Still no ancient karka reward?
It will never happen. The only people responding to threads are the mods that filter everything they don’t want on the forums, the team that brought this game to us and was very proactive once upon a time no longer talk to the players.
“After several hours I’m still swinging this sword with1 lodestone drop”
Gav, i have had another email from support about this,
they said they would let us know “early next week”,
so expect something monday/tuesday.
Gav, i have had another email from support about this,
they said they would let us know “early next week”,
so expect something monday/tuesday.
Where did You contact them ???
I made in-game bug report same night it happened (once I could get back in that is). No response but the usual automated pop-up response that they dont reply to each bug report but will look into it.
I have posted in that thread in the Lost Shores Forum (that has now been moved to Archives) still no direct response but some standard PR Spin-Doctor response that they have a team looking into disconnection issues at event. Then silence and definetly no personal e-mail response what so ever.
I know it’s only monday, but im stating to grow a bit impatient….
It’s really not as hard as some moderators have made it sound.
The aspects of what is needed to reward players are already in the game in various ways, why not clip these bits of code and put them together? >.>
Lord Funk,
i opened a ticket in Support for it,
they always answer with an auto- response email,
then another email (from an actual person) when the issue has been looked into.
the ticket stays open until it has been resolved,
you can also add further information at any time.
no sure how well filing a bug report for this will serve you.
You’re supposed to have forgotten about it and moved on…. You’re making them feel nervous for reminding it…
Could a mod (as well as giving us a quick update) also let us know if we need to open a support ticket in-game for this, or will their server records be sufficient? I don’t want their support team to be flooded with pointless tickets, but at the same time don’t want to miss out on a potential reward after all of the effort I put in…
>.> have i missed something or have those who got disconnected been rewarded yet?
Due to the problem of complaints from people who recived multiple precoursers during the event and dont want those of us that were kicked or had our instance closed driving down the price a compromise reward has been introduced.
Rather than the Ancient Karka, those diconected will recieve the Ancient Kaka reward, these are being rolled out individualy check you doorstep for smouldering bags over the next few days.
^ haha nice cargan, made me laugh Good timing for a bag full of lumps of coal?
The AMA on reddit said this is still being investigated at least.
Give them until the end of December. You have to realize that the Lost Shore event happened the weekend before Thanksgiving. I’m sure the majority of their employees took the week off to be with their families.