Some Legendaries and Wings Broken

Some Legendaries and Wings Broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thord.4719


Right after getting the Wintersday Patch the first thing I noticed was that my Wings of the Tequatl and my Incinerators weren’t working. The wings, among with other wing backpieces, flap their animation cycle once, and then freeze. Unequiping the item and re-equiping it didn’t help.

Incinerators are also broken, when in combat, they are supposed to be spewing fire, but instead they spew fire for a second and then extinquish. I assume it’s a similar animation glitch like with the wings where they animate for one animate cycle and then stop.
I also heard of complaints about Bolt not throwing lightning around when unequiped.

I attached a picture of the wings frozen and Incinerators extinquished.


Some Legendaries and Wings Broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TwilightStorm.7159


I have wielded double incinerators for ages, and today I’ve noticed the exact same thing. After drawing them they ‘switch off’ after 2 seconds even though still technically ‘in combat’. Not sure if this is working as intended? Would be very weird if so.

Some Legendaries and Wings Broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thord.4719


Looks like Reddit has compiled more info about these bugs, so if a dev happens to see this, check this too. According to this, looks like these aren’t the only items bugging out.