So you finally hit Level 80....

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


By now you’re probably tired of your character roaming the wonderful world of Tyria in rags for gear so you want to get yourself geared up and looking pretty awsome. I’d hate to burst your bubble but unfortunately due to the current nature of this game, despite which ever way you decide to take to gear up your character its going to be one hell of a grind. Why, well, lets see shall we….

The most obvious route that you’ll think of is gearing up through Karma….that is of course until you realise that one piece of gear will cost you 40k Karma and from level 1-80 levelling you’ll get approximately 30k – 35k depending on whether or not you spent any karma on your way up (I only bought 3 items because i wanted to save up for level 80) .

So now that you’ve realised that the Karma you’ve amassed through all your levelling isn’t even enough to buy you one piece of level 80 gear you’re probably thinking “its okay, ill just do dungeons in Explorable mode”. This is fine and all, until you realise that you’ll need to do at least 8 runs per dungeon for ONE piece of gear, go ahead and do the math for your full set…and try to maintain your sanity while you repeatedly plough through what was at first a really fun experience over and over again…

Your last option is obtaining gear by using gold to buy it/ levelling your crafts so you can make your own gear. Unless you’re one of the people willing to “play the Trading Post” then we both know that isn’t going to happen as the costs for levelling your craft and then making the gear will easily amount to 15 gold +
Goodluck trying to use dungeons for making gold as that as also been nerfed

The point I’m trying to make is Arenanet, can you please re-evaluate the costs of gear in this game because at the moment its insane to expect a “casual player” to attain good gear without loosing their sanity. One of the best things I liked about this company prior to the game’s release was how much you wanted to incorporate “fun” into the game. Having to grind day and night after reaching Level 80 for some gear is far from fun and because of that I had to give up pve because the gear-grind-treadmill you currently have players running is just plain wrong and goes against everything the game stands for

p.s. NO..I did not rush to level 80 I took part in as many events as I could and tried my best to attain as much gold as I could along the way only to be disappointed upon hitting level 80.

TL:DR Can you please fix the gear costs in this game so their at least realisticly attainable for the “average player” – without losing their sanity

*This game is supposed to be about fun, so why does the gearing process have to take that away from the game. Just a thought

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Im pretty casual when it comes to gaming atm and im halfway to getting a full set within 2days..

omg what a grind.
Seriously, there is no such thing as a huge grind in gw2 atm.
GW2 is by far the easiest MMO to get top notch gear in, i really dont get how anyone can whine about this, and i bet 99% of the whiners could probably get the gear in the time they use to write these huge walls of text.

(edited by Gathslan.1870)

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duveth.5742


there are no raids or competitive pve, why u want gear??

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexxer.5096


there are no raids or competitive pve, why u want gear??

if you would atleast take the time to read the post then you wouldn’t be asking mundane questions

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


there are no raids or competitive pve, why u want gear??

1 for WvWvW
2 to look good
3 For dungeons i suppose? : o

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035


I want to get the best gear in the game in less than a week from hitting max level and less than a month from game launch.

Oh god what a grind indeed.

Jesus Christ what happened to enjoying the game and taking your time?

One – Piken Square

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soothsayer.9476



I want to get the best gear in the game in less than a week from hitting max level and less than a month from game launch.

Oh god what a grind indeed.

Jesus Christ what happened to enjoying the game and taking your time?

I agree with you entirely. Some people have completely the wrong attitude. They grind because they want everything here and now and aren’t prepared to wait for it. As I said in another thread, they complain about grind despite forcing themselves to play 16 hours a day farming the same stuff. It’s so ridiculous

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LastDay.3524


I wouldn’t be against making them easier to get but at the same time I’m doing alright just wearing a bunch of Masterwork items.


So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaze Delta One.2834

Phaze Delta One.2834

High end gear was never meant to be obtainable overnight and should require some effort to get. Some people just need to deal with that.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Badmethod.4762


Im pretty casual when it comes to gaming atm and im halfway to getting a full set within 2days..

omg what a grind.
Seriously, there is no such thing as a huge grind in gw2 atm.
GW2 is by far the easiest MMO to get top notch gear in, i really dont get how anyone can whine about this, and i bet 99% of the whiners could probably get the gear in the time they use to write these huge walls of text.

