Southsun MF/GF bonus disappear after June 11?
I don’t think so, because the Karaka queen event is permanent. People won’t go back to it if the magic bonus is gone.
Did they say it was perma?
Dev post would be nice :p I cant be the only one wondering this.
And wouldnt this entice people to run in Southsun more than any other lvl 80 zone? Orr would be a ghost town.
I think they will remove it, no source, but makes sence
Good question. We get these boosts for the living story, depends on if the story stays on Southsun during the dragon bash or not. People will not be upleveled to 80 either when the story moves on.
The upleveling will stop I believe, the story stops. The events, not sure…the boosts, not sure.
Personally, I think this would imbalance the zones. why go to orr and deal with annoying risen when you have a 200% mf/gf bonus in southsun.
Given that the source of the buff is a Settler Negotiator, and that lore-wise the settlers are now free of their contracts and we aren’t going to see the settler/Consortium conflict, I’m pretty sure the buff will vanish as will the upscaling to 80.