Something Has to Change!
1) No
2) No
3) No
Stop being lazy.
I agree with Chameleon Dude.
1 – What if instead of a mount you could toggle permanent swiftness and stealth? It would do the same thing for you.
2 – If WP was account-bound, why you would use your previous suggestion? Also many things would need to change on map completion for 2nd and more times.
3 – Really? You want that new function to save maybe 1~2 minutes of using WP and walking to a place?
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
1, 2,3: No.
1) I would not mind some sort of travelling vehicle but the problem here is that guild wars is paced a certain way and this interrupts the pacing for new players.
2) If WP were account bound this renders map completion a lot easier and also a lot more confusing to players. Case in point returning players have explored part of an area, but make a new character to get back into the game are now terribly confused.
3) WP and walk.
Generally you are supposed to walk to the areas, why? because the world lives! On my journey from point A to B, on foot, i will often bump into maybe 3-4 open world events, perhaps a boss occasionally or go off the beaten path in search of a mining node.
Exploring is half the fun.
Writer/Head of PR
No i only want one of these and i know this isnt for eveyone these are my ideas. i am sick of walking to the same place over and over and over again and god forbid pvp level a toon instead of exploring good luck getting to a dungeon in a reasonable amount of time.
look i see you guys point but you dont see mine go levle a toon exclusivly in pvp/wvw/eotm then go try and do some higher lvl dungeons…. you cant unless you want to go explore. this isnt for new players its for players that are sick of walking and exploring for hours when all they want to do is a late game dungeon.
I would agree with account WP unlocks. The mapping over and over and over is stopping me (along with horrible trait system) from making alts. I get maybe 3 maps in, and just delete the character because it’s sooooooooooooooo boring doing the same thing for the 20th time (and not being rewarded in any meaningful way). I don’t want to hike rabbit food to whathisface 20 times. BORING. I don’t want to go run over maps I’ve been in hundreds of times just to unlock WPs so I can actually do content I WANT to do (i.e. world boss, dungeon, etc). I’m all for account wide unlock on WPs.
I like how people demand “Something has to change!” to suit their play style, when in fact, it doesn’t have to change.
1. No, There are already speed boosts in the game and there is no place in this entire game that require hours to run to. Exaggerate much? Seriously, quit being lazy.
2. Refer to #1. Some people like to re-explore with each character, why must the entire game change to suit you?
3. You are not “punished” for anything. LFG is Looking for Group. It means just that. It helps you team up with others who have an interest in doing the same content as you. What does this have to do with porting? Maybe LFG should also kill the final boss for you so you aren’t “punished” into doing it yourself.
All for mounts, maybe an account unlock after your first level 80…you won a Yaaaaak! Every new level 80 unlocks a new account bound mount.
2. Refer to #1. Some people like to re-explore with each character, why must the entire game change to suit you?
What part of that said they couldn’t? In fact, the only suggestion was that WPs would be account-unlocked, and that everything else you’d need to explore for would not. And people who like to re-explore can still do so because nothing would be forcing them to take WPs.
I can definitely support an optional WP unlock that costs a modest amount of gold. That aspect of map completion is pretty boring, and requires the least effort of all. Similarly, it does stand to reason that we could be ported into a dungeon or fractal from any location, and only the ‘opener’ has to physically enter.
Thumbs down on the mounts, though.
No to everything the OP suggests. Rather than having the game change to suit your whines, deal with it or play another game.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
Happy to hear there are hours and hours of content in the game, even for alts! =)
I don’t support these suggestions, as players are already commenting on a lack of things to do.
Ok so here is my issue:the pve experience to me after the first character is horrible. we have to go re explore the same locations over and over and over again. Spend hours walking to just get the wp by a dungeon that we may or may not be able to complete. the LFG system is pathetic considering the fact that it will not port you from any where on the map inside the dungeon.
so here are my 3 fixes to improve the pve experience for people that plan to or are leveling more then 1 toon:
1) give us mounts! OMG i know i said the dreaded m word, but here is why: yes there are lots of wps in the world but you still have to go near them to unlock them witch equates into countless hours of walking around. Mounts will increase our speed and still alow for the exploration of the world in its entirety. i would ask for land and water mounts similar to the pet systems for a ranger.
2) make WP’s account unlock so we can port to where we want to go on a new toon after one of our toons has been there. some of us players just want to get to a cetain dungeon or spot in an area w/o the hassle of walking through it all over again. POI and Vistas will still remain toon unlocks and if a player wants to get the map completion they will sstill have to go and get all of those per toon. thus preserving the exploration factor with event systems of players helping players.
3) fix the LFG system to make it port you inside the dungeon its self. when you leave it returns you to the last location of you toon. this will keep the same feel for the game as it has now but for those of us who pvp/wvw/ and eotm level out toons we are no longer punished for not exploring the majority of the world when we just want to do a few dungeons.
