[Spoiler] SAB weapon colors
Oh! That’s a very good observation. I’d love to see pink and purple SAB weapons.
Initially I thought they were using the bauble colours (Blue → Green → Yellow/Orange → Red → Purple) but at the time I neglected the yellow Storm Wizard weapons and assumed Red and Purple would be the next two sets to come.
Red and Purple SAB-weapons were shown in the wardrobe at some point in-game.
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.
I would LOVE to have them on pink and purple.
Considering the blog post on the 31st described the orange weapons as ‘continuing down the spectrum’ I’d assumed the weapons were following the colours of the rainbow (although they’re in reverse order, and start part way through). That would leave red, indigo, and violet still to go.
Well, the original plan was for the SAB weapon skin colours to follow the bauble color scheme (ie. red and purple would have been next).
I believe Josh even basically confirmed this either in one of his many forum posts around the release of Back to School or as an answer to a question on a stream for that same release (I have a vague recollection of the latter personally, but it has been years). This is also supported by the datamining done around the same time that Nero referenced to in his post.
However, the fact that they chose to add orange colored weapons tells me one of two things, either they are completely shifting to the weapon rarity colors (in which case, I want me some white SAB skins, pretty please) or they used the orange color here because they want to reserve the existing red and purple skins for their original purpose, if they ever get to develop SAB further, as rewards for remaining Tribulation modes. It could also be both mind you.
A lot of you may already know that … but I wondered why they chose orange as the color for the new Kaiser Snake weapons when we already had yellow ones … but then it hit me. It’s the item quality codes.
fine > masterwork > rare > exotic > ….
blue > green > yellow > orange > pink > purple
I’ve been saying this for three years and getting shouted down every time. (vindication is mine)
So we may see pink SAB weapons next year?
I think for the ‘ascended’ counterpart to Super skins, they’ll be red, or magenta.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
Ill suffer through that kitten show if Im able to get pink versions.
Levi Ironhart, Cassandra Irehart, Lucio Trothart
Discord Gearhart, Naevius Soulhart, Frisk Softhart
The final boss has black swords with a red outline iirc, was thinking that’d be the final coloring scheme.
Ill suffer through that kitten show if Im able to get pink versions.
It’s an acquired taste, or so I am told.
A lot of you may already know that … but I wondered why they chose orange as the color for the new Kaiser Snake weapons when we already had yellow ones … but then it hit me. It’s the item quality codes.
fine > masterwork > rare > exotic > ….
blue > green > yellow > orange > pink > purpleSo we may see pink SAB weapons next year?
Very Nice.
The real problem is to wait for 3 years for pink and 6 years for purple.
The next world ones are red and purple. The weapon colors go by the bauble color rarity of which color gives the most baubles. Who knows when that time will come though.
Blue = 1, green = 5, yellow = 10, red = 20, purple = 50.
Orange was just a special one for Chivos. Maybe there’ll be more special ones from such if they ever add more SAB content.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
I keep hearing the purple and red sab weps were seen in datamining at one point, is there a source? It’s not that I don’t believe, but I’m curious how they look.
The final boss has black swords with a red outline iirc, was thinking that’d be the final coloring scheme.
Actually I believe they are on (pixelated) fire.
Hmm, that’d work too, would be nice if it was basically a reward for completing SAB, like, every character that finishes SAB gets to pick one endgame skin.
The orange ones actually make more sense than the yellow ones, honestly.
The 10-bauble pick ups are orange, not yellow. Even the hidden shop in W1Z3 where you can buy baubles says they’re orange. I always thought it was kind of weird that the 2nd Trib mode set was yellow given that fact. I can’t remember if it was just fan theory that they were following bauble colors or whether Josh himself confirmed it
I guess it makes more sense if they’re going by item rarity. But then there wouldn’t be red ones at all, so even then its not a perfect theory since I believe red showed up in datamining at some point back when SAB’s 2nd release hit.
The alternative, however, is that they just needed another color to add and they weren’t going to use red or purple because they’re saving those in case they ever do get around to adding World 3 and 4 Tribulation Mode. Which wouldn’t really leave many options if they’re going for bright primary / secondary colors, so orange just got picked as the best possible option of the choices left.
I still only like the blue.. Green was passable but the rest bleh..
I still only like the blue.. Green was passable but the rest bleh..
While I like some of the green and orange skins, I too prefer blue overall.
I think its because blue has more contrasts to it. The hilts have some different colors to them, sometimes red jewels and such, the shield has the yellow face with the blue outline, that sort of thing. With all the other colors its all just the one color and that’s it pretty much.
Its also easier to see the white to color pulsing gradient effect on the holographic bits with the blue weapons, since all the other colors are really light to begin with, so the change to white isn’t as apparent. If we ever get the purple or red ones it’ll probably look better on those as well.
(edited by Electro.4173)
Things seem to indicate that it will be a red weapon set and not pink, judging by bauble colours and the fact that we have a red SAB aura.
I just hope they eventually add the missing aura colours.
Red and Purple SAB-weapons were shown in the wardrobe at some point in-game.
Does someone have a screenshot of this maybe. Haven’t found some on the interwebs.
I really like the orange personally, looks great with the sword and shield. Though yea, blue is still one of the better colors generally.
(I liked the orange shades for lightsabers most in SWKotoR and ToR, well, aside from silver/white lol)
….. hmm, white SAB skins anyone??