Still no Dueling?!

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


  • I have no interest in fighting world bosses. Should ANet remove them or should I ignore them? That is how I feel about your interest.
  • You told me many times that there are other alternatives. I told you many times why that alternative does not work.
  • You bought a game with world bosses. Maybe you should ask for a refund.
  • There are other alternatives. There are a lot of other games out there.
  • You bought a game that has PvP and has duel rooms. Why haven’t you requested a refund? Same reason on how I approach World bosses.
  • Other games do not have mechanics like GW2.

So for the both of you… Can you fight dragons while PvPing? NO. Can you PvP while fighting dragons? NO. They’re 2 separate game modes and they should not be mixed together. One guy likes to PvP and doens’t like the PvE but still buys the game. End. The other guy likes the PvE but hates the PvP and he still likes the game. As a PvE player I don’t expect you to fight dragons while PvPing. I don’t want to force that on you, because I know it’s not fair. So why should you a PvP lover want me a PvE player to play your pvp game if i don’t want to.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


No thank you to open world duels.

The Burninator

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


- Engaging in PvP match manipulation, disrupting a PvP match by not actively playing in good faith, or any other form of PvP griefing, exploitation, or abuse"

Just because game design enables you to grief, doesnt mean that you are allowed to do it.

Hes not griefing the PvP match. He’s only griefing the duel. Strictly taken, the players dueling are leeching because they do not actively participate in the match. What are you trying here anyway?

1st of all duels are done in empty server ( the game doesn’t start and you can play how log you want ), 2nd he’s not playing in good faith and hes griefing, both are against the rules of Anet

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


- Engaging in PvP match manipulation, disrupting a PvP match by not actively playing in good faith, or any other form of PvP griefing, exploitation, or abuse"

Just because game design enables you to grief, doesnt mean that you are allowed to do it.

Hes not griefing the PvP match. He’s only griefing the duel. Strictly taken, the players dueling are leeching because they do not actively participate in the match. What are you trying here anyway?

I adjusted the bolded part in my original statement. People who participate in duels on a server marked as such arent leeching off other players because those players that went on that server to duel and/or watch duels. They dont go there for any rewards and made their intentions clear in the server description, so people that are interested in a regular pvp match dont join. For me, that falls under the category of any other form of PvP and if somebody goes in there just to grief those players, he risks a tempory or full ban, if those players report him for it.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miroe.2054


- Engaging in PvP match manipulation, disrupting a PvP match by not actively playing in good faith, or any other form of PvP griefing, exploitation, or abuse"

Just because game design enables you to grief, doesnt mean that you are allowed to do it.

Hes not griefing the PvP match. He’s only griefing the duel. Strictly taken, the players dueling are leeching because they do not actively participate in the match. What are you trying here anyway?

I adjusted the bolded part in my original statement. People who participate in duels on a server marked as such arent leeching off other players because those players that went on that server to duel and/or watch duels. They dont go there for any rewards and made their intentions clear in the server description, so people that are interested in a regular pvp match dont join. For me, that falls under the category of any other form of PvP and if somebody goes in there just to grief those players, he risks a tempory or full ban, if those players report him for it.

I guess you’re right here. Its just that if you want to pvp with 3-5 people you have a certain risk to get on a standard server where people just bully you off because they set the rules there.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Because we’ve all seen it before and have no interest in dealing with it again. I’m certain Anet is paying attention to that sentiment and you have been told many times, there plenty of places for you to go dueling.

me now:
without going back and reading all your posts to each other: You are talking about adding a new feature which doesn’t exist and has never been hinted or stated to exist. Saying that you don’t like something that is an established part of the game is not a good argument to refute somebody elses opinion, that just makes it look like you should be playing another game.

