Speaking honestly

Speaking honestly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sentientorganism.9712


My topic ‘New player… unimpressed’ on ‘The Lost Shores’ sub-forum
has been locked without any notification. I read the responses and they were generally reasonable and polite, so the only explanation that I can think of for it being locked is that it is critical.

Community managers should be offering support and encouragement to new players; they should be like ambassadors for GW2, not forcibly trying to silence any critique.

To run this forum like a dictatorship gives a negative impression and reflects poorly on ArenaNet – much moreso than some temporarily buggy events ever could.

I wasn’t fortunate enough to get a key and time was running out before the first event began, so I paid £40 for this game and I look forward to experiencing all that it has to offer. I’ll continue to offer my honest impressions on the various forums to which I belong even if i’m prevented from doing so here.


(edited by sentientorganism.9712)

Speaking honestly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twaddlefish.6537


It was probably locked because it should’ve been in Discussion, not the event forum. Still, would’ve been better if it had been moved.

If you have a look around Anet let some of the majorly critical threads continue.

Speaking honestly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morbidillusion.2759


These forums are probably the worst I’ve ever seen in terms of over-moderation. This thread doesn’t have a shot of staying open. Based on what I’ve seen the mods do, I really wonder if ANet knows exactly what they are doing. It seems like they must be “just trusting” them at the moment because they are on an absurd power trip.

Speaking honestly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sentientorganism.9712


It was probably locked because it should’ve been in Discussion, not the event forum. Still, would’ve been better if it had been moved.

If you have a look around Anet let some of the majorly critical threads continue.

I don’t think so to be honest, because it was pertinent to The Lost Shores content and not the game generally. I have looked around and in fact I can see a number of other topics that have been locked. The only thing they all have in common is that they are critical.

Speaking honestly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anymras.5729


They locked several threads in the Lost Shores forum, all with “Thank you for your feedback,” and no explanation of why they closed the thread. Beginning to think communication is not this group’s forte.

Speaking honestly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lagrangeify.5641


I’m afraid that’s the way it goes on a game’s official forum. Actually, they let a vast amount of criticism go by without challenge so I’m not sure what the criteria was that they applied to your post, other than perhaps it was repeating information that was already covered frequently elsewhere? Who knows – without anything other than canned responses from the CMs, it’s a guessing game.

If you really feel like you’re being dogged by over-zealous censorship, maybe call in on http://www.guildwars2guru.com, it’s a decent community there, well moderated but a little less inclined to stomp on bad news.