Stalwart's Shoulders (skin)
“Stalwart armor is a mostly unobtainable armor set. The chestpiece can be obtained by completing the level 39 personal story step on any medium armor wearing class. Each of the 3 chestpieces offered have the same skin, so players can choose any of them. All other pieces of the set are currently unobtainable, except by players who unlocked the skins during the old PvP reward system.”
I do have a helmet (wich i got from PvP) and the coat (personal story reward). Personal story do have a rewards as the Stalwart’s armor pieces (boots and gloves) but their skins are not truely Stalwart’s one. Only the name. I realize that some thing in this game should be unic or realy hard to obtain, but deleting completely is not an option, in my homble opinion.
Hope ANet will post their Answer here. Realy hope.
The only answer Devs have given on the old exclusive-PvP armor, is that it may be added to the Reward tracks…some day.
Highly unlikely you will get any other answer than what was posted previously.
I got mine before the removal of the pvp wardrobe locker, but I got it from an achievement chest. Not sure if that is possible any more, I haven’t been playing for 8 months and with all the changes can’t be sure.
PS rewards include other pieces, but they are not called ‘Stalwart’, IIRC. (‘Commando’, maybe?)
It’s been awhile, but I believe you can get the hat, coat and boots for sure.
PS rewards include other pieces, but they are not called ‘Stalwart’, IIRC. (‘Commando’, maybe?)
It’s been awhile, but I believe you can get the hat, coat and boots for sure.
They are named based on the stats they provide not the actual PvP skin name. Note that the Stalwart name DOES appear in the skin information on item details.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
No Stalwart’s skins (except of coat) via Story Line rewards. So its ipmossible to earn those skins in such way. You have a choice between items with similar names but not the skins.
Bumping a 3 month old thread because I am that desperate.
The months are passing and still no stalwart.
It is unfourtunate enough I have not been playing at the time the skins were available but I finally want to finish my complete look and I am missing the shoulders.
Dear Anet, Is it not possible to activate the reward tracks again? Or just simply put in into the gem store, I dont mind. I mean, its all here, nothing new to develop. Just reactive it again please
I am also eager to unlock this skin. I’ve just looked through every weapon skin on the argos-soft website and this is the only one I found that worked with the look I’m trying to create.
I have the Krytan armor skin but I don’t like the shoulder piece. I’ve reskinned my shoulders 4 times trying to find the right fit but the stalwart shoulders are the only ones I like with the set.
Please bring this armor back. Or at least just the shoulders!
I would like to see the pvp heavy guild armor come back too!
The easiest way to re-implement the old pvp only wardrobe items is via a new PvP reward track. I recommend you push suggestions in that direction.
I don’t care how they reintroduce it. But sure if they want to push PvP so hard and get everyone interested in it, I’d play sPvP for the skins I’m looking for.
Bring on the PvP reward skins, ANet!
But sure if they want to push PvP so hard and get everyone interested in it, I’d play sPvP for the skins I’m looking for.
The skins were originally a PvP reward, how does including them in a reward track suddenly “push PvP so hard”?
They were also available through achievment reward chests, which could be gained merely by PvE and a lot of luck with what you got. That’s how I originally got my Stalward shoulder.
Oh I didn’t mean that making them a PvP reward track was pushing PvP hard.
I was saying that they ARE pushing sPvP hard if you look at all the announcements they are making and hype they’re trying to build with the tournaments. They want to get into eSports and they need a lot of people playing sPvP to do it.
So I was just saying, if they REALLY want me to get into sPvP, I’d oblige them gladly if I could earn that skin and a couple others.
Still Relevant
Yes still need those skins >.<
Bumping for great justice for pvp reward trax
yes pls i want this too
I got the whole set, plus a piece or two of the Tribal armor set, because I PvP’d for it.
You only needed a few materials to make Stalwart in the PvP Mystic Forge too, not even needing a high rank.
I do want them to put all of the unobtainable PvP skins into a reward track, but I think the end box of it should be RNG as to which of the unobtainable skins you get from selecting “Boot Box” “Shoulder Box” etc. Since it was RNG to get them out of the PvP Mystic Forge to begin with.
