the contribution was based off of the number of waves killed, since kiting them around for the duration would yield bronze whereas killing them was silver.

I mean in other games where you have to tag mobs, and you’re waiting for a boss to respawn and you’ve been waiting and some idiot rolls in at the last second and tags him before you, you have a moment of rage. I don’t find that fun.

That’s the flaw with the tagging system.

The flaw with the shared system is that I can exploit you. For example, if you’re doing an event or killing something, I just have to wait and watch and come by when you’re almost done and start attacking it to get the exact same level of rewards that you do but without any of the effort. For wave of mobs events, you just have to kill 1 group and walk off to get gold. For boss events, you just have to do about 1% damage. You are rewarded for abusing others.

One major flaw with shared loot, from a solo perspective, is that you can’t claim group loot. For example, in the tagging system, you can solo a dungeon and be rewarded with a group’s worth of loot. Here, not so much. The only extra reward you get for your effort is the knowledge on how to succeed.

Another side effect of shared looting is that since everyone gets loot, the drop rate of special items has to be lowered to compensate. In the tagging system, it’s usually 5 (to raid size) people max that can try their luck at a time. With the shared system, it’s as many as you can throw at it. It’s no surprise that they’re going with one time daily rewards in various forms.

Both systems have their pros and cons, with the shared system being more casually favorable whereas the tagging system is more overall fair.

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The flaw with the shared system is that I can exploit you. For example, if you’re doing an event or killing something, I just have to wait and watch and come by when you’re almost done and start attacking it to get the exact same level of rewards that you do but without any of the effort. For wave of mobs events, you just have to kill 1 group and walk off to get gold. For boss events, you just have to do about 1% damage. You are rewarded for abusing others.

You’re only exploiting or abusing them if they mind.

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The only time I would complain about this is when you do a DE solo and you only get a Bronze or Silver reward. I mean… How does that even happen?!

It means it’s bugged and you’re supposed to report it. The only time I’ve seen a bronze while soloing, besides finding an event that was left at >50% complete, was while doing a timed defense event, where waves spawn as soon as the last wave was killed. I’m assuming the contribution was based off of the number of waves killed, since kiting them around for the duration would yield bronze whereas killing them was silver.

I mean in other games where you have to tag mobs, and you’re waiting for a boss to respawn and you’ve been waiting and some idiot rolls in at the last second and tags him before you, you have a moment of rage. I don’t find that fun.

That’s the flaw with the tagging system.

The flaw with the shared system is that I can exploit you. For example, if you’re doing an event or killing something, I just have to wait and watch and come by when you’re almost done and start attacking it to get the exact same level of rewards that you do but without any of the effort. For wave of mobs events, you just have to kill 1 group and walk off to get gold. For boss events, you just have to do about 1% damage. You are rewarded for abusing others.

One major flaw with shared loot, from a solo perspective, is that you can’t claim group loot. For example, in the tagging system, you can solo a dungeon and be rewarded with a group’s worth of loot. Here, not so much. The only extra reward you get for your effort is the knowledge on how to succeed.

Another side effect of shared looting is that since everyone gets loot, the drop rate of special items has to be lowered to compensate. In the tagging system, it’s usually 5 (to raid size) people max that can try their luck at a time. With the shared system, it’s as many as you can throw at it. It’s no surprise that they’re going with one time daily rewards in various forms.

Both systems have their pros and cons, with the shared system being more casually favorable whereas the tagging system is more overall fair.

I don’t care what other people do. Why should I? If they enjoy that, let them do that. It’s fine. Sure they can scale up the event a bit and make it more challenging but that’s also fine by me.

I’d much rather play a game with this system than the other one. I know this because I hated the other one. lol

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


All I was saying is if you do most of the event it should reward you properly.

If you think the system is so perfect then why is most of the open world 50% more emptier than it was on release? Because now that end game has hit dynamic events except in orr are not worth doing BECAUSE nobody is there.

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


All I was saying is if you do most of the event it should reward you properly.

If you think the system is so perfect then why is most of the open world 50% more emptier than it was on release? Because now that end game has hit dynamic events except in orr are not worth doing BECAUSE nobody is there.

The world is 50% emptier on release, because it’s an MMO and I can’t think of ANY MMO that’s not true of. ALL MMOs lose players over the months that follow. The fact that there are still people in early zones, and there are on my server, means the game is actually successful. It is the fastest selling MMO of all time.

Your claim that half the people left the game and so therefore there’s something wrong with X or Y is a conclusion you can’t really make. Maybe people left to play other games. Maybe people left because they don’t like the ascended gear release. Maybe they left to play MoP which was’t out when the game launched. Saying you know why people play or don’t play is just silly.

In fact, I can think that if we made the changes you suggest, a lot of people who now enjoy the game might leave, including me. I play this game because it’s more noncompetitive in PVe and a lot of other people seem to enjoy this aspect as well. You don’t, and that’s fine. There are tons of games for you, I think there should be a game for the rest of us as well.

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Both systems have their pros and cons, with the shared system being more casually favorable whereas the tagging system is more overall fair.

Tagging system may be more fair (to some, not overall, though. It certainly is not fair to those that were screwed out of reward because someone else was slightly faster with tagging), but is definitely antisocial. You neither want anyone helping you (because they reduce your rewards), nor would you want to help others (unless it’s for stealing rewards from them). In MMO, that’s an approach thet goes right against the core principle of the genre.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

So you do a dynamic event solo and you get...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


The biggest problem is that every single event of the same level gives out the exact same amount of reward…Spent 10 minutes killing a Champion ? Well doing the Penitent event gives you at least as much and even more because you get more loot.

Like you said, why bother going to Southsun Cove, where the events are more painful than those in Orr when you can get the same rewards there ?