Staff Animations

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Hi there, community,

Lately something came to my attention, some classes (necros and guardians) have amazing staff animations, whereas mesmers and elementalists (specifically) lack them

Personally I cant come up with any good ideas to mesmers, but for elementalists it makes me sad that we dont have almost any.

Now now, i know about effects cluster, but dont you feel epic when you cast guardian’s staff #1, even though it does pitiful damage? Dont you feel like the grimreaper itself when you cast necro staff #1, even though it can be sidestepped by a frozen quaggan? Well, eles have only one noticeable effect (IMO one of the most epic casting skills in the game) and that is air #2. The other one is an obscure one which is so obscure it just isnt even noticed at almost all, and that is fire #3.

Would it be amazing if for fire #5 instead of everything coming from the caster’s hands, he cleaver the ground with the staff, the top lights with a hellish fire which burn even the threads of reality, all that while the caster slowly raises his hands in an effort to deliver hell itself to earth. For water #5 i was thinking that maybe the caster raises up the staff and swings it in an 8(ish) motion as water raises from the feets of the caster and channels through the staff till it reaches the end. For earth #5 I was thinking maybe a shockblast effect that distorts the surroundings (visual only). FIre two would make the tip of the staff explode in a contained manner.

Things like those would make the class funner to watch (and MORE EPIC) rather that seeing the guy use the staff only as a walking stick and having a hand’s exhibitions.

Wouldnt you like this, community? Thoughts, ideas, please

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ratty.5176


Wait, Necros have good staff animations? they have one animation for all 5 abilities.. where as Ele at least have some variety.

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: captaincrash.6528


Biggest reason that made me pick Necromancer to be honest. I felt him and the Mesmer simply had the most ‘personality’ out of all the professions. I usually play Warrior, but it was boring just doing basic attacks while Necros had all that black smokey stuff, and Mesmer clones were shattering around and had that signature noise, I don’t even know what it is.

Crash ~ Charr Reaper

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: An Oak Knob.1275

An Oak Knob.1275

The coolest ele animation is the Earth pull thing! You know the one with rocks everywhere turning towards you and then you release it in a big explosion

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: LastDay.3524


The coolest ele animation is the Earth pull thing! You know the one with rocks everywhere turning towards you and then you release it in a big explosion

That’s Churning Earth, an Off-Hand Dagger skill.
And yeah it looks amazing!
It’s not a staff skill, though.


Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


I really like the animation for the third Necromancer dagger skill – the character holds the dagger up and uses it to slice its own hand, making a nice slashing sound. It’s very fitting with the whole “sacrificial dagger” theme.

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put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


What I want is a different standing animation for human males wielding a staff. Human females look awesome- they stand up straight and hold their staff like they are the boss. Human males are all hunched over like they’re constipated :-P I would love it if my guy just stood there with his staff like normal when it was wielded.

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Starscream.6498


The coolest ele animation is the Earth pull thing! You know the one with rocks everywhere turning towards you and then you release it in a big explosion

That’s Churning Earth, an Off-Hand Dagger skill.
And yeah it looks amazing!
It’s not a staff skill, though.

I think he meant Staff Ele’s 2 in Earth Attunement – Eruption, in which case, yeah, it’s pretty nice

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


Is the meteor shower on the staff? I like that one, where the ele floats in the air and twirls, also twirling their hand?

I always watch eles throwing their skills about and looking really cool (makes me wish I did better with that class).

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Is the meteor shower on the staff? I like that one, where the ele floats in the air and twirls, also twirling their hand?

I always watch eles throwing their skills about and looking really cool (makes me wish I did better with that class).

yes, but we are talking baout the weapon itself showing some animations, something that looks good, something that makes the weapon useful other than as a walking stick, after all the staff has a magic focus on the top where the magic should direct after being channelled

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


yeah it’s something i wondered my self a lot, why necro have this cool staff animation and the other scholars just use the staff like it’s just a cane to make you stand?

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Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


and also, why we wield a staff but we cast magic from the free hand? why is it a 2 handed weapon since we basically use only one hand to wield it like gandalf never existed?

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Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Villious.8530


I really like the animation for the third Necromancer dagger skill – the character holds the dagger up and uses it to slice its own hand, making a nice slashing sound. It’s very fitting with the whole “sacrificial dagger” theme.

I never noticed that! Cool.

Staff Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Mesmer and Necro don’t even use stakitten as a weapon. They use their left hand. Like, what’s the point of even holding the staff? At least Guardian actually uses it for like…2 skills lol