Starting a Podcast?
There have been a lot of gw2 podcasts in the past. A quick Google search shows that.
Most of them have shut down the majority within year one. The problem is that you very quickly run out of stories to tell or thing to report or argue about as all conversation at length or in depth about the game end up at the same place.
That place being why doesn’t a net do this or I wish they would do that man I’m sure losing faith in this game.
Lack of dev interaction. Means you also won’t be getting any interviews or good question and answer riffing.
I don’t want to say don’t try it but think critically before you start. Do you have enough material to last for a year or two already or would you be dependant on game updates past your first few episodes.
“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet
You may, or may not, find this sub-forum helpful:
Guildcast (Shawn and Rubi) , VisualWood Podcast, GuildGab, Guildcast (Gamebreaker), and more. GuildGab is still going but as far as I can tell the others are done.
They all have been really high quality with great personalities. Sadly the demand or desire was just not there.
(P.S. We miss you Rubi and Shawn. Please do one more episode… maybe to announce an expansion.)
if you report on all the time gated implementations arena net uses to avoid putting actual content in their game you’ll never run out of things to podcast
Oh, how I miss Tales of Tyria…
Most of the GW2 podcasts podfaded (ie. died). The two ongoing ones that I subscribe to are:
Guild Wars Reporter
Relics of Orr
Working on: Engineer