An example of how you sound is this: “I want the game to be first person, I should have the option of first person because I want it and don’t like third person”, someone would say to me “no, because we’ve all seen it before and have no interest in dealing with it in this game. I’m certain Anet is paying attention to that sentiment and you have been told many times, there plenty of other games you can go first person and this isn’t one of them.”

to which you reply: “So what!? I don’t like charr, maybe they should just remove all Charr in the game, my request is so simple that everybody elses opinions on the matter are irrelevant and my opinion is worth the most because I have validated it with a handful of other peoples opinion in this forum, the fact there is mass opinion against my idea and the fact the game is stated as not having the feature and always has been is selfish on your part, I feel they should change it anyway because its what I want this game to become, to hell with everyone else, me me me”

that’s how you sound

  • The point of a suggestion is talk about adding a feature. I don’t understand what you are trying to push.
  • So ANet should be immune to all valid criticism.
  • If you feel that you are not accomplishing to stopping dueling, you don’t have to hit the reply button.
  • Does adding first person will remove third person? If not, I don’t see what is wrong with that. I get the choice of first person or third person. Just like you have the choice to duel and not duel. And Just like you get to have a choice in choosing a charr or not. Everyone of you seem like that you are forced to duel. I will be fine with things I dislike as long as I get to choose not to get them. I dislike Gem stores armor. Do you think I am forced to buy them?

I feel they should change it anyway because its what I want this game to become, to hell with everyone else, me me me"

Can you see yourself as that? Because I see you as that. You are restricting me from dueling even if you are not in one iota forced to duel. You are about You, you, you. “I don’t want dueling. The hell with anyone else that want dueling.”

I even went all the way to debunk on the myths of the side-effects, what they can do to stop it, or why it won’t even be bad as we have currently.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

So for the both of you… Can you fight dragons while PvPing? NO. Can you PvP while fighting dragons? NO. They’re 2 separate game modes and they should not be mixed together.

You don’t need to tell me that. I support this guys right to go duel his face off, but not in my face. He can use one of the rooms that are available for that, or WvW.

Of course, neither of those options gives him the ability to troll map chat with obnoxious behaviour, so he’s not satisfied with either of them.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


Please dont open new threads on already existing topics:

That one even got dev replies.

this is cool, i’ve never seen a duel thread with dev replies. Naturally, your post got ignored so everyone could keep arguing, haha.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


So why should you a PvP lover want me a PvE player to play your pvp game if i don’t want to.

You don’t deserve to discuss anything anymore after multitude of post about how I talk about that You don’t have to duel anyone.

Oh and, Svanir, Chieftain and Guild Lords are in PvP. That is PvE stuff.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


You can report someone for verbal harassment. You can’t report someone for using the design flaw to grief.

Of course i can report you for griefing as stated here:

I quote:
“In-game Infractions
The following will result in either a temporary account suspension or permanent account termination, depending upon the severity of the matter:
- Engaging in PvP match manipulation, disrupting a PvP match by not actively playing in good faith, or any other form of PvP griefing, exploitation, or abuse”

Just because game design enables you to grief, doesnt mean that you are allowed to do it.

  • How are you going to report me?
  • Why haven’t Skyhammer farmers been banned yet?
5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Can you see yourself as that? Because I see you as that. You are restricting me from dueling even if you are not in one iota forced to duel. You are about You, you, you. “I don’t want dueling. The hell with anyone else that want dueling.”

I even went all the way to debunk on the myths of the side-effects, what they can do to stop it, or why it won’t even be bad as we have currently.

You seem completely blind to the fact that this game does not have PvE dueling.
It never had and nowhere was it ever indicated that it would have, outside of designated arenas

So who exactly is going me me me here?

The people who keep insisting on dueling in a game it was never intended in- or the people who say that they are happy the game has no dueling?

think a moment before answering please

Gunnar’s Hold

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Still voting no, personally, to open world dueling.

As others have stated, the game is not balanced around 1v1.

Additionally, PvE is not built with dueling in mind. It would likely require some significant coding changes to implement. I would much prefer if that time was spent on other things like…more maps, more personal story, more living world, more armor, more weapons, etc.

Beyond that, considering my own personal experience with the general attitudes of most duelers… shudder no thank you. I don’t want to foster those types of attitudes in GW2. I know that not all duelers are necessarily kittens, but not all rangers necessarily suck either. Same difference.