Must be awesome to be you? Care to share your wise leetness with the masses?

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stratto.3869


By now you’re probably tired of your character roaming the wonderful world of Tyria in rags for gear so you want to get yourself geared up and looking pretty awsome. I’d hate to burst your bubble but unfortunately due to the current nature of this game, despite which ever way you decide to take to gear up your character its going to be one hell of a grind. Why, well, lets see shall we….

The most obvious route that you’ll think of is gearing up through Karma….that is of course until you realise that one piece of gear will cost you 40k Karma and from level 1-80 levelling you’ll get approximately 30k – 35k depending on whether or not you spent any karma on your way up (I only bought 3 items because i wanted to save up for level 80) .

So now that you’ve realised that the Karma you’ve amassed through all your levelling isn’t even enough to buy you one piece of level 80 gear you’re probably thinking “its okay, ill just do dungeons in Explorable mode”. This is fine and all, until you realise that you’ll need to do at least 8 runs per dungeon for ONE piece of gear, go ahead and do the math for your full set…and try to maintain your sanity while you repeatedly plough through what was at first a really fun experience over and over again…

Your last option is obtaining gear by using gold to buy it/ levelling your crafts so you can make your own gear. Unless you’re one of the people willing to “play the Trading Post” then we both know that isn’t going to happen as the costs for levelling your craft and then making the gear will easily amount to 15 gold +
Goodluck trying to use dungeons for making gold as that as also been nerfed

The point I’m trying to make is Arenanet, can you please re-evaluate the costs of gear in this game because at the moment its insane to expect a “casual player” to attain good gear without loosing their sanity. One of the best things I liked about this company prior to the game’s release was how much you wanted to incorporate “fun” into the game. Having to grind day and night after reaching Level 80 for some gear is far from fun and because of that I had to give up pve because the gear-grind-treadmill you currently have players running is just plain wrong and goes against everything the game stands for

p.s. NO..I did not rush to level 80 I took part in as many events as I could and tried my best to attain as much gold as I could along the way only to be disappointed upon hitting level 80.

TL:DR Can you please fix the gear costs in this game so their at least realisticly attainable for the “average player” – without losing their sanity

*This game is supposed to be about fun, so why does the gearing process have to take that away from the game. Just a thought

First of all, CONGRATS! Second, what you don’t realize is that that VERY same gear not 2 weeks ago was 1/5 the price it is now. They said it’s because of an Exploit… well the exploit is fixed so why haven’t they brought it back down?

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lasarith.6193


Anyone Rember when Mmo’s, Took- 3 years to get from level 1-100 , Not This Lev 1-80 within 3 days,

No wonder the Guy^ Think He Should have it all within a Week :|

And No im Not Dissing Him, – Just That All i read From mmos Now – why cant i have it all within the first week)

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloody.8769


so whose fault is it is it the player for playing the game and getting to 80 or is it that Anet allowed the player to level too quickly and now he is at 80 does not feel that he is going anywhere?

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hostar.1390


I’ve got 3 characters to 80 now. My Necro hit 80 yesterday and I literally bought him a full set of rares (all pieces and weapons) for less than 3g. The stat difference between rares and exotics are so small it’s hardly noticeable, so in a way I am in ‘nearly’ end-game gear.

I fail to see how this is ‘months’ worth of work. I can easily make 1g an hour (often more) farming Orichalcum and events, which means if I farm 4 hours a day I can make 4g. If I do that for 7 days, i’ll have 28 gold which would be more than enough to purchase almost every piece of exotic gear on the auction.

What’s up with these whine threads? Do you want it like WoW where they throw entire sets of gear at you for one 2 hour raid?

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lasarith.6193


so whose fault is it is it the player for playing the game and getting to 80 or is it that Anet allowed the player to level too quickly and now he is at 80 does not feel that he is going anywhere?

