Stop. Making. It "easier".

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thejolmt.6091


I’m so tired of MMO’s changing their content to make it “easy”. I don’t want easy. I want challenging and FUN. You need to stop messing with the game which is already good. ArenaNet is slowly, but surely destroying their game. The game was already ridiculously easy as it was, but it had some neat, unique features. Now it’s like a two year old could button mash and make it to 80 in no time flat.

I don’t want to play an MMO with a bunch of children, I want to play with adults (preferably ones that don’t act like children). I want to RP and PvE without having to deal with a bunch of prima donnas that only play because it’s easy.

Quit. Tweaking. The game. Any more tweaking and you’ll freakin’ ruin it for good and I, for one, will stop playing. I will find another MMO an play that – even if I have to pay for it because this is disgustingly infuriating.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jheryn.8390


Isn’t it funny that for nearly two years people leveled up from zero without complaining about it being to hard. Then they nerfed the trait system, and now the whole leveling process altogether.


Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mesket.5728


Maybe easy is all they know… it takes ideas to make something hard not using the most obvious variables (damage and hp).

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jedisa.9513


I remember the fun I had diving into the game during the beta weekend and headstart. It was exciting, I loved the mechanics and all the “ooh shiny”..

Somehow that’s gotten lost along the way….

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

I want to RP and PvE without having to deal with a bunch of prima donnas

…but prima donnas and RP are a match made in heaven – it’s a given

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kamui.4038


This patch is killing everything I enjoyed about the game. I wanted to make 2 more alts but I sure as hell am not going to do that now. Some of the animations are missing from my level 80s now as well which is driving me up the wall. It’s as if ANet considers nothing sacred and they just go ahead and do whatever the kitten they want.

Nothing is going right and I can’t enjoy the game anymore. This patch is a living nightmare and an insult to the intelligence of every player.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Isn’t it funny that for nearly two years people leveled up from zero without complaining about it being to hard. Then they nerfed the trait system, and now the whole leveling process altogether.


I feel this way too. I saw no complaints about leveling at all, since the game was so based around helping others that people were constantly helping new players learn everything. THAT was the draw of this game, it was so casual friendly to begin with that the community helped teach everything.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KeyLimPi.9031


My faith in ANET has been destroyed for a while now lol. As I’ve said repeatedly in other threads, just stop buying gems if you’re unhappy. I haven’t given them a dime in close to a year. Besides the new leveling system is fantastic! It’s allowed me to realize there’s no way in bloody hell I’ll every even consider leveling a new character in this game ever again. Phew! What a burden off my shoulders.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jedisa.9513


Yeah stopped buying gems awhile back. We actually pre-purchased two copies then bought another two copies for our oldest sons cause they wanted to play it too.

I rather miss the GW1 model of buying add-ons. The BL store has taken way too much focus.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Well that’s one of the things that made this patch so hilariously ridiculous. These ‘improvements’ to make things easier actually make the game harder. How does NOT having access to 90% of the game early on and having to wait much longer before you actually obtain usefull skills make the game easy?

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

Making it easier is way better:

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thejolmt.6091


Nothing is going right and I can’t enjoy the game anymore. This patch is a living nightmare and an insult to the intelligence of every player.

Freakin’ right it’s an insult. This game was great when I started playing nearly two years ago, but now… it’s like the dragon corruption got to ANet’s staff. It’s a mindless grind game for 9 year olds.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


actually, not having all your utilities and traits actually make it harder…

someone was complaining not having traits is too difficult for her lvl30 elementist, I wonder what she felt when her utilities and elite are removed too.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jheryn.8390


Making it easier is way better:

Thanks for posting that! Now I realize that the new system isn’t terrible, it’s just that I suck. LOL

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

Nothing is going right and I can’t enjoy the game anymore. This patch is a living nightmare and an insult to the intelligence of every player.

Freakin’ right it’s an insult. This game was great when I started playing nearly two years ago, but now… it’s like the dragon corruption got to ANet’s staff. It’s a mindless grind game for 9 year olds.

And, if we make a comment about “them” that even remotely sounds insulting to “them” we get infractions, it’s time we infract “them”, talk about double standards and thin skins.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player.2475


Yeah, I have no idea. Even the hardest part of core gameplay was a single question in map or local chat away. Either that or you could just put in minimal effort to figure it out before.
I haven’t seen a single person complain about the game being hard except for the jumping puzzles.

This is a T-rated MMO, not a point-and-click adventure for 5-year-olds.
That’s how GW2 ends; not with a bang, but a whimper.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Isn’t it funny that for nearly two years people leveled up from zero without complaining about it being to hard. Then they nerfed the trait system, and now the whole leveling process altogether.


I have to agree, there are plenty of things that players have had valid concerns over however that still have yet to be touched, like the numerous broken systems in certain classes that they’ve broken in the quest to balance TPVP, or the lack of rewards from loot, or the fact that DR has never in the entire history of this game done a single thing to keep bots at bay.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TearsFromtheMoon.7190


I don’t understand why Anet felt they needed to make the game easier. I only started playing summer of last year and NEVER had an issue with leveling in the least bit with this game. Zero complaints on that front. I also don’t understand what’s so confusing about “Downed State”. Sure, as a new player it confused me at first but when I realized what it was, I was like, “Hell yes! Coming back for round two!”.

