Starting up again
Can’t comment on personal story since I haven’t tried them all.
I think Elementalist is the most interesting/fun class to play due to the mobility and all the abilities and attunements at my disposal. Haven’t tried Mesmer too deeply yet, but they look pretty fun – that will be my next character.
I cannot speak for the Norn’s personal story, however I read somewhere that the Norn and Humans were voted as having the weakest story of all the races. I mean, this is totally subjective, but it’s worth pointing out. I have 2 Sylvari, and 1 Asura. I have greatly enjoyed both my Sylvaris story’s (picked different options whenever I could) and my Asura’s. If your not into the race your playing, your not going to feel as attached. Make sure you enjoy more then just the visuals of the race. Their culture is just as important if care about the story.
As for class’s… The three most complained about classes atm. (for being underwhelming) are the Engineer, Necromancer, and Ranger. My first two characters were a Guardian and a Mesmer. I am working on a Necro atm and I can see the problems already. They just seem less interesting in their mechanics.
My advice to you is to play anything other then those three until they fix out the kinks.
I hope thats helpful ^^
Warrior is the best profession hands down
All the stories are pretty lackluster and eventually tie into the same thing anyways.
Asura and Sylvari have pretty good story lines until level 50. I also liked the vigil and order of whispers. Good luck.
Treaherne is the Kormir of GW2…he ruins stuff.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Asura and Sylvari have pretty good story lines until level 50. I also liked the vigil and order of whispers. Good luck.
Treaherne is the Kormir of GW2…he ruins stuff.
I think all the orders have their strong points. It took me a little longer to like the Vigil, but they grew on me. The Priory picked up a lot faster then I thought it would, I really liked them. I fell in love with the Order of Whispers right away.
When it comes time to pick an Order, just make sure you have given them all a chance to show you what they are all about instead of ignoring one.. Don’t assume you won’t like them until you work with them.
Pick an order based on the armor skins, the stories are all lackluster at best. The class will depend on your playstyle, since you originally picked Ranger you may like ranged combat. Warriors have Rifle and Longbow which are both strong with excellent melee when enemies close. They also have a wide variety of weapon choices for melee. Engies have kits that replace weapon skills (rifle/pistol/shield)and offer a variety of ways to tackle different situations ( don’t listen to all the negativity on the forums about the class, they are an original and fun class to play) Ele’s are perhaps one of the hardest classes to play well, but currently have nice aoe abilities with the staff at range, along with the sceptre. Mesmers are also a unique playstyle relying on clones and illusions to pack the punch for most of the classes dps and also have the ability to stealth and cause some great condition damage. Necro is a light armor caster with pets or aoe’s that lay down a variety of conditions, their strength lies in attrition instead of straight up damage output.
As far as races go, listening to the sylvaris voice is always pleasant. And the asura are a very interesting choice for the first 40 levels or so. Charr if you like the military mindset. Humans are human for all their foibles and virtues.
(edited by killcannon.2576)
haha I thought the Vigil were the comic relief of the story,
Pick the race you are drawn to all the stories that I have done are cool, in their own way.
As for classes my most fun class bar none is a mesmer- I have 2
Ele is also fun but it is even more high maintenance than the mesmer
Engineer I have found a lot of fun and I have found it very versatile and very survivable, but that may be because I play my engi like an ele.
as for races I was completely biased on humans until I rolled my second mesmer as a sylvari- so you really just have to try the races before you decide
I will always suggest having at least 1 mesmer in your 5 slots. Very fun in PvP. Very helpful for jumping puzzles and WvW. And I have fun with them in PvE as well. They are honestly not the most fun to level up, but after about halfway, they really shine.
If you don’t like the clones though, find another class. Almost every thing you do revolves around them.
Warrior definitely or even a Guardian.
The Asura have the best racial stories for sure. They are hilarious and very well-written. Unfortunately, after you get done with your racial stories, none of the stories are very good. I found the order of whispers storyline to be the most fun to play through though.
As far as professions go this is the general trend…
The more simplistic (and boring) your profession, the less likely ANet is to nerf it.
The more complicated (and exciting) your profession, the more likely ANet is to nerf it.
Engineer, necro, elementalist, mesmer have all received major nerfs. (Though necro is only really complicated in the late game.)
Warrior, thief, guardian, ranger have all either had no significant nerfs despite their valuable presence or have had significant buffs. Either way, with each patch their value goes up.
Your boring ranger is about to become even more valuable with the upcoming AoE damage nerf (which they are very unlikely to receive). Complicated professions like engineer, elementalist and necro are going to suffer from it though.
Honestly, if you want an exciting or semi-exciting experience and don’t want to risk getting nerfed hard any time soon I would suggest the thief or mesmer. Both of them can be quite complicated. Even though the mesmer has had nerfs (and will have more) they are still very strong in the meta. The thief isn’t nearly as complicated but if you avoid DD it can get pretty interesting.
Hope that helps a little bit. Honestly, whatever profession you choose it doesn’t matter that much just be sure to play an Asura and join the order of whispers. There’s no better storyline in GW2.
My rankings for how much I enjoy the class.
1. Mesmer
2. Thief
3. Guardian
4. Elementalist
5. Ranger
6. Warrior
Your feelings may differ based on different builds and playstyle philosophies.
Have yet to play engineer or necro extensively, but warriors are really cookie cutter and boring. Their burst mechanic (f1) is by far the least imaginative and boring of the lot, on top of really straightforward skills.
Charr and Asura have the strongest stories.
Charr have the best (I heard so, only played one human and stopped playing)
In higher levels all racial stories converge into one which is, as everyone knows, rather superbad.
I can only discourage you from playing necro. I’ve chosen it as my main at the release and have been disappointed numerous times by its design. Necro is utterly boring and very poorly designed. It is far from the enjoyability ele, thief or warrior can give. Necro kit just feels like some random things mixed up and supposed to be whole. Eles have full skill combos available in their weapon sets and some really cool mechanics. Necro weapon sets all are ‘hit and forget’ style. Don’t play necro. It’s a fail design.
I encourage you to go with an ele or a warrior or engie. They are more playable.
Ranger – boring and also fail design with the pet.
Starting tournies with the rest of the professions so can’t contribute much.
Charr have the best (I heard so, only played one human and stopped playing)
In higher levels all racial stories converge into one which is, as everyone knows, rather superbad.
No, it’s Asura. I asure ya. LOL
Really, Charr is second. But a distant second and Asura is still the best.
Asura and Sylvari have pretty good story lines until level 50. I also liked the vigil and order of whispers. Good luck.
Treaherne is the Kormir of GW2…he ruins stuff.
Yup. Once you hook up with the Sylvari boffin, it isn’t ‘your’ story anymore. It’s the story about how you became his lackey.