Now, if Anet opted to open an additional server, where the pve environment was adjusted to allow for open world pvp, I’d have no issue with that. I mean, true, I’d prefer if that time were spent on other things, but I understand that some people want dueling too. Then, the people that wanted dueling could simply transfer, or guest, there and those of us that didn’t want to have to deal with it wouldn’t have to. Not a perfect win-win, but I think a compromise most people could live with.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evalia.7103


Yes, it is indeed required. I mean, there isn’t a downside to that.
If you don’t like it, just don’t duel. I’m hands up for both arena’s and open world PvE :
While we already have something similar to arena’s in PvP(and skirmish fights vs monsters too), figure out how much different your PvE character is. The difference is immense, from weird stats of PvP to actual PvE customization, different gear tier, foods/ et cetera… PvE/WvW skirmish arena? Much appreciated. And so is open world. You don’t like it? Then you don’t care about it, there just isn’t a single problem with it, right.
An option to disable duel requests should come naturally too, by the way – duel spamming? Seriously even thinking of that as a cons?
And I enjoy all the new wardrobe changes – they are awesome!
But they took so much work.
Introducing an arena or two and open world duels is going to take much less work and make people happy as well. There is not a single downside – no one will feel worse when the change goes through. Unlike wardrobe, where for example multiple legendary owners will get hurt(dual wield incinerator for example).

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I’ve done duels plenty of times in empty PvP servers.

Two people join same empty server, choose opposite teams, duel each other. It’s really that easy.

There’s a chance other people jump in, but typically it isn’t an issue.

Heck I’ve joined servers where people were strictly doing 1v1s and I just watched them. Was pretty fun.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


For the 1000th time :

No thanks

Meanwhile i think the forum needs an option to auto-deny all Duell/Open-PvP request since people like to spam us here with their request because they can’t do ingame

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

This game was never design for open world dueling and I and most people that play this game because it doesn’t have that feature, if Anet is smart it never will. I’m all for 1v1 arenas. I don’t want to be playing minding my own business and some @$$ come up and attacks me, this is what happens in game that have this feature you get groups of bullies that all the do is go around attacking people for no reason also they could set it up to request a duel and the duel can’t commence until the challenge has bee excepted. Don’t what that either I don’t want to be badgered to duel all the time. Please Anet if you ever have some type of dueling system in this game add a check box somewhere on the UI to block dueling request for those that want no part in it.

Opinions are like ______ everyone has one I could
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Yes, it is indeed required. I mean, there isn’t a downside to that.
If you don’t like it, just don’t duel. I’m hands up for both arena’s and open world PvE :
While we already have something similar to arena’s in PvP(and skirmish fights vs monsters too), figure out how much different your PvE character is. The difference is immense, from weird stats of PvP to actual PvE customization, different gear tier, foods/ et cetera… PvE/WvW skirmish arena? Much appreciated. And so is open world. You don’t like it? Then you don’t care about it, there just isn’t a single problem with it, right.
An option to disable duel requests should come naturally too, by the way – duel spamming? Seriously even thinking of that as a cons?
And I enjoy all the new wardrobe changes – they are awesome!
But they took so much work.
Introducing an arena or two and open world duels is going to take much less work and make people happy as well. There is not a single downside – no one will feel worse when the change goes through. Unlike wardrobe, where for example multiple legendary owners will get hurt(dual wield incinerator for example).

And yet there are many many downsides as explained on this thread and many others that you, for some reason, chose to ignore.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Can you see yourself as that? Because I see you as that. You are restricting me from dueling even if you are not in one iota forced to duel. You are about You, you, you. “I don’t want dueling. The hell with anyone else that want dueling.”

I even went all the way to debunk on the myths of the side-effects, what they can do to stop it, or why it won’t even be bad as we have currently.

You seem completely blind to the fact that this game does not have PvE dueling.
It never had and no where was it ever indicated that it would have outside of designated arenas

So who exactly is going me me me here?

