Spending 4000 gems
Don’t rush your spending. Those gems are not going anywhere. That said the things I have spent gems on that I found most useful were the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic, permanent gathering tools, shared inventory slots, material storage expander, and the Royal Terrace Pass. Of course since you bought Ultimate you get the new Lily of the Elon Permanent Pass that you can use after launch, so no need to buy any of the existing passes that may be for sale at this time.
Given that there are most likely going to be new mount skins sold after launch you may want to save some gems if that interests you.
Again my advice is to hang on to the gems until you see something you really want that you feel will improve your gaming experience. Gems don’t expire so no reason to go on a crazy spending spree.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
There’s a few options I would recommend. For starters, anniversary sale should be coming up; I would compile a list of things you want/need and purchase at that time. Things to consider( at least stuff that I would prioritize) would be some convenience items like copper fed salvage kit, shared inventory slots, additional bank storage or toon storage, stuff that you are likely to use everyday. Even if you want to convert it all to gold and buy something from trading post I would still advise waiting. During the sales there is bound to be at least one item that will make a lot of people convert gold to gems to get. Take advantage of that opportunity and enjoy your purchase.
because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind
I would say max your bank and storage space first, if you haven’t yet. Then consider a salvage-o-matic. But keep in mind, we may get some really awesome fun things in conjunction with PoF’s release. So unless you see something you’d like that is leaving the store soon, perhaps you should hold onto the gems for a little while.
Mostly I’d say get useful QoL things, then account-wide guaranteed things you will be able to use for a long time (outfits, skins), with an eye towards items that aren’t always there. And if some things are just too awesome to wait on, well, that is a fine option too!
My rule of thumb RL on buying non-essential fun things is “will I regret passing this up tomorrow? Next week? A few months from now? A year or two from now?” and weigh how long I’ll regret it versus how much of a hit to my wallet it is. You can do the same with your 4K gems budget.
I got my gems today, and I immediately bought the unlimited unbound magic gathering tools combo. It’s something I’ve had my eye on for months (partially because I want a second set of tools to put on my second “main”, and partially because I wanted a lazy way to get bonus unbound magic), so I just immediately went for it. So, if there’s something you’ve had your eye on for a long time, I’d say go for it. If there’s not anything you KNOW you want and will use, then I’d just hold onto the gems. Wait for a while (at the very least until PoF release) and see if anything new comes around.
How long did it take to get your gems? Its been 2 days since I ordered it.
How long did it take to get your gems? Its been 2 days since I ordered it.
It took about 54 hours for me to get mine. It can take up to 72 hours, so just be patient.
Personally i wait for sales to drop on things I like or want.
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger
How long did it take to get your gems? Its been 2 days since I ordered it.
Should have read the rider on the purchase page where it clearly states up to 72 hrs.
Definitely copper fed SOM, then wait for anniversary sales and keep an eye out for new harvesting tools (maybe wait for pof to see if new map currency or tools that are better than the unbound magic gathering tools).
Otherwise save the rest and you could wait for the spike in gem-gold price which usually occurs at the anniversary sale and get a good rate of converting to gold, or simply wait for that mount/glider/outfit skin you want when it comes along.
Save the rest for PoF launch.
If you have over 200g and nothing to get, convert to gems.
Spend it all on Black Lion Keys and gamble.
There are the things that changed the game for me:
- Shared Inventory Slots: gives every character access to the stuff you use ever day. I’ve got the max number of slots and I have enough routinely-used items to fill up another full set.
- Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic. Everything generates loot and most of that is most easily dealt with by salvaging.
- Infinite-use gathering tools are, combined with the shared inventory, a huge inventory and time saver for me.
- Extra Character Slots — I’ve never felt I’ve had too many, but I only buy 1-2 and only when they are on sale at 400 or 600 gems (usual price: 800). They can collect birthday presents, JP loot, or a sit at a tree or other node farm. Plus, additional storage.
I got 4800 and it ain’t going anywhere, I could buy keys when they are on special to get scrap tickets for weapon skin, or I could wait until the release of POF to see what’s new in the store, but I still would like to buy only on special to get my money’s worth.
The Abbadon Weapon set by the way, is way cool at 2 tickets a piece I got 4, and the darker your environment is the more they seem to glow all the red parts not simply the red ball.
If you want to max your bank space then when you are in your bank click on the gear in the bottom corner of the last bank space. You can accidentally buy extra bank tabs and then you can’t use them.
That being said try to only buy things when they go on sale that you want.
I have maxed the bank space, shared inventory slots, silver o-matic, only 1 set of infinite tools, extra char slots – enough for at least one of each profession (mixed with 1 of each race), if I get any BL keys it’s only when on sale, some more bag for the other char slots.