I really hope you guys consider and implement one of these fixes as to improve the pve experience for pvp, wvw, and eotm levelers as well as the game as a whole. Thank you for you time.
1. The maps aren’t that big, you can walk from one side to the other in about 5 mins.
2. How would making WP’s account wide unlock allow players to still be able to “explore the world” with a new character when everything is basically already unlock? Also what’s the point of being able to teleport a lvl 2 character to Orr or another high level area?
3. Heaven forbid you have to take 10 seconds to open the map and chose the WP next to the dungeon you want to go to.
In conclusion, mounts aren’t needed since the maps aren’t big. If they did ever make mounts good chance they would move as fast as a character on foot does now and be more for show than anything else. Having to re-unlock everything again on maps with a new character/class means you play the map differently since it’s a new class and having to teleport to the WP by the dungeon you want to play takes like 10 secs.
What do you mean with “make it port you inside the dungeon its self”. If someone in your party enters a dungeon you get a popup to join when you’re on the map? Since forever?? And if you want to stand in front of the dungeon afterwards just walk out of the entrance. The only dungeon which doesn’t let you walk out (afaik) is coe
1) No
2) No
3) NoStop being lazy.
Can’t be anymore clear than that, I think. I’m in agreement with Chameleon on all accounts. I would also like to point out that you don’t “have to” create and work on an alt — it is a choice you make.
OP what you don’t realize is that there are people who love leveling in this game and play the game just to level. Every single thing you account bind ends up hurting those people by giving them something less to do. Your playstyle doesn’t trump there.
I have always been a fan of mounts. I’m not a fan of global unlocks to waypoints. And I don’t really care if someone has to run to all the dungeons on one character.
If you leveled solely in EotM and WvW and didn’t even bother to level at all in the open world. I’d say that’s your fault., particularly because you know where the EIGHT dungeons are. There are 8 dungeons and at least three of them are in STARTER zones.
Now, you can get to CM, AC and TA very very easily in a matter of minutes each. I know those can’t be your problem.
And the other dungeons, yes, require a run. But if all you’re doing is running to them, it really is nothing more than what, 20 minutes of work? Half an hour? You go through the mists or a gate in your home city to LA and you’re halfway to most of the other dungeons.
Frostgorge sound borders on Wayfarer foothills. The only dungeons that are “hard” to get to are COE, COF and Arah and I don’t think any of them are that hard to get to.
So you’re suggesting the dev rewrite the entire game because an hour is too long for you to invest in unlocking every dungeon DURING the leveling process?
So noted.
Dude (or Duddete) me and my friends just came back to this game from Archeage. You have no idea how good you have it here
Dude (or Duddete) me and my friends just came back to this game from Archeage. You have no idea how good you have it here
It’s true. Every time I get a bit frustrated hear, I buy/try another MMO. Most recently it was FFXIV.
I really don’t know how people can play games like that. I’m sure that maybe they have high level dungeon/raid stuff that’s very good, but just the leveling process to get there is so mind numbingly boring…and if you happen to like the leveling thing over raids, as I do, then there really isn’t another decent game right now.
“Something Has to Change!” And yet you complain about minor inconveniences?
Geez some people…
Kitten all day long…
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
i am sick of walking to the same place over and over and over again and god forbid pvp level a toon instead of exploring good luck getting to a dungeon in a reasonable amount of time.
Half of the dungeons (AC, CM, TA, SE) all you have to do is step out of a city to get the “enter dungeon” pop-up as soon as one of your group has opened the dungeon. One more (HotW) can be accessed from the far end of a starter zone (just step from Wayfarer’s into Frostgorge).
Of the remaining three, two (CoE and CoF) can be a bit tricky to unlock, as you have to cross a higher level zone or two to get there, but even then getting a waypoint in the zone isn’t all that big of an adventure. I just recently unlocked access to Mount Maelstrom on a lvl 20 elementalist by sneaking south from Hoelbrak, and I got there surprisingly quickly and painlessly. Only Arah is a bit complicated to unlock on your own if you are under-leveled (my ele has yet to make it past the Lone Post waypoint), but once you are roughly on-level, even that is quickly done if unlocking waypoints is your only goal.
Now of course I don’t know what a “reasonable amount of time” means to you, but spending less than half an hour once to unlock a dungeon’s waypoint forever does sound perfectly reasonable to me.
As for mounts, I’d like a sedan chair carried by skritt, please. And a scruffy-type personal golem for my golemancer warrior . I’d rather keep waypoint unlocks character bound though, just running all over the place opening up waypoints adds a quick and easy chunck of experience to levelling characters.
1) No
2) No
3) NoStop being lazy.
