Species and Attraction
I feel like this discussion is like that scene from Mallrats where the dude keeps asking Stan Lee hypotheticals about various superhero sex organs
… And that is hilarious. Hehe
Asura are said to find big ears very attractive.
I can weigh in on asura, but I don’t know about charr or the other subspecies.
Ears are probably the most important thing to asura. For male -> female, there’s a preference toward nicely shaped (whatever that is) ears, and size isn’t a huge concern. For female -> male, there’s a strong preference toward long/big ears: the bigger the better. Back in Guild Wars 1, there was Oggy, a male asura with tiny ears who couldn’t get any female attention as a result of it. The female asura he tries to pick up seem revolted by the tininess of his ears.
Also (I don’t know if this goes both ways), wide foreheads. In Old College Try (a canon piece of asuran lore), a female asura leans forward and traces her own forehead to (successfully) distract a male krewemate, quite reminiscent of a human female bending forward to show her cleavage.
Edit: I think there’s a preference toward females with moderate/small ears and that long ears are viewed as masculine.
(edited by Dinny.5310)
Their all mammalian in form. According to research on animal behavior, any species will procreate with another if it has the proper equipment. There has even been research on same sex necrophilia in the mallard duck think that article won an award.
Basically if it’s got the parts and the male is appropriately in the mood as with a female. Things can happen. Attraction can often become moot when a need arises.
However past the point of needs, attraction based on the human mammalian structure they all share this function of form so I think it goes without saying they can all be easily attracted, except perhaps the Char which falls out of the mammalian form structure slightly.
Love me some big furry Char!
[Rage] Smelly Tree Sap — Band Camp Babe — Bannned Character--Spooner
Their all mammalian in form. According to research on animal behavior, any species will procreate with another if it has the proper equipment. There has even been research on same sex necrophilia in the mallard duck think that article won an award.
Ah yes, I believe they chopped off a female’s head and presented it to males and found that they would still mate with the severed head.
@OP, first you’re right about the symmetry. It’s known as the golden ratio and basically dictates what is attractive.
I believe the Asura, as others have mentioned value ears and foreheads as measurements of attractiveness. I would also assume that they factor in intelligence as well, as do I.
All righty, so we have a lot on Asura, but what of Charr? And Skritt and Quaggan as well? Was there anything based there?
I think its common knowledge that Quaggan like teeth!
well I had a female asura chat up my human female- but i guess that was just internet weirdness.
I am sort of wondering about my sylvari because she feels very emotionally stunted to me.
Sylvari are sort of the exception when you look at humanoid, mammalian forms, even the Charr are more familiar, because we see them as giant felines. Sylvari just break the mold
I’m willing to bet that Skritt like a shiny coat.
i think that Skritt would be looking to get with as many as possible, because aren’t they smarter as their group is larger? as far as initial attraction goes, it doesn’t seem like their genders posses any noticeable “shinies”.
Do the Sylvari just randomly pollinate, because they are plant-like? or do they bud, like some RL plants (the thing where the plant just grows a bud that eventually detaches from the main plant, and grows on it’s own)?
Charr could maybe look at horn sizes or looks? or maybe the number of horn or ear piercings. i am guessing they look towards strength and war/combat enthusiasm. their names do reflect similarly to the roman(?) language. or maybe how poofy their tails are.
Asurans are probably all about ear size (+1 for Oggy and his leaves), and intellect or scientific endeavors.
The Norn probably just ask each other if they lift, followed by nights of Snoo-Snoo. either those animal forms of theirs come in handy, or the men hibernate all winter.
Do the Sylvari just randomly pollinate, because they are plant-like? or do they bud, like some RL plants (the thing where the plant just grows a bud that eventually detaches from the main plant, and grows on it’s own)?
This is pretty fully detailed in the lore. Sylvari don’t reproduce in the normal sense at all: they are all “fruits” of the Pale Tree, who alone is the mother of all Sylvari on this continent.
As far as I know, it hasn’t been established whether every Sylvari has the potential to mature into a reproductive form themselves. We do know that the Pale Tree herself never had a humanoid form: she grew from a seed into a tree, and was just a tree for about two-hundred years before she started producing humanoid offshoots about twenty-five years ago (the oldest Sylvari known in Maguuma are only twenty-five).
We do know that because Sylvari don’t reproduce in their humanoid form, their romances are about emotional bonding, not procreation, and perhaps for this reason they are not usually very concerned either way with the gender of their partners.