The people who keep insisting on dueling in a game it was never intended in- or the people who say that they are happy the game has no dueling?

think a moment before answering please

  • GW2 does not have dueling in PvE. So, think about why am I here trying to convince people that it will be a good thing to have it added.
  • I never claim that it will have designated arenas.
  • So who exactly is going me me me here? That would be you. You are still insistent in being against dueling even if you get the choice to not fight them.
  • It was never intended to have unlockables in sPvP, it was never intended for best in slot gear to be hard to get, and there are many things Devs did not intended to add in the beginning yet they added them anyways.
5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Yes, it is indeed required. I mean, there isn’t a downside to that.
If you don’t like it, just don’t duel. I’m hands up for both arena’s and open world PvE :
While we already have something similar to arena’s in PvP(and skirmish fights vs monsters too), figure out how much different your PvE character is. The difference is immense, from weird stats of PvP to actual PvE customization, different gear tier, foods/ et cetera… PvE/WvW skirmish arena? Much appreciated. And so is open world. You don’t like it? Then you don’t care about it, there just isn’t a single problem with it, right.
An option to disable duel requests should come naturally too, by the way – duel spamming? Seriously even thinking of that as a cons?
And I enjoy all the new wardrobe changes – they are awesome!
But they took so much work.
Introducing an arena or two and open world duels is going to take much less work and make people happy as well. There is not a single downside – no one will feel worse when the change goes through. Unlike wardrobe, where for example multiple legendary owners will get hurt(dual wield incinerator for example).

And yet there are many many downsides as explained on this thread and many others that you, for some reason, chose to ignore.

They have the right to ignore when I debunked the myths and worries.

Until then, debunk mine.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


You can report someone for verbal harassment. You can’t report someone for using the design flaw to grief.

Of course i can report you for griefing as stated here:

I quote:
“In-game Infractions
The following will result in either a temporary account suspension or permanent account termination, depending upon the severity of the matter:
- Engaging in PvP match manipulation, disrupting a PvP match by not actively playing in good faith, or any other form of PvP griefing, exploitation, or abuse”

Just because game design enables you to grief, doesnt mean that you are allowed to do it.

  • How are you going to report me?
  • Why haven’t Skyhammer farmers been banned yet?

The in game report button is not the only way to report someone. You can use the support function on their website or directly send an email, attaching screenshots, videocapture etc.

I hope you agree that griefing in general is against the rules. So if you are actively griefing other players (doesnt matter in which way) and you posted several times today that you are actually doing it (to force Anet to introduce a Dueling function) and someone reports you, you can get banned.

I dont know much about Skyhammer farmers, and i dont know what it has to do with duelling but i would suggest that you report them via email and screenshot and videocapture, if they do something that is against the rules.

If that is the case, how do you know that no Skyhammer Farmer has been banned yet? Do you know them all personally?

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Can you see yourself as that? Because I see you as that. You are restricting me from dueling even if you are not in one iota forced to duel. You are about You, you, you. “I don’t want dueling. The hell with anyone else that want dueling.”

I even went all the way to debunk on the myths of the side-effects, what they can do to stop it, or why it won’t even be bad as we have currently.

You seem completely blind to the fact that this game does not have PvE dueling.
It never had and no where was it ever indicated that it would have outside of designated arenas

So who exactly is going me me me here?

The people who keep insisting on dueling in a game it was never intended in- or the people who say that they are happy the game has no dueling?

think a moment before answering please

  • GW2 does not have dueling in PvE. So, think about why am I here trying to convince people that it will be a good thing to have it added.
  • I never claim that it will have designated arenas.
  • So who exactly is going me me me here? That would be you. You are still insistent in being against dueling even if you get the choice to not fight them.
  • It was never intended to have unlockables in sPvP, it was never intended for best in slot gear to be hard to get, and there are many things Devs did not intended to add in the beginning yet they added them anyways.

since you seem to have a problem with either reading comprehension or logical thinking- I will leave you to spam your dual requests then.

I won’t reply on this thread again

Gunnar’s Hold

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Can you see yourself as that? Because I see you as that. You are restricting me from dueling even if you are not in one iota forced to duel. You are about You, you, you. “I don’t want dueling. The hell with anyone else that want dueling.”

I even went all the way to debunk on the myths of the side-effects, what they can do to stop it, or why it won’t even be bad as we have currently.

You seem completely blind to the fact that this game does not have PvE dueling.
It never had and no where was it ever indicated that it would have outside of designated arenas

So who exactly is going me me me here?

The people who keep insisting on dueling in a game it was never intended in- or the people who say that they are happy the game has no dueling?

think a moment before answering please

  • GW2 does not have dueling in PvE. So, think about why am I here trying to convince people that it will be a good thing to have it added.
  • I never claim that it will have designated arenas.
  • So who exactly is going me me me here? That would be you. You are still insistent in being against dueling even if you get the choice to not fight them.
  • It was never intended to have unlockables in sPvP, it was never intended for best in slot gear to be hard to get, and there are many things Devs did not intended to add in the beginning yet they added them anyways.

since you seem to have a problem with either reading comprehension or logical thinking- I will leave you to spam your dual requests then.

