State of the End Game

State of the End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stigma.7869



It’s been bugging me and many others for so long. Anet has one half of players always riding them on “Death to Vertical progression. Stick by your word. What is this Ascended gear BS!?!!” Then you have the other side of hardcore players who are bored and really miss the feeling of progression. What are you going to do Anet?

There’s a good video from a different perspective here:
State of the Game – The Grind

When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

State of the End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


The video is a terrible perspective.

It’s the same complaint from all WoW fanboys. We want vertical progression but we hate grinding bull. Then after playing this and realizing they aren’t tied by the balls (subscribed) they don’t know what to do. It’s literally the most comical thing in the world. Instead of playing the same amount they would in WoW they kitten and moan about how this game isnt WoW and doesnt have the same appeal. It’s not supposed to have that appeal. End game Guildwars has always been an armor grind to make your appearance look different than others and of course PvP(structured or otherwise).

State of the End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stigma.7869


The video is a terrible perspective.

It’s the same complaint from all WoW fanboys. We want vertical progression but we hate grinding bull. Then after playing this and realizing they aren’t tied by the balls (subscribed) they don’t know what to do. It’s literally the most comical thing in the world. Instead of playing the same amount they would in WoW they kitten and moan about how this game isnt WoW and doesnt have the same appeal. It’s not supposed to have that appeal. End game Guildwars has always been an armor grind to make your appearance look different than others and of course PvP(structured or otherwise).

Don’t need to be insulting everyone, but actually he was saying he missed the grind and vertical progression. The other side of the coin is whenever Anet introduces something that hints at vertical progression AKA Ascended Gear, the casual crowd raises just as many pitch forks.

Personally I think the current Fractals of the Mist dungeon is a step in the right direction despite it being the most misunderstood dungeon out there. It’s not about the Ascension.

Don’t be mistaken. Guild Wars 2 wasn’t made to beat out Guild Wars 1. Guild Wars 2 was designed to beat out all other MMOs. You can’t say GW2 is following the heritage of GW1 and that’s why it is the way it is. GW2 did alot of revolutionary things and in itself is a double edged sword on the existential question for all MMORPGs.

When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

(edited by Stigma.7869)

State of the End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Not at all what i said.

Let me make it simpler

Video = Whiny ex-WoW player wondering why he doesnt feel tied to the game and compelled to grind

Answer to his not liking = No sub and the only grind is for Cosmetics

Guess what Guildwars 1 also didn’t have… A sub, and its only grind was for Cosmetics.

They kept those aspects. The removed the tedium of olden quest hubs (GW 1, LA / Kamadan etc) and made it follow a much more intuitive nature of you’re a hero go do some stuff.

The people who complain about the games lack of vertical progression but use the excuse GW2 was supposed to be revolutionary are the kinda that jumped on the bandwagon without ever doing the research.

It’s a pathetic and overused excuse. It’s like saying Fable sucked because it didn’t live up to all its promises.

State of the End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixelrevision.5192


The other side of the coin is whenever Anet introduces something that hints at vertical progression AKA Ascended Gear, the casual crowd raises just as many pitch forks..

It’s a tough call for them based on their initial design and it’ll be interesting to see if they put something in that does provide a good hook for people. From what I read about Guild Wars 1 what it had was a lot of options in the form of skills. What Guild Wars 2 seems to offer is a lot of options in the form of content.

If they keep the pace of the ascended gear there really won’t be much to worry about for people who don’t like treadmills as the final piece in the set will trickle in sometime… next year maybe? Unfortunately thus far no alternative advancement of the horizontal variety seems to be on the table anywhere.

On the flip side it ends up as this guy states in the video. Where gear tiers are not blasting in quick enough for a crowd who does like vertical progression. You may get ascended gear but it does not give you so much of an increase as to feel “more powerful” so if you crave that it may feel like a small long and pointless grind.

In the end it seems that if the content is no longer interesting it’s time to stop playing. Which really does seem like a more heathy view on games in general and their business model appears to support it on the surface. Will be interesting to see how it all lands in the end.

State of the End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


While i agree the game has a feeling it just stops, the WoW perspective is the wrong one for this game…Horizontal progression was great in the first one, Anet seem to have lost their way with the second one, stick to 80 and add more content more items and things to do, but gear treadmills and level cap raises are the wrong direction to me..

Wow fans have WoW to play, GW1 fans really have nothing my opinion.

State of the End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: solitas.6243


Guild War isn’t meant to have an end game. You play through to 80 do the fun jump puzzles, explore the game if that’s your fancy and you wait for the next expansion. It’s not a sand box game, it’s a movie set style game. It’s meant to be played and then to end.

My guildies don’t play as much with me anymore because they say the same thing. Not much for them to do. They put in their time and are ready to move on. I can respect that. Guild Wars 2 is a good game and I got about 120hours of entertainment. That’s pretty good and I’m happy with it.

I’m looking forward to getting the expansion.