I Would say Both, (not Him directly) But Mmo Players and the Mmo makers,

if This was the Old 2Dmmo game He Would be lucky if he was lev 10-20 and Stll have 80 Odd levels and nearly 3 years to get to 100

Just mmos now are Way Too fast For Players and -End up Just sitting thier After a Few Weeks with Nothing to Do -Except Complain Like -this Thread

Its not the Guys Fault, For Playing the game Like that, – It the way mmos have gone over the last 11 years – Cater to make it easer for the players who are the ones asking

for it~ why we have it like it is now, They (as in Mmos) need to Make the leveling a Lot longer as it was befour so at lest after a good few months ppl can turn around and say im still trying for lev 25 after 4 months have past,

(this is just my Opinion, and in no way have to take it in any negative way/light)

(edited by Lasarith.6193)

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lasarith.6193


Edit: and the resion behind it is Players dont whant to grind, for Years ~ Need to have A balance between the two -that better then what we have now.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tallenn.9218



You could buy a set of rare gear for a few gold (generally 20-50s each), then replace it with exotics as you have the gold/karma.

That is what I’m currently doing. It took me only a couple of days to get a full set of rares, including 3 weapons (but not including jewelry- most of that is still greens, but I am not having any difficulties). In the week since, I have converted two pieces (weapons first) to exotics.

It should be noted that I absolutely suck at farming, so it make take a while, but I wanted to reiterate that in rare gear, I have very little issues killing mobs my level.

Most people will be able to farm enough gold/karma MUCH faster than I have been in order to get full exotics.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


I think people are interpreting the “grind” complaints the wrong way.

There are two issues that I see:

1) Yes, getting full exotic gear isn’t too horribly grindy. In reality, this actually depends a lot on which stats set you actually want. I.E. Berserker is a lot more expensive overall. Some exotic rewards are just not accessible through typical “end game” rewards – i.e. Karma cannot buy you all of the available stat options. WvW badges cannot either. Dungeon gear is a whole different story since the current system simply perpetuates grinding.

2) Yes, if you want “looks”, you need to “grind”. I don’t think the default response should be: “don’t grind if you don’t want to”. This puts the player in an awkward position. It’s true that stats wise you don’t need to invest a lot of time, but let’s divorce ourselves for a second from stats. In other words, there are REWARDS that exist that require a lot of grind. Telling players that these are off limits because you have to do something unenjoyable to get them is… quite a slap in the face actually. I feel like a gradual reward system is much better. Something that rewards you for doing what you want rather than doing one specific thing over and over and over. Really – isn’t this what GW2 was advertised to be? This is where their Karma, WvW, and Dungeon systems are fundamentally broken. Right now it’s a game where you “play how you want – the way we wanted you to grind things out”.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thegreatheed.8502


Or buy a set of level 76 exotic gear for maybe 2g total. Much better than 80 greens, it will last until you ‘grind’ your life away.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ftskaleem.8342


I noticed that there were more than one way to get gears… so… perhaps… you can use the Karma to get one peice, the dungeons for another and crafts for another … just an example…
According the Arena net, you experience ‘end game’ from the start… so to speak…
I dont have to reach lv 80 to experience the awesome end game. Even if I reached lv80, I can go back to earlier areas and relive events I had enjoyed when ‘growing up’.
When you play the game for the fun of it and ignore reaching the MAX, you will enjoy your game and eventually reached that MAX goal with out even knowing it…

PS: on a side note… I had missed the GW1 armor system. There were no uber armors… just a 60rating armor max (for eles) and you add on your runes to it. The ‘uber’ armors were just for appearance with the same 60 armor rating.

Cyda Windrunner: Lv20 E/Me | Lv80 E
Kaleem: Lv80 T

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Birdy.4816


Hilarious reading all the defender responses in this thread.

You all claim “Guild Wars has no grind, its all about the fun, you don’t need to grind anything”

Yet when he suggests lowering costs so that the grind isnt there and you get rewarded in a fun way – you all attack him and say “QQ you want good gear in a week, there ar eno raids why would you want gear?”

why do anything in this game then? your all so hypocritical its insane, I’ve had such a good laugh.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


ftskaleem, that’s just false. You see, I was naive like you once. I thought I could buy one piece with Karma, one piece with dungeon tokens, one piece with WvWvW badges etc.

But no. Not all the stat combos are available through those means. Everything is oddly and irrationally specific to one method of acquiring gear and essentially makes all other methods useless to you. As a player, this is baffling. It trivializes their reward systems and undermines the whole concept of GW2.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Birdy.4816


“Why are people rushing, ive spent 200 hours getting to level 50 and im having a blast and only done 32% of map” … sorry that we are efficient adults I guess? and we dont stand around jumping in town being social in map chat doing nothing.