I won’t reply on this thread again

Or maybe you have a problem with writing comprehension. You can stop with ambiguous unrelated riddles and make your point.

You think I am selfish in having duels. Why? Make sure not to repeat the common worries said here.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

(edited by runeblade.7514)

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


You can report someone for verbal harassment. You can’t report someone for using the design flaw to grief.

Of course i can report you for griefing as stated here:

I quote:
“In-game Infractions
The following will result in either a temporary account suspension or permanent account termination, depending upon the severity of the matter:
- Engaging in PvP match manipulation, disrupting a PvP match by not actively playing in good faith, or any other form of PvP griefing, exploitation, or abuse”

Just because game design enables you to grief, doesnt mean that you are allowed to do it.

  • How are you going to report me?
  • Why haven’t Skyhammer farmers been banned yet?

The in game report button is not the only way to report someone. You can use the support function on their website or directly send an email, attaching screenshots, videocapture etc.

I hope you agree that griefing in general is against the rules. So if you are actively griefing other players (doesnt matter in which way) and you posted several times today that you are actually doing it (to force Anet to introduce a Dueling function) and someone reports you, you can get banned.

I dont know much about Skyhammer farmers, and i dont know what it has to do with duelling but i would suggest that you report them via email and screenshot and videocapture, if they do something that is against the rules.

If that is the case, how do you know that no Skyhammer Farmer has been banned yet? Do you know them all personally?

Skyhammer farmers exploits by getting to a very high rank. Many Skyhammer farmer gotten in a very short time to rank 60-70 by farming Skyhammer. They did not get banned. And yes, I do know some Skyhammer farmers.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


1. Create custom arena
2. Set max player count to two
3. Set spectator preferences as desired
4. Profit.

Solved the problem for you OP. Next time instead of calling others ignorant for not wanting open world dueling you should do your own homework on the subject as dueling is already supported in a much more controlled and balanced environment.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evalia.7103


And yet there are many many downsides as explained on this thread and many others that you, for some reason, chose to ignore.

I’ve read entire thread before posting as I always do.
All of the downsides as you call them were either hilarious or ridiculous, or if actually making sense were easily fix-able.
well, maddoctor, since you’re mad I’m not sure we can communicate properly. But the fact is there. If 2 people are battling it out, a passerby may have his experience spoiled, if he’s a hard PvE’r or whatnot… But when 2 people battle it out in an instanced arena… guess what. wait, what mad doctors think about anyway?
And why it has to be in PvE or WvW is exactly because they are different from PvP.
Tremendously different, by the way.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


1. Create custom arena
2. Set max player count to two
3. Set spectator preferences as desired
4. Profit.

Solved the problem for you OP. Next time instead of calling others ignorant for not wanting open world dueling you should do your own homework on the subject as dueling is already supported in a much more controlled and balanced environment.

Why do you think that dueling shouldn’t be allowed unless they have money?

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dual.8953


You may want to ease up there runeblade. Your tone will only serve to solidify the perception that duelist are toxic players who demand duels and don’t take no for an answer. You’re representing the dueling community, so your actions reflect on the other would be duelists.
Anyways, they’ve got that TDM map coming out, why not get your fix there? Or there’s always WvW. Go solo roaming, and bow to a possible opponent, heck, if you lose they might even spare you the spike.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


And yet there are many many downsides as explained on this thread and many others that you, for some reason, chose to ignore.

I’ve read entire thread before posting as I always do.
All of the downsides as you call them were either hilarious or ridiculous, or if actually making sense were easily fix-able.
well, maddoctor, since you’re mad I’m not sure we can communicate properly. But the fact is there. If 2 people are battling it out, a passerby may have his experience spoiled, if he’s a hard PvE’r or whatnot… But when 2 people battle it out in an instanced arena… guess what. wait, what mad doctors think about anyway?
And why it has to be in PvE or WvW is exactly because they are different from PvP.
Tremendously different, by the way.

