State of the community

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusten Rust.1987

Dusten Rust.1987

Here’s the deal. I’ve pre-ordered GW2 two days before its launch and ever since, I’ve kept an eye on Anet’s updates on Facebook, so on and so forth.
Now that the forums are up the community has been able to share their thoughts with ease, so I thought I’d share mine.

The main thing I want to talk about is the complaints. I know this game is not perfect and no game is. However, there are some weird complains out there that just blow my mind.

First of all, Anet has not false advertised this game. If you think the game should’ve been any different then you simply have no idea how an MMO works. In fact, I was expecting worse and I still paid money for the game.

Second of all, if you thought GW2 will be the kind of game where you can spend hundreds of hours doing virtually nothing but still being compelled to do whatever you’re doing, then that’s your own fault. I’ve seen people complaining about the lack of end-game content and it hurts my brain on so many levels to hear that. Was it not obvious that what you get at level 1-40 is roughly the same thing you’ll get at end game? Was it too hard to understand that GW2 is in fact trying to keep the entire world alive and meaningful (lvl scaling) and is focusing more on the journey and not the destination? And was it hard to understand that like in GW fashion, the endgame content eventually comes down to PvP?

But you see, the problem is not the game. The problem is you. You’ve been able to spend enough time during the past few weeks in order to hit level 80 and max-out crafting, and now you’re bored. We get that. Well, how about you do something else for a change, besides playing one game the whole day every day? This is not WoW, and the only reason WoW will keep you entertained even when you get bored of Blizzard’s dumbed down raids is because it has idiotic content like trains and paper zeppelins. That’s all there is to it, even if you don’t realize it.

However, when you hit the forums and rant about the fact that GW2 is not the type of game that can replace your real life, could you be more considerate to those who have jobs and friends and a social life, and are actually enjoying playing GW2 as it is simply because it delivers a fun leveling experience, exploration worthy of a single player RPG, quick-to-join PvP and no drama / bull***?

It’s a fun game, and if you can’t see that then it’s your own fault for burning it out. Go play something else for a change, the game is free for god’s sake and you don’t need to worry about a subscription. You can come back to it whenever you want. I for one am playing only an hour a day because I also like to play a SC2 match when I get home, and I’m also eagerly waiting for Borderlands 2 to hit the EU market. But you know what? I’m always logging into GW2 as well because it’s fun, and in fact the only thing keeping me from not spending more time in GW2 than I already do is because the game runs like crap on a dual-core CPU. So until I’ll buy a new machine within the next couple of months, my eyes hurt to get into 7 FPS boss events so I can’t play for more than an hour without feeling like I’m ruining my own experience.

The bottom line is, if you’re bored of the game, no problem. Play another one for a while. You don’t need to be “loyal” to one single game at a time. But keep in mind that it’s not Anet’s problem that GW2 is not the MMO that can ruin your social life. It’s your own problem if you decide to trash-talk an MMO that does not deliver what YOU want, despite the fact that Anet explained everything pretty clearly so the answers were out there, and some of us knew exactly what to expect from the very start.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


Most of the more serious complaints are quite true and on he money.


State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Failsociety.4569


Most of the more serious complaints are quite true and on he money.

Although some have minor merit to them. Most of the complaints I have seen, I have seen in every MMO’s release to date. It is usually by the same community that gets content dumbed down, then they leave back to said game, kitten over anyone who enjoyed the game previously.

FFXI: 75 Blm Rdm Blu Thf Smn Nin Bst (Retired since Abyssea) FFXIV: 50 War Blm Whm Brd Pld
Loathe WoW and the Community it brings.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelain.2308


great post, can only support this

Guild Leader Gwens Red Iris Flowers [GRIS]
Commander Berelain sur Hoiya
Far Shiverpeaks

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xericor.9103


Some have genuine issues that they want to discuss, these posts when you find them often have good thought out arguements, but you are spot on – most of the complaints are personal opinion and utter tripe, its always the same on official forums. – Community Site for Aurora Glade!

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


It’s a fun game, and if you can’t see that then it’s your own fault for burning it out. Go play something else for a change, the game is free for god’s sake and you don’t need to worry about a subscription. You can come back to it whenever you want.

This pretty much sums up my opinion on the whole thing. Everyone I’ve spoken to that came into it with the typical MMO mentality rushed to 80 and now are standing around unsure of what to do. Those of us that knew this game was different enjoyed the hell out of the journey and are now enjoying the hell out of other journeys, like the experience of WvW (not the kill count), or the Personal Story (not the rewards) or crafting/economy (not the level), or dying our armour and collecting them, or running a dungeon every now and then (not farming them) or chatting to our guildmates in Lion’s Arch and going on the pirate adventure, or rolling alts and experiencing it all again.