Sorry that we want challenge that isnt just zerging rubbish and rewarded nothing for doing so.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawken.7932


Hilarious reading all the defender responses in this thread.

You all claim “Guild Wars has no grind, its all about the fun, you don’t need to grind anything”

Yet when he suggests lowering costs so that the grind isnt there and you get rewarded in a fun way – you all attack him and say “QQ you want good gear in a week, there ar eno raids why would you want gear?”

why do anything in this game then? your all so hypocritical its insane, I’ve had such a good laugh.

If you find it hilarious, then I’ll add another bit of comedy for your amusement.

I believe that the difference in Guild Wars 2 is that you indeed are not required to do any sort of grind, but you are provided a lot of long term goals for your character to tweak their looks. Why are you not required like in other MMOs? It’s a very simple answer, and that is because there is no gated content.

You could take WoW or Rift as an example, as they are both built on structure of tiered raiding at endgame, which “requires” a grind in order to participate in the next tier of content.

I believe a lot of people mistook what Arenanet said when they talked about “removing the grind”… in my opinion, they were removing the gating and forced grinds, and then also allowing all content in the game to be opened up for max level players so that those players could then sample from the great buffet. One day do dungeons, another day to WvWvW, another day return to other areas to work DEs for karma, another day work on crafting. This is a pretty admirable design, in my mind.

They did not remove long term goals, of course, and this is a good thing. Without long term goals… (and to me the prices seem just fine), people would quickly abandoned the game and declare that there was nothing to do.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


-Applies HOM skins to greens or rares- Looks nice and has good stats.
-Applies Gem Shop skin to greens or rares- Looks nice and has good stats.

Sure exotics are better, but it isn’t some huge gap and it is something you are suppose to slowly work toward, not have in a day or a week or even a month.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Birdy.4816


Hilarious reading all the defender responses in this thread.

You all claim “Guild Wars has no grind, its all about the fun, you don’t need to grind anything”

Yet when he suggests lowering costs so that the grind isnt there and you get rewarded in a fun way – you all attack him and say “QQ you want good gear in a week, there ar eno raids why would you want gear?”

why do anything in this game then? your all so hypocritical its insane, I’ve had such a good laugh.

If you find it hilarious, then I’ll add another bit of comedy for your amusement.

I believe that the difference in Guild Wars 2 is that you indeed are not required to do any sort of grind, but you are provided a lot of long term goals for your character to tweak their looks. Why are you not required like in other MMOs? It’s a very simple answer, and that is because there is no gated content.

You could take WoW or Rift as an example, as they are both built on structure of tiered raiding at endgame, which “requires” a grind in order to participate in the next tier of content.

I believe a lot of people mistook what Arenanet said when they talked about “removing the grind”… in my opinion, they were removing the gating and forced grinds, and then also allowing all content in the game to be opened up for max level players so that those players could then sample from the great buffet. One day do dungeons, another day to WvWvW, another day return to other areas to work DEs for karma, another day work on crafting. This is a pretty admirable design, in my mind.

Could you seriously look me in the eye though and say the long term goals in Guild Wars 2 are fun compared to other MMO offerings? could you REALLY?

And be brutally honest, this token grind is herroundous, coupled with the dungeons being mediocre. LEgendary farming is one of the most “no lifer” grinds in existant and is alot worse than say WoW’s which requires a team of dedicated players to complete tough challenges…. not grind 1000-2000 ore ect ect.

The problem isn’t the long term goals for any of us, they should always exist, the problem is Guild Wars 2 “longterm endgame goals” are so flat and lame.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saga.1652


You spend so much time grinding for a set of gear, when you realize it’s only one combination of stats, and if you want to change your character’s build and try maybe condition damage, you have to grind ANOTHER set of gear.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawken.7932


Hilarious reading all the defender responses in this thread.

You all claim “Guild Wars has no grind, its all about the fun, you don’t need to grind anything”

Yet when he suggests lowering costs so that the grind isnt there and you get rewarded in a fun way – you all attack him and say “QQ you want good gear in a week, there ar eno raids why would you want gear?”

why do anything in this game then? your all so hypocritical its insane, I’ve had such a good laugh.

