Something I don't understand
I think it’s required for unlocking a trait.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
Arah offense has a series of events that include a ton of foes and a few champs. Arah defense is time-limited.
Arah offense automatically includes the High Wizard, and killing him unlocks a trait and pops an open-world boss chest. Arah defense doesn’t automatically include him (although they might have changed it to unlock the trait whether he’s present or not).
I’ve done the offense chain and defense and I get much more loot from offense. If it’s just the one event (final offense vs defense), then it depends on how fast the wizard goes down. All things equal, I get about the same amount of loot (of course, things are rarely equal).
Finally, I enjoy chained events more than isolated ones and the Arah assault chain is one of the more interesting ones.
So, if the map asked me to decide, I’d go for Arah offense every time.
Arah Defense drops significantly more t6 mats and bags in my experience. There is only a PERCIEVED sense of more worth doing offense, because it is drawn over a much longer amount of time.
I’m one of those people in favor of more Arah Defense farming. How’s the research coming in terms of research? I’ve heard something like it spawns every 70 minutes, or something.