This is the best game for casuals like myself. I love logging in for an hour or two and having a bit of fun and logging off to play something else.

I don’t ‘blame’ those that are more hardcore and were expecting something else, but I just think they should consider shrugging and saying ‘oh well, not for me, might try something else’, why is that such a difficult thing to do? Eventually you will tire of the ‘something else’ too and you might stop by GW2 again and enjoy a content patch you missed. As quoted above, you aren’t paying a subscription, so you get to do that.

Just relax, enjoy, smile, stop thinking about what you wanted it to be, and enjoy it for what it is. Find something else that is what you wanted it to be to satisfy that urge if you need to.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rakanarshi.5892


Well, what else would you expect to find on an official MMO forum? Lets be honest, not everyone here has thought out their arguments or looked at the game from different views. I doubt they ever will, in a way that is part of the charm of an official MMO forum.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfgrey.2049


Aye those of us who knew Guild Wars 1, knew exactly what we were getting into.

Being grind happy in this game they should not. This is not WoW, this isn’t about gearscores or radiraidraidraid time. It is a whole different experience.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

The difference between this forum and, for example, the GW2guru forum is huge. After yesterdays patch went live and this forum literally exploded, I took a look there to see how people reacted to the patch. In here it’s “omg you insert a whole bunch of kittens here at Anet, reverse it NAO”. Over there it was “finally, something has been done about that annoying farm.” I guess I’ll just stay here to feed on the misery of the many trolls, and move to a different forum for actual constructive discussions :’)

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfgrey.2049


The difference between this forum and, for example, the GW2guru forum is huge. After yesterdays patch went live and this forum literally exploded, I took a look there to see how people reacted to the patch. In here it’s “omg you insert a whole bunch of kittens here at Anet, reverse it NAO”. Over there it was “finally, something has been done about that annoying farm.” I guess I’ll just stay here to feed on the misery of the many trolls, and move to a different forum for actual constructive discussions :’)

Hey your doing exactly what i am doing.Dam you lol.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Sshht, you’ll spook away the kittens ^^

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


The difference between this forum and, for example, the GW2guru forum is huge. After yesterdays patch went live and this forum literally exploded, I took a look there to see how people reacted to the patch. In here it’s “omg you insert a whole bunch of kittens here at Anet, reverse it NAO”. Over there it was “finally, something has been done about that annoying farm.” I guess I’ll just stay here to feed on the misery of the many trolls, and move to a different forum for actual constructive discussions :’)

Man, I have picked the wrong forum to follow…

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfgrey.2049


Sshht, you’ll spook away the kittens ^^

True , true enough. They certainly do amuse me.Getting another dew to drink while i watch. You should read the other thread i posted in. The lost a customer and so on thread. Funny as hell.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Sshht, you’ll spook away the kittens ^^

True , true enough. They certainly do amuse me.Getting another dew to drink while i watch. You should read the other thread i posted in. The lost a customer and so on thread. Funny as hell.

hahaha, yeh, I’m watching that one too. F5ing every 10 minutes and chuckling about the new posts. Honestly, these forums are not a good representation of the community. It is, however, a very good representation of thekitten off, self entitled, prepuberal part of the community though ^^

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfgrey.2049


Sshht, you’ll spook away the kittens ^^

True , true enough. They certainly do amuse me.Getting another dew to drink while i watch. You should read the other thread i posted in. The lost a customer and so on thread. Funny as hell.

hahaha, yeh, I’m watching that one too. F5ing every 10 minutes and chuckling about the new posts. Honestly, these forums are not a good representation of the community. It is, however, a very good representation of thekitten off, self entitled, prepuberal part of the community though ^^

raises dew can Cheers mate. Exactly right. Besides in a year or so these nitwits will be gone. We will still be doing TONS in the game.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: evilbottom.2186


I got, and continue to get, exactly what I wanted out of this game. Anyone expecting an ‘endgame’, anyone who doesn’t like PvP or WvW, anyone who grinded to 80 and thought they were done, clearly did not understand what they were buying.

Remember that in these early weeks, the only people you’ll really find on the forums are haters and complainers that had inflated expectations, or were never going to enjoy the game to begin with. A large majority of players are enjoying the game and will continue to do so for a long time. That’s the group I’m in

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfgrey.2049


I hope these guys keep going for a while, gives me something to do. I love annoying these little kittens.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


This is not WoW, and the only reason WoW will keep you entertained even when you get bored of Blizzard’s dumbed down raids is because it has idiotic content like trains and paper zeppelins. That’s all there is to it, even if you don’t realize it.