Ok so here is my issue:the pve experience to me after the first character is horrible. we have to go re explore the same locations over and over and over again. Spend hours walking to just get the wp by a dungeon that we may or may not be able to complete. the LFG system is pathetic considering the fact that it will not port you from any where on the map inside the dungeon.
so here are my 3 fixes to improve the pve experience for people that plan to or are leveling more then 1 toon:
1) give us mounts! OMG i know i said the dreaded m word, but here is why: yes there are lots of wps in the world but you still have to go near them to unlock them witch equates into countless hours of walking around. Mounts will increase our speed and still alow for the exploration of the world in its entirety. i would ask for land and water mounts similar to the pet systems for a ranger.
2) make WP’s account unlock so we can port to where we want to go on a new toon after one of our toons has been there. some of us players just want to get to a cetain dungeon or spot in an area w/o the hassle of walking through it all over again. POI and Vistas will still remain toon unlocks and if a player wants to get the map completion they will sstill have to go and get all of those per toon. thus preserving the exploration factor with event systems of players helping players.
3) fix the LFG system to make it port you inside the dungeon its self. when you leave it returns you to the last location of you toon. this will keep the same feel for the game as it has now but for those of us who pvp/wvw/ and eotm level out toons we are no longer punished for not exploring the majority of the world when we just want to do a few dungeons.
I really hope you guys consider and implement one of these fixes as to improve the pve experience for pvp, wvw, and eotm levelers as well as the game as a whole. Thank you for you time.
I like just about everything you said.
+1 for Mounts
+1 for Account Bound WP unlocks
+1 for better LFG tool
I like just about everything you said.
+1 for Mounts
+1 for Account Bound WP unlocks
+1 for better LFG tool
The troll brings their second account in to agree with themself.
I like just about everything you said.
+1 for Mounts
+1 for Account Bound WP unlocks
+1 for better LFG toolThe troll brings their second account in to agree with themself.
hey now. I’ve been trolling a lot longer than he’s even had an account… I think.
Siett, I hate to break it to you, but you can get to pretty much get to any dungeon in the game within a 10-15 minute walk (maybe 30 if you get sidetracked along the way), and that is with 0% exploration done.
It’s not that hard man. It’s really not.
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
If these things grieve you, why making an alt at all? Create a pvp character if that’s what you need, or use lvling tomes for pve characters.
Each character has its own story, it’s not logical for a lvl 1 character to have all the map/waypoints unlocked…
Also, personally, this is what keeps me in the game (when finished with living story stuff and cba for doing dungeons,…).
Heres a crazy idea
Completing a certain activity unlocks a nearby wp to be account-bound
This would include dungeons and perhaps world-bosses
Possibly unlocking only by completing story-mode/all paths/accomplishing a specific task in that activity (similar to how achievements work)
This would accomplish :
1. Easy access to end-game (cant believe i called it endgame) content on alts.
And i completley understand how annoying it is to unvulentarily repeat unwanted content on alts.
2. Maintaining the exploration aspect for alts\returning players\people with Alzheimers.
On a side note
Mounts are purely cosmetic, they mean nothing
What you’re asking for is a faster out-of-combat movement speed
Id take any class with perma swiftness and all its blinks\leaps\dashes
over a 50% speed boost mount to a racing contest any day
And you need to consider
Combat mounts are hard to implement
Out-of-combat mounts discourage fighting mobs and participating in events along the way
Which is terrible for the game, who’s going to save all those people along the way ??
(edited by Shooka.9712)
@way to CoF: You can go on top of the ice canyon to never meet a foe after crossing the river
And this is coming from someone who absolutely hates world completion.
Ok so here is my issue:the pve experience to me after the first character is horrible. we have to go re explore the same locations over and over and over again. Spend hours walking to just get the wp by a dungeon that we may or may not be able to complete. the LFG system is pathetic considering the fact that it will not port you from any where on the map inside the dungeon.
Oh my, you have to explore the world on your second character, how dreadful must that experience be….
It takes a couple of minutes to reach any dungeon map. Maybe you had the Walk toggled or something? Try pressing that same button to run. Also, you only have to do that once then you can just port there. what and inconvenience that is…
Actually you can enter a dungeon if you are anywhere in the same map, no need to reach the dungeon entrance and since most dungeon zones (excluding Arah, CoE and CoF) are very close to starter zones why is this even a problem?
What I see here is someone who is lazy.
No, stop being lazy.
/11 Chars – 3 world completions.
I have 1 good idea OP should add on this list XD.Why not add quest tracker like on other “awesome games” such as perfect world games…where you click on quest and your character runs alone and leads you to it.Why wasting time walking and pressing all those troublesome keyboard buttons when we can just watch character play game itself ! Awesome right !?
If you don’t want to play the game, then don’t play the game. Really, exploring the maps is part of that.
I have 10 level 80 characters, and the one I play the least is the one with map completion, because I can’t explore with her anymore.
1) No
2) No
3) NoStop being lazy.
I love mapping, every time I do it I see new things, meet new players and just have fun.
As such I’m against every one of your ideas OP.