Bump! ANet, please!
bump!!!!!! bump bump bump and BUMP
I want this aswell…a lot.
Me too! The set can be rewarded on a new track. If it’s re-released in the gem store that’d be cool too but preferably it’ll keep its PvP cache so whenever you run past someone wearing the set they’ll think, “That guy PvP’d quite a bit he’s so cool!” Yes make the new criteria a little harder than the original set, maybe two pieces can be awarded for champion genius (I’m making an engineer purely to obtain this title ^_^ but have other priorities like finishing the ascended light shoulders and gloves for the artisan craft achieve :( ), another two for champion shadow, and the other two for champion whatever for Ranger. Druid and scrapper (scrapper even counters dragon hunter, which in turn counters revenant and thief) are strong so thief would be the challenge for the achievement.
Or have the Stalwart set pieces be obtainable just via reward track and have a new set based off Stalwart but with effects for the champion medium classes achievement? Something like luminescent but with Stalwart in place of Carapace with improved dye functionality (reds look very pink on luminescent :( )
Please reintroduce this again…. I realllly want the shoulders.
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE
bumb. Super important shoulders I want!
content already made and in the game, highly in demand by players, people already have it if they played years ago…
wait until the next expansion, maybe they’ll put it as a rare drop for treasure supermushrooms
These were really unique. Please put them back in the game.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Please read:
It should be kept exclusive; for all the old players who got it, in memory of old pvp days plus the work to get it. Otherwise there is no way to tell who played really long ago.
It is like a prize, if it is gave away to new players the skins would lose its meaning, skins need to get a lot of hidden/exclusive old flavour too! ;
Plus since guild wars 2 does not have many exclusives like other games do, that is one more reason to start having these exclusive.
Plus with raids new people will probably want to use the new raiding ones instead as they are the show off ones.
If there are skins exclusive for raiding, there should be exclusive skins for pvp and exclusive skin for old players that played the game really long ago or since the start!!!
Keep this as a prestige old skin in memory of the old days like i said above, and add new skins to keep the new players happy. It would not be fair for the old players if these was just added to all players…
(edited by JPUlisses.8756)
Otherwise there is no way to tell who played really long ago.
home instance nodes
BL skins
SAB stuff (backpacks, boomboxes, minis)
one-time minis in general
limited-time gemstore skins
and soon, dungeon skins too!
then there’s the huge leg up old players have from being around a while, like laurels, mats, tomes of knowledge, free exclusive dyes, tons of liquid assets, etc etc
I meant for old pvp players, there are only a few skins. But yes there is more stuff for all other type of players specially pve.
Plus some achievements, some nodes can’t be really used to show off, skins and minis are/should be the best way I think to be “rewarded” for your old efforts.
Guild wars 1 also had many unique skins, in fact the system of guild wars 1 to guild wars 2 was all about exclusive skins, and seeing this as a 1 year old forum thread, it is good to see Anet keeps that way and does not forget the old players and their valuable emotional sentimental treasure.
(edited by JPUlisses.8756)
I meant for old pvp players, there are only a few skins. But yes there is more stuff for all other type of players specially pve.
Plus some achievements, some nodes can’t be really used to show off, skins and minis are/should be the best way I think to be “rewarded” for your old efforts.
Guild wars 1 also had many unique skins, in fact the system of guild wars 1 to guild wars 2 was all about exclusive skins, and seeing this as a 1 year old forum thread, it is good to see Anet keeps that way and does not forget the old players and their valuable emotional sentimental treasure
dude you know you could get that skin outside of pvp right? i didn’t touch pvp for like two years, but i got a ton of pvp skins from the original personal story rewards and the original achievement chests (which would have pvp skin chests in them)
I understand, that many Players want to show off how long they played and especially in PVP the pride is high. But you do get the chest-piece of this armor in the Personal story so it does seem very weird and kind of incomplete to me that you can’t get the rest of the armor set anywhere else anymore.
I mean.. come on. It’s just a darn tease … I really would love to see a possibility to get this armor skin again. It would look so darn cool on my Engineer…