Some Wintersday items have no timer?

Some Wintersday items have no timer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patrick.7153



All of the Wintersday items have about 2-3 days left before they get removed from the gem store except for the Wintersday Wreath and the Snowflake Glider Skin. Does this mean they will be available after (it will be a little weird if it is) or is it just a minor error? Anyone know? Seems sensible that they will go after the 12th.


Some Wintersday items have no timer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237



When you are considering gem store purchases that have no timer, it is wise to always assume they will be gone as of the coming Tuesday unless they have already been around for months. Then you can decide whether you want them badly enough to spend the resources right away or if you’ll be “oh, well, missed it” if they vanish.

I would expect all the seasonal stuff to be gone as of Tuesday’s patch and thus best purchased by Monday evening if you really want it. It seems likely to me that the BL weapons will also switch away from the Timekeeper ones. If you haven’t gotten any of the seasonal items or Timekeeper skins yet, and it’s not because you simply can’t afford any of them, maybe you don’t really want them that much and won’t be sad a month from now that you avoided buying them? (That’s my litmus test when shopping for things that I’m not sure I can get later at will: “will I regret not buying this tomorrow? Next week? Month? Year?” And then I balance how long I think I’ll be kicking myself versus how much the thing will cost and make my decision. I’m still so very sad about the gorgeous peridot net necklace I passed up for a while at an antiques center until it was gone, even though at the time $300 was a fortune to me).

Some Wintersday items have no timer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Since they added the timer to gem store items, I haven’t seen any removed with the timer accurately reflecting the countdown. Plus, if it’s an oversight, then no one here would know — ANet could correct the error as easily as posting a clarification (does not require a game update to change the prices/timing on the gem shop items).

So, I think it’s very unlikely that those two items are being removed on the 12th.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Some Wintersday items have no timer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Don’t forget the snowflake dragon mini, that didn’t have a timer last I looked.

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