Southsun Cove
Especially with the living story giving us two new areas (Silverwastes and Drytop) and the new Luminescence armor set, people are primarily set on that. The map is currently only really used for the Karka Queen world boss, other than that – nobody is really interested in it. Many people don’t see the point of doing things there because they don’t really get much out of it. Many players like the play style of the Silverwastes it’s definitely different than your everyday grind.
You can find players there on the days it is part of the Dailies. And when the KQ is active.
Otherwise, I suppose it is something like many other maps, though I usually find some people there whenever I stop by (which isn’t all that frequently).
Good luck.
Because Karkas are some of the more annoying mob types for open-world player who are used to feeling invincible xD
Why does no one play here?
What do you think are reasons for going there?
The veteran karkas have a guaranteed karka shell as a drop but there aren’t many of them around and they are spread pretty far apart.
There are barely any events on the map. One of which includes a oneshot mechanic while providing the same rewards as any other event. It doesn’t even unlock any useful vendor like some other events.
The only thing Southsun Cove is good for is Passion Flower.
depends on when you go. try to go to southsun right after you killed the evening tequatl, thats usually the time when bigger guilds go there to complete the camps and spawn the karka queen
Ever since the megaserver, I havent seen less than 3 commanders on this map at one time. Mostly people doing missions or farming vet karkas for gold, and ofc it gets mobbed when karka queen is up. Guess it all depends on which map the game decides to put you on, but its not empty like some of the older zones are
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
I don’t feel that it’s empty. I am there every day, outside of when the queen spawns. There is often a karka farm, although not as often since silverwastes became the meta-gold-farm. It is usually crowded on the weekends for g-missions.
Still, it feels underutilized, regardless of whether it is or is not well-populated.
It’s not really solo friendly.
It’s also annoying having karka all over you. Just icky.
Remember that one time event back in 2012? Now this could be re-made into a nice fractal. Word?
Why does no one play here?
What do you think are reasons for going there?
The veteran karkas have a guaranteed karka shell as a drop but there aren’t many of them around and they are spread pretty far apart.
There are barely any events on the map. One of which includes a oneshot mechanic while providing the same rewards as any other event. It doesn’t even unlock any useful vendor like some other events.
The only thing Southsun Cove is good for is Passion Flower.
So one of your reasons for not going there is that Karka shells are hard to come by due to the vets being few and far between.. but one of the reasons for going there is the Passion flowers.. which are like max 3 per map and don’t respawn.
The events are all centred around capture and hold mechanics the same as the wastes and I would hazard a guess this was an early attempt at bringing that thought process and organisational requirement into the game only problem is that there is so little activity required in between the events.
One of the reasons it’s not that popular as well is that the Karka Queen event has a long respawn timer and once you have it done once a day there is no point going back do the events and redoing the queen cos your only going to get a basic champ bag (and that isn’t a guaranteed drop either)… if it was once per day per character then it may entice players to come back more often.
But yeah the map is terribly underwhelming as if it was never really thought through properly by ANET and as a result is dead 90% of the day unless the new daily rotation lands on it.
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
ANET can make the map really more interesting by more events.
Why here aren´t escort events like silver waste?
For example…
– Tourist escort form ship to the tourist place
– Dolyak escort like silver waste bring food to the tourist form the ship
Or build a farm inside like the apple farm in queens dale. Can here for example a banana farm. :-D And then attacked by kraka and so on.
Here so many events can be… but ANET do just so few.
Or for example catch crab and bring it to a cook. (same like in silver waste with stone for the wall)
ANET should really redesign the map.
It was never really developed sadly. With no story left on it or interesting events, there is no reason to go apart from the boss and the jps.
Sad really, its on of my fav zones. Id like to see something like the sclerite weapons added back in, obtained in a way similar to dry top amber weaps. That would liven it up. Or something like the lost coins hunts.
to recap:
-rewards aren’t good enough
-the enemies are annoying
-the map design is annoying, ( i.e the contested bottleneck camp to access the west side of the map)
-events are from hard to impossible to solo, and there aren’t that many events anyway
-the map doesn’t contribute to 100% map exploration
Only reasons I go to southsun cove is karka queen and very occasionally jumping puzzles
Also, I like what Randulf said
even jumping puzzle are terrible… Skipping stones are one of the harder, and probably the most punishing puzzles available…
the second one are ok-ish.