HOW DARE YOU put down the trains and paper zeppelins!! You sir are just a party pooper!
BTW there are items like this in Guild Wars 2. “idiotic content”. Shouldn’t be calling people idiots for having fun with in-game items just because YOU don’t like them.

could you be more considerate to those who have jobs and friends and a social life, and are actually enjoying playing GW2

And on the other hand it would be nice for people to be more considerate who CAN’T work! Myself for an example with a spine disease and numerous other things wrong with my body. So I can play Guild Wars 2 ALL DAY LONG, but let me tell ya I would rather be working. I get tired of being called a leech or a lazy welfare person. You don’t know me, and just because I am 80 already doesn’t mean that I am bored.
And I am still having a blast at 80 and have tons of things to do yet.

quick-to-join PvP

sPVP is instant, WvWvW takes HOURS to join.

Some of these complaints on the forums are VERY valid and they need to be heard. And some are not. When you get this many people playing an MMO there are going to be whiners and complainers that don’t make sense….

Kinda like this thread.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ccrazool.2905


Ya know, I never realized it but yeah… when I played WoW, it was a life replacement. These days, I don’t game like that anymore. My laptop’s been on the table right there all evening, and I only logged in for ~15 minutes, smashed some monsters, got a vista and a poi, then logged out. Back when I was playing WoW, I woulda been clicking away from the time I got home to bedtime.

I’m with OP that if someone wants a game to be a life replacement, they may need a game with a much, much steeper climb to “max stats” than GW2 offers.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sannou.8632


I love you OP and this reminds me of this video.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusten Rust.1987

Dusten Rust.1987

This is not WoW, and the only reason WoW will keep you entertained even when you get bored of Blizzard’s dumbed down raids is because it has idiotic content like trains and paper zeppelins. That’s all there is to it, even if you don’t realize it.

HOW DARE YOU put down the trains and paper zeppelins!! You sir are just a party pooper!
BTW there are items like this in Guild Wars 2. “idiotic content”. Shouldn’t be calling people idiots for having fun with in-game items just because YOU don’t like them.

could you be more considerate to those who have jobs and friends and a social life, and are actually enjoying playing GW2

And on the other hand it would be nice for people to be more considerate who CAN’T work! Myself for an example with a spine disease and numerous other things wrong with my body. So I can play Guild Wars 2 ALL DAY LONG, but let me tell ya I would rather be working. I get tired of being called a leech or a lazy welfare person. You don’t know me, and just because I am 80 already doesn’t mean that I am bored.
And I am still having a blast at 80 and have tons of things to do yet.

quick-to-join PvP

sPVP is instant, WvWvW takes HOURS to join.

Some of these complaints on the forums are VERY valid and they need to be heard. And some are not. When you get this many people playing an MMO there are going to be whiners and complainers that don’t make sense….

Kinda like this thread.

- As you’ve said, it’s “idiotic content”, however, I haven’t said that if you enjoy those gimmicks you’re an idiot. Case closed.

- Sorry to hear that you have spine problems mate. Evidently I was not talking about people with health problems or anything like that. I wasn’t targeting everyone playing the game all day, I was just saying that if you’re a hardcore gamer, that doesn’t mean you need to be a kitten. I was a hardcore gamer and I loved it, but I never complained about a game for being more casual when it was pretty much obvious. Nobody got lied here, that’s the point, so these complaints are irrelevant.

- When I meant the PvP is quick-to-join I was referring strictly to the gameplay, not queuing times, and mainly the fact that your level is scaled and you can pretty much enjoy PvP at any level, as much as any other player.

- I will agree with you that what I have in common with every other forum member is the fact that I posted a thread, but I was not actually complaining about the state of the game. And again, I’m not saying that all complaints are not valid. I’m not talking about complains regarding balance issues or bugs. I hate to repeat myself but once again, I was talking about those who simply didn’t get the point of the game to begin with, and they now complain about core-aspects of gameplay. The information was out there.

I’m sorry but when a person considers asking for a refund after he’s reached lvl 80, simply because he finally realized what the game is all about, then that person has a problem. A big one. That’s not how things work.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jam.4521


I agree fully with this statement.

It really gets on my nerves the number of people complaining about things like not being able to farm dungeons etc. Well if you can’t simply enjoy the game for being the game then you need to go play something else. Its as simple as that.

Although I do agree with some of the whiners who have valid points, most are simply making a fuss for the sake of it, if there is a genuine problem it will get fixed.

I played last night through a lower level zone (Lornars pass, and I’m level 58), just running around and joining in events when they happen and just generally exploring, didn’t get a huge amount of XP but it was the most relaxed, fun, baggage free experience I’ve ever had in an MMO. The area is beautiful, the events have character, the area is unique and I love the characters you come across (especially the Norn challenging people who tried to cross a bridge which turns into a DE). There is so much to discover if you take the time to do it.

My advice: Just RELAX and enjoy the game, what’s the hurry?