Splitting Post Processing

Splitting Post Processing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akuni.8604


Hello fellow posters and hopefully Anet devs,

I have a simple suggestion/issue that I’d like to have adressed in the (near) future: As you can read in the topic name, I’d like Post Processing to be split into all the different options that are bundled into this options currently.

I haven’t used Post Processing for over a year now and I gotta say I miss the shaders and whatnot from time to time – But at the same time I can’t stand the character inking that’s tied to PP. I’d love to have the option to turn on shaders, smooth lighting, screen tints like necro shroud and the rest without the need to take character inking and certain filters.
And I guess many feel the same. If they could I guess many would take specific points of the current PP but not all. Some for example prefer to not have the necro tint because it makes certain AoEs hard to see. Others would prefer no char inking like me because it kills immersion (Others love it because it’s easier to keep track of the chars in huge fights).

The new Light Adaption option is also tied to PP (You can’t take it with no PP enabled), that’s sad. I shouldn’t be forced to take a full pqackage when I only need a few things. You can also for example buy single bottles of water instead of being forced to take 12 every time… Okay that example may suck but you get the idea…

So with that said, please consider splitting PP. in the near future.

If you as a poster support this idea, please leave a short comment what you don’t like from the current PP settings being a bundle.

Thank you for reading this sorta rant, cheers!