The fact some of my Traits in my Trait tree have to be purchased with possibly skill points and other stuff, kind of overboard, ridiculous and a little unbalanced, especially for low-level players. Also, yes, it -is- going to be much harder for me to level any new characters because of changes like this.

I sometimes have to wonder who it was who is hired to think of all these “Grand” ideas and changes and actually thinks they are “good” ideas. It also makes me wonder if they do this intentionally to see how “unhappy” they make their player base to encourage them to want to leave – or – stay and spend more money.

If you want to be a more profitable business, you -have- to keep your customers/clients happy to a -very- fair extent. If you don’t listen to some of their input -some- of the time, you could find yourself shooting yourself in the foot. I think they are starting to really do that now.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thejolmt.6091


Changing the trait system didn’t make it more difficult, it made it more annoying. I suppose they were trying to compensate for people thinking they made it more difficult by changing the trait system by removing every champion on the starter map or even making the vets easy to solo.

In Nornia (er Wayfarer Foothills) they changed an event of stealing food and running it back to an NPC to just clicking it now. Seriously? How hard is it to run back and forth? Are people just SO lazy they can’t press W for a few seconds to run the food sacs back?


Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Maybe easy is all they know… it takes ideas to make something hard not using the most obvious variables (damage and hp).

You mean things like:

AoE in various sizes in various areas that require actively paying attention to avoid and not die
Multiple adds
Various conditions caused by boss or adds
Some kind of shield/invulnerability that requires something beyond tank and spank to remove (i.e. have to kite into an AoE field)
Maybe a boss that can only be damaged by a crystal that requires charging it via a major attack that hits a random party member
Maybe a boss that must be fought on the move because they destroy sections of the ground during the encounter

I could go on of course….

Yea GW2 doesn’t have any encounters outside of smashing bosses with high HP, if only they could get creative with fights for once…

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thejolmt.6091


So, a majority of players dislike/hate what’s being done…and yet ANet continues on with their stupid, game-damaging patches anyway. I…don’t understand. They aren’t Blizzard, why are they trying to be like them?

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


Isn’t it funny that for nearly two years people leveled up from zero without complaining about it being to hard. Then they nerfed the trait system, and now the whole leveling process altogether.


Actually, it’s a lot harder this way! You need more time and a lot more patience before you can really start playing the game. And we all know that patience is very difficult to learn….

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Beyond extremes of easy or hard, I couldn’t give a whit about it.
What I want is a smooth, fun leveling experience that gives me options to explore. This does not look smooth to me.

And is it me, or is banking actually locked behind level 23? …Y’know, completely out of reach of all those Experience Scrolls I’ll be itching to use to get past this slough?

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jheryn.8390


Isn’t it funny that for nearly two years people leveled up from zero without complaining about it being to hard. Then they nerfed the trait system, and now the whole leveling process altogether.


Actually, it’s a lot harder this way! You need more time and a lot more patience before you can really start playing the game. And we all know that patience is very difficult to learn….

Um… That is what I was saying. It wasn’t hard to start with was my sentiment. There was no need to make it “easier”. Which they did not.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

Beyond extremes of easy or hard, I couldn’t give a whit about it.
What I want is a smooth, fun leveling experience that gives me options to explore. This does not look smooth to me.

And is it me, or is banking actually locked behind level 23? …Y’know, completely out of reach of all those Experience Scrolls I’ll be itching to use to get past this slough?

I had to check out that account vault – lvl 21 toon and I can access bank…
not starting a new toon to learn more of what I can’t do.
At 21 I did unlock Jumping Puzzles… just freaking amazing.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broom.2561


The freaking pointer top right of my screen is driving me insane. Most of my characters are 80s with full map completion. And even on my 2 lower level alts, I REALLY don’t want or need a flickering pointer in my screen that’s constantly taking my hand and trying to lead me places I do not want to go.

Seriously… I’m 47, I run my own business, and I DO NOT NEED SPOON FEEDING, DIAPERING OR SOFT FOODS.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860


I think that is one of the new achievements.

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


Making games “easier” is more profitable than making them harder (or even leaving them as is in many cases), which is why every game company does it.

Most people like to have things spoonfed to them. It irritates those of us who don’t, but we aren’t a large enough group of people for big companies to target.

Just as an FYI, most gaming companies start out filled with people who like challenges and they make their games for other people who like challenges. It is when PUBLISHERS get involved that the games devolve into quicktime animations designed to allow every single person on the planet to achieve everything in an effort to make the game have mass appeal (and thus significantly increase revenue).

You will never be able to fight this trend because it is simply the result of human behavior.

Server: Devona’s Rest

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Seriously… I’m 47, I run my own business, and I DO NOT NEED SPOON FEEDING, DIAPERING OR SOFT FOODS.

Give it another 20 years~

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Making it easier is way better:

This made me laugh so much! The sarcasm is strong with this one.

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broom.2561


Seriously… I’m 47, I run my own business, and I DO NOT NEED SPOON FEEDING, DIAPERING OR SOFT FOODS.

Give it another 20 years~


Stop. Making. It "easier".

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duran.3196


Making it easier is way better:

so hilarious , especially with that fine british accent

watching that vid is so much better than playing the game