If you find it hilarious, then I’ll add another bit of comedy for your amusement.

I believe that the difference in Guild Wars 2 is that you indeed are not required to do any sort of grind, but you are provided a lot of long term goals for your character to tweak their looks. Why are you not required like in other MMOs? It’s a very simple answer, and that is because there is no gated content.

You could take WoW or Rift as an example, as they are both built on structure of tiered raiding at endgame, which “requires” a grind in order to participate in the next tier of content.

I believe a lot of people mistook what Arenanet said when they talked about “removing the grind”… in my opinion, they were removing the gating and forced grinds, and then also allowing all content in the game to be opened up for max level players so that those players could then sample from the great buffet. One day do dungeons, another day to WvWvW, another day return to other areas to work DEs for karma, another day work on crafting. This is a pretty admirable design, in my mind.

Could you seriously look me in the eye though and say the long term goals in Guild Wars 2 are fun compared to other MMO offerings? could you REALLY?

And be brutally honest, this token grind is herroundous, coupled with the dungeons being mediocre. LEgendary farming is one of the most “no lifer” grinds in existant and is alot worse than say WoW’s which requires a team of dedicated players to complete tough challenges…. not grind 1000-2000 ore ect ect.

The problem isn’t the long term goals for any of us, they should always exist, the problem is Guild Wars 2 “longterm endgame goals” are so flat and lame.

I’ve played most major MMOs over the last 10 years, and yes I could look you in the eye (looking in eyes) and say that the rewards here are fine. They’re mostly cosmetic, which is a different approach, and I’m okay with that. If you don’t like the content, then I guess it’s time for you to move on. I personally find the content to be very exciting, very fresh and a lot of fun. I enjoy the dungeons when I get in with a good group — they’re challenging and interesting. I come from a raiding background in other games, so I’m always looking for the challenging content, and the rewards — though necessary — are not the only driving factor. Working together with other people who love their class and strive to be better is a big part of what gives me pleasure in a game.

As for legendaries, you and other people I’ve seen complaining on these boards seem to believe that they are a goal to be attained by every player within a month for some reason. Let’s assume this game is to be around for a few years — I believe they are intended for completionists to strive for over the long term, hence why their stats are negligibly different than exotics. IF they had higher stats or gave a greater advantage versus exotics and the grind was what it was, then I’d be unhappy.

Overall I find the goals to be surprisingly motivating (I used to think the lack of tiered content was a downside, but I’m coming around to this new design). So do most people in my very large guild, so I guess they’ve done something right.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


You can buy a descent (Masterwork) set of level 80 armor on TP for 12-16 silver each piece. It makes sense you should have to work very hard to obtain of max stat set of rare armor. Legendary should be very, very hard to obtain.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


What do you mean “finally” 80? It’s only been 3 weeks. There are many, many players who are in absolutely NO hurry to hit 80. And they’re not necessarily wearing rags in the meantime.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


So wait, first people are mad that others want more carrots.

Now they’re trying to remove the only carrots that give any point to playing pve?

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ftskaleem.8342


ftskaleem, that’s just false. You see, I was naive like you once. I thought I could buy one piece with Karma, one piece with dungeon tokens, one piece with WvWvW badges etc.

But no. Not all the stat combos are available through those means. Everything is oddly and irrationally specific to one method of acquiring gear and essentially makes all other methods useless to you. As a player, this is baffling. It trivializes their reward systems and undermines the whole concept of GW2.

ah. scene. I am only lv44 so I still dont know about end-game-catchingkitten to-get-awesome-gears… At least I know now that my planned idea would fail…
I thought it would have been some as of GW1… Use to collect trophies for random NPCs scattered all over to get my full sets… (buts thats something different).

I think I will casually ‘grind’ events and stuff… There are so many of them in different styles and they are mostly easy or quick.

Cyda Windrunner: Lv20 E/Me | Lv80 E
Kaleem: Lv80 T

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vargs.6234


Just get 78 exotics because they are insignificantly worse than 80 exotics and are cheap as dirt, like everyone is saying. Then either PvP or quit the game, because if you want cooler looking gear there are no options other than dungeons.