Perm gathering tools will be the best choice for long run saving of coins.
After that it is up to you what you value the most.
the best things you can buy:
- Bank Slots
- Shared Inventory Slots
- Copper-Fed-Salvage-o-Matic (put it in your shared inventory slot)
Apart from that i guess Inventory Bag Slots, Character Slots, Storage Expander (at least 1x) are nice things to have
The QoL improvements from buying all the things i mentioned is really nice
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
Do not forget the option of extra Character slots. I tend to like my existing builds in the way of gear and the like and will likely buy a few more slots just to try the new specs wherein I do not have to cannibalize an existing build.
What to get depends on play style, but in direct answer to your question I’d probably go for those bigger things. If I get the Ultimate, I’ll likely get more Shared Inventory Slots.
I’d say, wait with spending, keep,at least half your gems.
Some things worth buying may be infinite tools, copper salvage kit, extra slots of various kinds, but the expantion will most likely have mount skins, wait for that, too
I’d advice you to hold on to a large portion of those gems until a few weeks after the PoF release. Big chance they will add a bunch of new PoF-themed stuff to the gem store, that you may be interested in.
When HoT hit we saw glider skins entering the gem store not soon after. I expect there to be mount skins up in a few weeks after release as well.
I’m not spending a single gem until PoF lands.
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
I’m not going to buy anything I wouldn’t be anyway.
I got the Ultimate Edition because if the 4000 gems replaces gems I’d buy normally I can subtract the £42.50 they cost from what I paid and get the Deluxe Edition for £27.50. If I then spend those 4000 gems on stuff I’d never get normally and end up buying more gems that goes out the window.
Regardless of how you spend them I strongly recommend waiting for the anniversary sale. They normally do a few different sales throughout August (e.g. one set of items will be sold for 3-7 days, then they’ll be replaced with others, and so on) and it’s normally a mix of current items being discounted and new and returning items being made available.
It’d be really annoying to pay full price for something you only kind-of want just to see it sold for 1/2 price a few weeks later. Or to spend 4000 gems on stuff you kind-of want and then find stuff you really want added just after.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Don’t rush your spending. Those gems are not going anywhere.
That said here some guidelines I feel are worth mentioning as far as gems and account upgrades go (I have 16 shared inventory slots, royal terrase pass, silver and coper fed salvag-o, 2 sets of permanent picks, full bank tabs, 4 crafting professions per character, multiple characters with full inventory, etc.), I will list them in order I feel they add the best quality of life improvements (purely subjective):
- First shared inventory slot and a copper-fed-salvage-o
- Second shared inventory slot and Royal Terasse pass (or similar)
- (shared inventory slot of permanent bank access, putting this in brackets since the gold investment is huge)
- Shared inventory slots 3-5 with 1 set of permanent tools (to have access to them on every character)
- full inventory space on your main character
- extra bank tabs
- extra shared inventory slots for things like Living World Portal Tome and Infinite Omnimist Potion
Basically you first things you should get is a minimum amount of shared inventory slots for things you want access to with every character. That has precedent over any single character or even banktab upgrades.
Ever since the crafting recepie upgrade that teaches recepies to every character the more crafting skills purchase is not as cruicial (I bought mine before that).
The permanent crafting tools are not that useful, they are quite useful combined with shared inventory slots so you can always use them. A big investment.
The Silver-fed-salvage-o can easily be replaced with a Mystic Salvage Kit.
I bought a glider skin. The rest will be saved for PoF skins or conversion to gold
Shared slots and infinite salvaging tool are must have items. Bank tabs if you have or going for permanent bank access. Pretty much everything else is not important and can be bought with gold later on. Never buy keys unless you are bored.
The main thing I’d suggest if you haven’t already bought them in the past is a Copper-Fed and a set of whichever permanent tools that interest you. Past that I might look at a few bank slots, a few bag slots for your favorite character, shared slots, and material storage as priority buys. At least imo.
I personally already have all of those things so it left me looking at what I might want as a “luxury” buy. I’m thinking a second set of permanent tools (Unbound to take the place of my Watchwork) so that I can have a set to share around on whichever alt I’m 100%ing on map completion. Then with the rest I think I’m going to gift my daughter either a Copper-Fed or a mini pet depending on which she prefers. Finally, I think I might buy the Fox mini pet as it is adorable.
I really should buy more shared slots honestly though. I’ll see if I’m smart about it or not once the gems arrive.
I got the unbound magic gathering tools, since they seem to be discounted right now. For the rest I shall hold onto them and wait for sales or if they come out with something must-have following the PoF release.