Oh how I wish Anet would take a fraction of their development team and rework this zone.
I always thought it would be great if they had a developing side story where the Consortium would learn to control the Karka and then build the island to their own little island nation poised to take over the Tyrian coast- not the lame beach hotel that they have now.
They could be set to become really, really good bad guys … Kind of like the LexCorp of Tyria (Public face is all smiles, but underneath something else).
The only time I set my character’s feet on these shore is for the Karka queen, the guild events that take place there, and very very rarely to farm Karka.
Too bad too, as that zone had an epic ‘birth’, but got old well before its time.
I don’t know if you guys remember or not, but this zone used to have a rich orichalcum node at the top of the cave in the far west. Bringing that back alone would repopulate the area a bit. There used to be organized runs to it.
I don’t know if you guys remember or not, but this zone used to have a rich orichalcum node at the top of the cave in the far west. Bringing that back alone would repopulate the area a bit. There used to be organized runs to it.
I think it’s still there? Or maybe it’s just a guaranteed Ori node now.
Can’t say I’m a fan of Southsun overall. There isn’t much to do, no decent reward (who uses Apothecary gear?), and the wildlife there is irritating.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I feel like Southsun Cove could use an update.
Make it mirror the Silverwastes a bit more, and add TRIBAL armor as the ultimate goal (just like Luminescent armor is the ultimate goal of Silverwastes).
I’ve set foot in there a few times but not enough to know 100% everything about it. Hence saying that I WOULD know more if the map had something worth spending time in there but as far as I can tell:
- Mobs aren’t really solo friendly
- The JP is difficult I don’t even think I’ve beaten it yet
- Not really any events and if there are they aren’t rewarding
- Requires group work yet the map is empty before/after Karka Queen
- Only time it gets busy is Karka Queen
- The zone has no exploration goals/incentives (map completion)
- Nothing to buy here save for that interesting 150+ Toughness utility food item
There should be some sort of dungeon or add existing currently ‘un-obtainable’ items in there so that they are, finally, obtainable.
I honestly wouldn’t care HOW a new dungeon is implemented, say, some priory/vigil explorers have discovered an underground cave etc as a new dungeon or whatever.
I don’t think they aimed at anything with southsun.
The fact that they never fleshed it out since release, the sclerite weapons (and backpack) you could get there at one point doesn’t resemble anything that exists on the rest of the island, nothing even happened lorewise from the tidalwave that should have been created when the island appeared (orr’s rising caused a thousand problems, southsun… none).
My guess?
Southsun is what remains of an unfinished concept of what orr was to be at one point, but they eventually changed it into the doom n’ gloom place it now is.
but there are people who will help you get back up when you are downed
- PalwaJoko
There are a couple of karka shell farmers who are regular. It’s mostly for the mats to make the infusions as the reason to go to that map. The passiflora flowers and karka shells can’t be found anywhere else.
Why does no one play here?
Because, unless the Karka Queen pre-events are going, five minutes in Silverwastes will net you as much loot as an hour in Southsun Cove, and everything in this game is all about gold collecting. That’s the sad reality of it.
The lack of real rewards is the main reason people don’t go there anymore. That and it’s not solo friendly in the least. It’s good for shell and weapon master kills though. There are a TON of ambient crabs between the two ships in the north that respawn fairly quickly. Despite being ambient, they also count towards the shelled enemy slayer.
The Not-So-Secret Secret Of Southsun Cove
Why does no one play here?
Because there’s no reason to play there.
It’s a pain to solo for mediocre rewards, most events aren’t soloable at all, and groups tend to be nonexistent except for the Karka Queen, immediately after which the boss train heads off the to next event in some other map and leaves the place deserted again.
Southsun Cove is a vestigial artifact of a massive live event that never really went anywhere after that, and a monument to what happens when you build an area around group-only content. It just never gets above critical mass.
The map itself is beautiful and would have great potential if it was ever turned into a proper place to adventure, but sadly that just hasn’t happened, so there it sits, languishing away as an “uncharted desert isle”.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka