Spinal Backpiece Suggestion

Spinal Backpiece Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavell.7396


So after fighting plenty of Watchknights in Lion’s Arch… I can’t help but to wonder why our Spinal Backpieces do not work in same manner, watchknights move them according to what they are doing, yet we not.
When watchknight is walking slowly, blades are folded down, every hammer attack also makes them move accordingly just to make it look better.

Now this was my personal sadness about all the wings, and spinal backpiece now, they are static and flap around like crazy at all times, why not make backpieces more action based? Changing when you run, jump, walk, attack. One fixed behaviour for attacks with all weapons (like folded down) would work for all classes like this.

Is it because races have different weapon swing animations, the reason of us getting always simple animated stuff on our backs instead of more polished one?

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