Solo Gameplay

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DGraves.3720


A serious question.

So mostly I play alone or with random groups, and I know it’s an mmo, but do you think that gw2 is moving away from the possibility of being able to get everything in the game playing solo?

The reward tracks in PvP give dungeon awards and dungeons can be solo’d since pugs are rare now. Ascended and legendary items pre-raids could be gotten alone as well. But now I’m curious about this legendary armor.

People won’t generally want to pug raids and while I’ve gotten there and back I may need to join a guild to do so consistently. Not a fan of the silliness that comes with that like demanding representation or service or following “orders” which is why I left them in the first place.

You obviously cannot solo a raid so that puts me in a weird position since you can’t pug them effectively either. Do you think this will become norm and standard for things like perhaps legendary trinkets? Is getting everything and being a compromise going to require a lot more teamwork than previously needed and even submission to a guild long-term?

Content gates are my least favorite type honestly.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


Personally, having been playing solo most of time like you in gw2 I just don’t think it is bad that at some point the game incentivized you to play with others to achieve something. As much as I enjoyed it and as much as MMO doesn’t really mean “requiring people to group up just to be able to tackle something” I also think it is plain stupid to gather many people playing in the same platform and see these players never having to care about each other in achieving something in the game. And that is one flaw core tyria had that Hot managed or at the least tried to change

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

I’m also concerned about legendary armor once it becomes available and not only because I don’t get along with people easily. Tbh I am often on a short fuse and if somebody within a guild is rude I usually reply with the same coin doubled and…oh those representation requirements and so much drama around it, what if I simply don’t like that tag or any tag at all? Or just forgot to represent on my other character? “It’s okay we understood but I hope we won’t see something like this happening next time?” <—- that was enough for me to leave one.
Aside from that, even if I bothered with finding a guild there is another problem – my time zone. At least on EU, I can’t simply find a “living guild” there. All guilds I joined so far remained shut and it felt very ghostly almost like playing alone despite there were lots of people on guild roster. And NA is too laggy for me (which is sad, I’ve got sooo many friends I used to play another MMO with playing on NA server). Last time I checked it was 400 ping which is totally unplayable since I aside from casual PvE I spend a lot of time in sPvP.
So yeah, it would be kind of cool if we could contribute to legendary armor progression without being forced into a guild or whatever. I understand that whole thing around raids was built on it but at least something to smoothen it for us solo players

(edited by Vasdamas Anklast.1607)

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deedrick.4372


Well, I think you need to find the right guild. There are those like you describe, and then there is ones like SOR. We have no rep requirement, no attendance requirement. If we are doing something, and you are doing something else so be it. If you don’t feel like running guild missions with us, then don’t. We are casual and we have picked up enough numbers to start raiding. We have 2 real rules, inactive for 4 months, you get booted (but are always welcome to come back), and if you are running with us, rep so we (and others) can see the guild tag. I dare say a lot of us are super casual or solo players, that can work together when needed. We have fun and that’s all you need to find in a guild. We will see how raiding goes. I have run the other type of guild in WoW... to much of a stressful pain in my kitten to do that again.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xsys.1047


It shouldn’t be a requirement to join a guild to play the content. When I originally bought into this, there was every indication that I could play solo, but now the game seems to be moving towards a clear (and discrete) mmo model. Disappointing. There must be a way to provide the best of both worlds.

I don’t have the time to sync up with others, nor the time to invest in this platform if I am required to participate in a group that wants to go in a specific direction. I have my own agenda, and I would appreciate the support of solo gameplay.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ikereid.4637


So mostly I play alone or with random groups, and I know it’s an mmo, but do you think that gw2 is moving away from the possibility of being able to get everything in the game playing solo?

in reality no one is playing this entire game solo. There are moments when you might be alone, but if you look around there are other players there, doing the same thing you are, but you may not be grouped with. Just cause you are not in a group does not mean you are playing solo.

The only content that requires group play;

World bosses and meta Events (I would love to see someone solo these)
sPvP (you are auto grouped here)

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DGraves.3720


So mostly I play alone or with random groups, and I know it’s an mmo, but do you think that gw2 is moving away from the possibility of being able to get everything in the game playing solo?

in reality no one is playing this entire game solo. There are moments when you might be alone, but if you look around there are other players there, doing the same thing you are, but you may not be grouped with. Just cause you are not in a group does not mean you are playing solo.

The only content that requires group play;

World bosses and meta Events (I would love to see someone solo these)
sPvP (you are auto grouped here)

Forgive my lack of clarity.

I specifically meant to indicate “unorganized” play. PUGs and “Solo” I believe fit that description better.

I’m also concerned about legendary armor once it becomes available and not only because I don’t get along with people easily. Tbh I am often on a short fuse and if somebody within a guild is rude I usually reply with the same coin doubled and…oh those representation requirements and so much drama around it, what if I simply don’t like that tag or any tag at all? Or just forgot to represent on my other character? “It’s okay we understood but I hope we won’t see something like this happening next time?” <—- that was enough for me to leave one.
Aside from that, even if I bothered with finding a guild there is another problem – my time zone. At least on EU, I can’t simply find a “living guild” there. All guilds I joined so far remained shut and it felt very ghostly almost like playing alone despite there were lots of people on guild roster. And NA is too laggy for me (which is sad, I’ve got sooo many friends I used to play another MMO with playing on NA server). Last time I checked it was 400 ping which is totally unplayable since I aside from casual PvE I spend a lot of time in sPvP.
So yeah, it would be kind of cool if we could contribute to legendary armor progression without being forced into a guild or whatever. I understand that whole thing around raids was built on it but at least something to smoothen it for us solo players

I have this exact problem regarding timing. Synching up when I have other duties is just too difficult and it was pulling teeth the one time it was done specifically because I had to overexert myself and stay up late just to do it and it wasn’t even worth it.

