Someone is buying up Legend shield?
good luck to him.
hell prolly lose a lot of gold doing that.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Third hand Information about what “someone” is doing is rarely correct.
ANet may give it to you.
Lot of ’’someones’’ are buying and selling lot of stuff lately
John Smith Source
PS any flipper that’s attempting to make money on luxury items isn’t good at flipping. It’s a slow, dangerous, rarely-profitable way to attempt to make money (that’s why nobody does it).
ANet may give it to you.
then why would they do that if it is not easy to turn over a profit? the legendary shield isn’t exactly that popular either.
then why would they do that if it is not easy to turn over a profit? the legendary shield isn’t exactly that popular either.
that’s why nobody does it
So far you haven’t given any proof that “they” are doing anything at all. A comment by a friend that “someone” is buying Legend shields isn’t proof.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
What evidence is there that this is actually being done? Maybe it’s just an unfounded rumor.
Chronomancer and herald arnt popular. You heard it here first.
there used to be a few legend shields on TP on sale. now there is only one.
there used to be a few legend shields on TP on sale. now there is only one.
Maybe there can be only one? Harharhar.
A few to me says 3-5. Now there is only 1. Looks like 2-4 players finally have a legendary of their own.
A few people out of several hundred thousand bought legendary shields. That isn’t that hard to happen.
People who had maybe been waiting to see what the new legendary shield was going to take and hand stock piled a ton of gold to make it. Then they got indefinitely suspended and they decided they wanted their legendary sooner rather than in an the far future or not at all. So they used their gold and bought the shields.
there used to be a few legend shields on TP on sale. now there is only one.
And right now there are 3.
When the quantity of an item is low, it’s possible to fluctuate down to zero without any one person doing anything. The quantity will naturally go up and down.
ANet may give it to you.
Seems like a terrible idea with little or no profit, mostly likely losing gold. Whoever told you this is probably just trolling you, try not to be so gullible. c:
Lol all the old legendaries have been reaching low supply for the last couple of months. HoT = less people playing old maps, slow release (now cancelled) of new legendaries, i.e demand going up, supply going down slightly. What else is going to happen? Many of the old legendaries have reached 0 supply in the last few months.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
Flipping legendary weapons IS profitable (in the past few months), of course you sometimes have to wait days or weeks, but the profit is 200-300g. Flip the popular ones (greatsword, hammer, staff) to reduce risk and waiting time.
If someone tells you that it is not true and you will lose gold then probably he is flipping legendaries and he doesn’t want competition.
Flipping legendary weapons IS profitable (in the past few months), of course you sometimes have to wait days or weeks, but the profit is 200-300g. Flip the popular ones (greatsword, hammer, staff) to reduce risk and waiting time.
If someone tells you that it is not true and you will lose gold then probably he is flipping legendaries and he doesn’t want competition.
Um, no. A few legendaries always have a WTB:WTS spread that is wide enough to allow the possibility of a flip, but it’s not something that you can do in bulk. The wider the spread, the more likely it is that other people will enter the market, which risks you ability to buy and sell within the margin.
However, the OP wasn’t talking about flipping, they were talking about price manipulation: buying enough of the shield to reduce the supply to 1, allowing them to set the sale price. That is far, far riskier, because they’d have to list all their supply at least 18% over the original sale offer price to break even…or sell a high enough number of legends they bought at ‘discount’ prices to make up for the difference.
So while it’s possible that a few individuals might make 200g in long-term investment of buying low, reselling high, it’s nearly impossible for someone to do that with 5+ within any sort of reasonable time frame.
Um, no. A few legendaries always have a WTB:WTS spread that is wide enough to allow the possibility of a flip, but it’s not something that you can do in bulk. The wider the spread, the more likely it is that other people will enter the market, which risks you ability to buy and sell within the margin.
However, the OP wasn’t talking about flipping, they were talking about price manipulation: buying enough of the shield to reduce the supply to 1, allowing them to set the sale price. That is far, far riskier, because they’d have to list all their supply at least 18% over the original sale offer price to break even…or sell a high enough number of legends they bought at ‘discount’ prices to make up for the difference.
So while it’s possible that a few individuals might make 200g in long-term investment of buying low, reselling high, it’s nearly impossible for someone to do that with 5+ within any sort of reasonable time frame.
A few? Currently there are 10 legendaries that have at least 200g spread. I agree that you cannot trade a lot of them, but even if you manage to flip 1/week it is a huge profit with almost 0 work. Is it better to flip 1 item and make 200g profit or flip 400 items to make the same?
I think that smart players won’t do price manipulation as you wrote. Why would they want to lose hundreds of golds? They will just place buy orders and wait a few days until the current supply is gone then they can set a new sale price. Supply is so low that they don’t have to make a “traditional” price manipulation (just check what happened with Mystic Coins a few days ago).
And yes, there is a risk in it, but there is a risk in every investment.
John Smith Source
PS any flipper that’s attempting to make money on luxury items isn’t good at flipping. It’s a slow, dangerous, rarely-profitable way to attempt to make money (that’s why nobody does it).
I can attest to this… XD
lol maybe its your friend trying to manipulate the market
there used to be a few legend shields on TP on sale. now there is only one.
Maybe there can be only one? Harharhar.
Nice highlander reference.
Its a “cheap” legendary or it was, last time I looked it was around 600is gold. I made mine shortly before HoT launched. Even the precursor was cheap, about 140g.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
^ doh! If I’d known that I would have bought one.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
month ago there were 10-15 of each legendary on TP now there are 1 or 2 of each type. It means ppl went to play something else cause there are no more legendary builders and sellers.
month ago there were 10-15 of each legendary on TP now there are 1 or 2 of each type. It means ppl went to play something else cause there are no more legendary builders and sellers.
Or legendary weapons are not as great as some make out. Most are ugly imho. Ascended are cheaper to make, and just as good.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
You two have it around the wrong way. They’re still selling like hotcakes. The demand has been outweighing the supply for the most part, that’s why the supply is so low. I had a quip posted quite high on the list, it took 3 weeks to sell, and 43 of them sold before mine did. I kept track of it very closely to inform future listings. I’d say at a minimum there’s still 3 – 5 of each legendary being sold per day and that’s just listings.
Low supply by itself does not translate to ‘no more legendary builders’. It has just been trending to more buyers than sellers due to numerous reasons, some of which I mentioned in my last post.
The only thing that has decreased visible supply (i.e the listings) noticeably is a shift in the supply vs demand. If it was simply a lack of interest in legendary buying and selling, then the supply wouldn’t have decreased to < 10 for a bunch of weapons and would have remained steady at what it was before.
A good graph to check out is the monthly one for bifrost, but I’m sure other weapons are similar. The supply was drained out completely to 0, those who make legendaries for profit notice it’s selling for ridiculous profits, decide to make bifrost and list it. The supply went back up to 22 in a week. Smart legendary sellers will generally get the core mats common to all legendaries, check which legendaries would be best to make supply/demand/risk wise, and post it up. The supply is trending back down because most of them would move onto different legendaries once they see the supply is very high again at 22. It got back down to 0 supply again 2 days ago.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
(edited by Amurond.4590)