Soloing champions is fun.
Been doing this for a long time now to match myself against something hard, learning how to dodge, when to use my abilites instead of just spamming them, and which weapon sets I could, or must use to defeat it.
Even though they drop nothing at all I still think it’s pretty fun. I’m waiting for the patch where ArenaNet introduce better loot drops from Champions, making their existing content, and these Champions more intriguing.
I can only speak for myself, but I don’t solo them because I’m not good enough to do so.
The drops suck…
some do, but I find it boring because they never drop anything good for me. what’s the point of fighting one for 5-10 minutes if you get a green?
i already do. it’s no challenge. they are minibosses, so all you have to do is watch their tells, just like normal bosses in dungeons.
I would if they at least dropped like 20s or something, but they would always drop nothing…
I have yet to try Veteran Karka on my elementalist!
Most people think that this type of fights isn’t time-reward efficient, just like how some people do dragon champions but only show up when Claw of Jormag is at 10% health. I personally like this type of challenges, but some just take too long to kill and some have heavy attacks that can down me in one hit, so I only find a few that I can handle, like Alpha Drake in Bloodtide Coast, that Vet spider at Timberline Falls which have near champ health and attack power, and that Champ Jotun in Dredgehaunt Cliffs.
some do, but I find it boring because they never drop anything good for me. what’s the point of fighting one for 5-10 minutes if you get a green?
sad that people don’t look for challenges only ego gear
As other have said, the crap loot isn’t worth the thrill of victory.
some do, but I find it boring because they never drop anything good for me. what’s the point of fighting one for 5-10 minutes if you get a green?
sad that people don’t look for challenges only ego gear
It is not about gear, it’s about dropping something at least rewarding… since the champions are strong than most mobs around they could drop relics worth some silver or something, I don’t know, it brings down to one of the major issues in GW2: rewards systems.
let me add that soloing champs is actually easier than with a group. if it’s a de, the scaling works out in your favor. not only this, but the less people there are, the less particle effects flying around, so you can actually be alerted to the champ’s tell before a big attack.
i’m sure if you’ve ever done a boss/champ with 5-15 people, it’s hard to see what is happening, especially if you’re melee.
As other have said, the crap loot isn’t worth the thrill of victory.
And why not? It’s fun, and even pulling out a win is something you’re not supposed to be able to do (Doubly so on the ones who come with entire packs of adds guarding them). Imo, it’s better for one’s ego than the big shiny sword of I can put alot of time into this game +1 if you’re pulling off things balanced around entire groups on your own.
let me add that soloing champs is actually easier than with a group. if it’s a de, the scaling works out in your favor. not only this, but the less people there are, the less particle effects flying around, so you can actually be alerted to the champ’s tell before a big attack.
i’m sure if you’ve ever done a boss/champ with 5-15 people, it’s hard to see what is happening, especially if you’re melee.
Respawning adds, and the champ scaling doesn’t start until you have a few people I’ve found.
It would be more funner if they dropped loot as advertised, and betterer too.
some do, but I find it boring because they never drop anything good for me. what’s the point of fighting one for 5-10 minutes if you get a green?
sad that people don’t look for challenges only ego gear
Challenge is good, challenge is great, but if I have an hour to play the game and that is it; do I A) spend it taking out one champion or B ) taking out some trash mobs? In essence the trash will drop the same loot with many chances at the loot table as opposed to the champ. I don’t know about you but I look forward to my paycheck every two weeks as I have earned it, with the current drops on the champs it is like a full time job with volunteer pay.
some do, but I find it boring because they never drop anything good for me. what’s the point of fighting one for 5-10 minutes if you get a green?
sad that people don’t look for challenges only ego gear
Challenge is good, challenge is great, but if I have an hour to play the game and that is it; do I A) spend it taking out one champion or
taking out some trash mobs? In essence the trash will drop the same loot with many chances at the loot table as opposed to the champ. I don’t know about you but I look forward to my paycheck every two weeks as I have earned it, with the current drops on the champs it is like a full time job with volunteer pay.
Oh, so you have to think about getting paid while playing a MMO now? Isn’t a game’s purpose for personal enjoyment? Unless you’re playing the game to get paid that is, but that makes you a gold seller wouldn’t it?
I avoid it because unless i am playing a profession with mostly single target weapon skills, the ground targeting mechanic gets in the way of what is likely to be a very “mobile” (read several minute long circle kite) fight.
some do, but I find it boring because they never drop anything good for me. what’s the point of fighting one for 5-10 minutes if you get a green?
sad that people don’t look for challenges only ego gear
Challenge is good, challenge is great, but if I have an hour to play the game and that is it; do I A) spend it taking out one champion or
taking out some trash mobs? In essence the trash will drop the same loot with many chances at the loot table as opposed to the champ. I don’t know about you but I look forward to my paycheck every two weeks as I have earned it, with the current drops on the champs it is like a full time job with volunteer pay.
Oh, so you have to think about getting paid while playing a MMO now? Isn’t a game’s purpose for personal enjoyment? Unless you’re playing the game to get paid that is, but that makes you a gold seller wouldn’t it?
ho hum..
risk != reward = not fun (or if you like challenge you could always stick a fork in your eye, trying to dodge it, and call it a game)
risk = reward =fun… (nuff said, and it seems many agree with me on this as most champs are left alone in the world I’m in)
I’m sorry but we will just have to disagree on this one.
Edit: and the paycheck analogy was just that: a way to show that if it is earned it should be rewarded, not some kind of statement towards getting monetary reimbursement.
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)
Champ fights usually become repetitive and dull. They have far more hitpoints than they have variety of attacks which means you’re just cycling through the same attack/defense rotation for 10 minutes or so. Alternatively, they have damage set so high on enough attacks you can’t dodge/skill defeat them all and you just fall over dead.
Then, when you win, you get nothing for all that extra risk and effort. And no, satisfaction isn’t there because repetitive behavior isn’t that satisfying to me.
Contrast this with DE’s where unusual stuff could happen. Yes, some DE’s are pretty boring, but some have different mechanics and whatnot, and those are satisfying.
Or, WvW and sPvP where your enemies can do completely unpredictable things. Yes, you can run into the bad/boring players who just cycle their attacks as they come off cooldown, but you also end up in fights with high skill players where it usually comes down to one person or the other finally making a mistake. Those are satisfying.
But no. Champions. Not satisfying. Not challenging. Not rewarding.
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?
fun is subjective. No drops being non-material rewarding is not subjective (3 negatives gets my point across right?)