It is interesting to be in a position in which playing the game is more cumbersome than fun. That is abnormal and the first time I really faced this kind of situation.

(edited by DGraves.3720)

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


All of HoT, except for raids, can be done with pugs. Yes, I know pugs have beaten raids but it’s not as prevalent.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Pretty sure he asked this: So mostly I play alone or with random groups, and I know it’s an mmo, but do you think that gw2 is moving away from the possibility of being able to get everything in the game playing solo?

And yes, HoT proves this out. While you can still do the majority solo, which I did, certain hero points, mastery points, and even areas are locked without a group or zerg.

The new raid is also proving certain content will also be locked out from the solo and/or casual player. While I have no qualms about giving raiders the content they want, this content should not include items now excluded from the majority. This includes cosmetic items and gear.

They should at least add a secondary method to allow all players access to every part of the game sans a group, raid, or zerg.

Yes, content gates are here. Whether they stay is another story.

Gone to Reddit.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


GW2 had content that could not be done solo since launch.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


GW2 had content that could not be done solo since launch.

True, but nothing that would stop me from getting vistas, HPs, WPs, 100% map completion, going virtually any where on any map solo at any time etc. etc. Not talking
about champs or map bosses and group events, those have always required groups of different sizes. If one world boss wasn’t up , you could just check the timer and and join in with boss kill.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BellatorDeus.2310


To xsys: “It shouldn’t be a requirement to join a guild to play the content.”
You don’t have to. I have played solo so far. Templar, Elementalist, Necromancer, Revenant. Necro I played solo up to 80 and then through the HoT personal story to completion — no help. Other games I was active in guilds but here in GW2 (because of limited time) I have only played solo and not with guilds. You can totally play this game solo if you want to do so.
Tip – as a necro you have 4 companions so you can always play as a self made “party of 5” while running solo.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nostromo.4126


Please refer my post to Santa in this thread:
What I’d like to see is solo/PvE only content that cannot be done by more than 1 or 2 ppl at most. That would even up the orgytastic multimonkeys. See what I did there boyz n girlz? BOOM!

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


Please refer my post to Santa in this thread:
What I’d like to see is solo/PvE only content that cannot be done by more than 1 or 2 ppl at most. That would even up the orgytastic multimonkeys. See what I did there boyz n girlz? BOOM!

That would have to be instanced content then. If this were open world, these would be finished so quickly that most people would have to camp the location to have a realistic chance to complete it. Vizer’s tower for the dusk collection is a case in point.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nostromo.4126


Please refer my post to Santa in this thread:
What I’d like to see is solo/PvE only content that cannot be done by more than 1 or 2 ppl at most. That would even up the orgytastic multimonkeys. See what I did there boyz n girlz? BOOM!

That would have to be instanced content then. If this were open world, these would be finished so quickly that most people would have to camp the location to have a realistic chance to complete it. Vizer’s tower for the dusk collection is a case in point.

I wasn’t entirely serious of course – most of the personal storyline is solo already. It would be nice though to have the option to go into a personal instanced zone or area at any time, if you prefer not to have to put up with killstealing, JP-hogging & other kittentery. E.g. if I want to explore/level in Frostgorge or even Divinity, then why is it so hard to allow that? Sometimes you want ‘solo’ to really mean completely alone.
OTOH, if they must have group-only/multi content, then give me henchies/heroes ala GW1 if I want. Just sayin…

(edited by Nostromo.4126)

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ricky.4706


i play solo, but i’d rather be called a roamer, because I join up with anyone anywhere so I’m never really solo. But many maps are empty and the show must go on! I’m kind of use to it now , and like everyone else here said, I’d like to visit some dungeons in solo instances – roamer would be better because then I can meet up with other solo guys and the dungeon or whatever scales. – we all kind of become friends / familiar after about 3 res’s….but i don’t know about anyone else, standing around and waiting for interested people to start, isn’t fun for me – especially when people get paranoid and want specific builds. i don’t like running with players that like playing it safe. you rarely if ever see a roamer rage quit, roamers, die, respawn, and run back, and when it’s not fun anymore, we log off and watch a movie or something – my kinda people.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueOcean.5380


i play solo, but i’d rather be called a roamer, because I join up with anyone anywhere so I’m never really solo.

Thanks for your term “roamer”. A roamer is never lonely, and never demanding. Haha. Always ready to help a fallen roamer. Perfect social model for an mmorpg, imho.

Solo Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ricky.4706


in old school role play, we were called mercs ( mercenaries ) we didn’t exactly have a side, just a lust for battle…so we “roamed” the games looking for action

“A mercenary1 is a person who takes part in an armed conflict who is not a national or a party to the conflict and is “motivated to take part in the hostilities by the desire for private gain”.23 In other words, a mercenary is a person who fights for personal gains of money or other recompense instead of fighting for the ideological interests of a country, "

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)