Experience is very imp-port-tent! Otherwise, how am I going to level up!?!

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

You can stop with ambiguous unrelated riddles and make your point.

What’s ambiguous about “been there, done that, don’t ever want to play that sort of game again”?

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nova.8021


It’s a quality of life feature, why are many opposed to improving the quality of life of players who are bored waiting for something like a world boss and are hanging out with friends?

In my experience, purposely limiting players is never the option. Don’t know why people think it is. We have seen in practice in this very game that it can be toxic.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Why do you think that dueling shouldn’t be allowed unless they have money?

Why do you think Open World Dueling is a mandatory or even a necessary feature when it’s already embraced by the PvP community and there’s plenty of Dueling servers there open for use ?

Heck as a real duelist why would you ever want to duel in PvE ?

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Why do you think that dueling shouldn’t be allowed unless they have money?

Why do you think Open World Dueling is a mandatory or even a necessary feature when it’s already embraced by the PvP community and there’s plenty of Dueling servers there open for use ?

Heck as a real duelist why would you ever want to duel in PvE ?

Can you also answer my question please?

I bolded it so you won’t overlook it.

My answer

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slowburn.5319


Dueling anywhere anytime! Yes, please!

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


You can stop with ambiguous unrelated riddles and make your point.

What’s ambiguous about “been there, done that, don’t ever want to play that sort of game again”?

Because it is unrelated to why dueling should be in the game.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

You may want to ease up there runeblade. Your tone will only serve to solidify the perception that duelist are toxic players who demand duels and don’t take no for an answer.

Oh no, please let him keep going. This is exactly what needs to be shown. Duelists don’t take no for an answer. They form up groups of thugs to go looking for victims and the whole community environment turns toxic because of it.

We’ve all seen this before, and want nothing to do with it ever again, which is why we bought this game. But please, let Rune have his never-ending, not-taking no-for-answer thread. It’s helping us who don’t want dueling.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Why do you think that dueling shouldn’t be allowed unless they have money?

Why do you think Open World Dueling is a mandatory or even a necessary feature when it’s already embraced by the PvP community and there’s plenty of Dueling servers there open for use ?

Heck as a real duelist why would you ever want to duel in PvE ?

Can you also answer my question please?

I bolded it so you won’t overlook it.

My answer

I refuse to answer your question until you answer mine

Simply linking to post that is not your own is not an answer, it’s being a sheep.
If you had the passion you would come up with your own answer that is based in logic not passion. The poster linked his reasons which are about as bland as possible. In no way does that post state why Open World Dueling is a good feature or even a neccessary feature other than the poster is 1) Too lazy to use arena’s 2) Too impatient to test his build roaming 3) Not really a PvP’er

None of these are valid reason and none of them promote a healthier game, nor do they facilitate the use of existing game mode/features.

So go on and answer me then maybe i’ll consider replying to you, that’s if you can refrain from using rhetorical questions for responses.

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clip.6845


What is up in this topic :/
So much pointless argueing and repeating. But as far as I understand:


  • Afraid of people harassing them to duel and calling them names if they refuse.
  • Afraid of ill-designed system which will allow griefing.


  • Want free duels that can’t be interupted by griefers in WvW or PvP.
80’s: Engineer/Warrior/Necromancer/Mesmer/Thief/Elementalist/Guardian [Seafarer’s Rest]

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


You may want to ease up there runeblade. Your tone will only serve to solidify the perception that duelist are toxic players who demand duels and don’t take no for an answer.

Oh no, please let him keep going. This is exactly what needs to be shown. Duelists don’t take no for an answer. They form up groups of thugs to go looking for victims and the whole community environment turns toxic because of it.

We’ve all seen this before, and want nothing to do with it ever again, which is why we bought this game. But please, let Rune have his never-ending, not-taking no-for-answer thread. It’s helping us who don’t want dueling.

And anti-duelist don’t know how to turn duelist down. They are very passive and accept duel request because someone or something is putting a gun on their head to make them duel.

You seen this before, you never learned how to deal with it. That is all.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Still no Dueling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.9604


Hello anyone

As this thread has turned into a rather unhealthy conversation, we have decided to lock it. Thank you for your understanding.