Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NineOnine.4327


GW2 has some great elements, I really like this game but, hate online puzzles. In my opinion there is 0 skill in pressing space bar + forward on floating steps while getting knocked off by something that you can’t predict just to get rez’d and repeat the process knowing what you know now. It actually make me feel nauseous when this happens over and over, boarder line car sick. I feel like a mouse trapped in a maze.

I played GW1 for 3ish years for one reason, it’s awesome pvp. But we only have 3 options to do this which is the same as guild wars 1. The more people in pvp the less skill required to do “well”. More random elements come into play. Weak players can hide behind allies etc etc…..

I don’t have 4 friends online at the same time who want to tPvP. So I’m left with 8v8 spvp or wvw which actually has a better chance of a 1v1 if you hang around the right area’s (ie :other servers spawn). In wvw there is way less pressure for individual players to go cap/flip points.

People like me are a minority it seems despite GW heritage which IS PvP. Give me a straight fight even if its unfair and I’m down. This goes for PvE to why do i have to run around a mountain 3-4 times just to realize that the entrance to the skill point I’m doing is underwater half the map away. There is nothing to be gained by that but wasting the players time, and vista’s don’t even get me started….

There was a guild msg I saw today “fractals level 1 lfg” I hadn’t done this controversial dungeon before so i thought I’d give it a try…… Our group got the underwater one where you get turned into a dolphin. It was possibly one of the worst gaming experiences I’ve ever had, top 3 at least. But I didn’t want to let my group down so i had to go through over an hour of torture.

Please Anet can we have a patch or two that doesn’t add brain dead space bar+forward content for the wow masses and just fixes the 10000 bugs. And please add a 4v4 or 1v1 arena and ill love you forever.

(edited by NineOnine.4327)

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cavernshark.8957


Different teams are different? You can’t simply repurpose entire teams on a project this large. The people developing content probably use custom tools for world editing and do less fiddling with the inner workings of the game’s databases. The skill sets for both aren’t necessarily interchangeable.

I, for one, like the fact that I can expect to see a new puzzle every month or so. It’s one of my favorite things to do in the game.

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Selwynn.2758


I know this is really hard for people to understand, because it comes up in every game. Content Development and Bug Fixing are two completely separate groups of people.

So I hear what I think you mean which is, “please demonstrate to use that fixing existing bugs is your top priority.”

But even if bug fixing was priority number one, it would not mean that no other development would be happening at the same time.

For example, perhaps the guys with the expertise and specialization to work on the rendering/culling issue are not the same guys who have the expertise in puzzle content design.

So just because you see something else coming into GW2 does not by itself mean that bugfixing isn’t a priority. If stopping the delivery of all other updates to GW2 would make bug fixes happen faster, then fine. But I don’t think it actually works that way.

Selene Swiftfire, Elementalist
Selwynn Swiftblade, Guardian
E m p ë r i u m [EMP] ~ J a d e Q u a r r y

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NineOnine.4327


Different teams are different? You can’t simply repurpose entire teams on a project this large. The people developing content probably use custom tools for world editing and do less fiddling with the inner workings of the game’s databases. The skill sets for both aren’t necessarily interchangeable.

I, for one, like the fact that I can expect to see a new puzzle every month or so. It’s one of my favorite things to do in the game.

Your not getting it, the main point of my thread is for Anet to take a deep breath, just fix what they have already and think about the old gw1 crew without changing too much, hell even fixing the bugs would be enough for now. Not for long, even just for a month or two as i said. Make what you have already good. A quarter of the skills on the 2 level 80’s I have are either bugged or the tool tip is inaccurate….

(edited by NineOnine.4327)

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cailos.8907


Why don’t you report such bugs to the team instead of wasting time here.

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cavernshark.8957


No, I get what you’re saying – I just don’t think you have a reasonable appreciation for software development. I’m not saying the current amount of bugs is or is not acceptable, but telling them to stop producing content (which is, again, probably an entirely different set of people with different skill sets and backgrounds) isn’t going to speed up their ability to fix the issues you’re experiencing. All it will serve to do is make is so we have less content.

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tei.1704


I agree with the general idea of the thread, but people really need to raise their standards for what a puzzle is. You move forward and press 2 twice. It requires no ingenuity or patient effort. This “puzzle” is not confusing. There is one solution that is handed right to you. It isn’t that hard. People do not have to stop and think about the right way to solve it. Every instance of non-standard gameplay should not be called a puzzle.

I know this is really hard for people to understand, because it comes up in every game. Content Development and Bug Fixing are two completely separate groups of people.

So I hear what I think you mean which is, “please demonstrate to use that fixing existing bugs is your top priority.”

But even if bug fixing was priority number one, it would not mean that no other development would be happening at the same time.

For example, perhaps the guys with the expertise and specialization to work on the rendering/culling issue are not the same guys who have the expertise in puzzle content design.

So just because you see something else coming into GW2 does not by itself mean that bugfixing isn’t a priority. If stopping the delivery of all other updates to GW2 would make bug fixes happen faster, then fine. But I don’t think it actually works that way.

This is true, but your point ignores the fact that new content requires bug fixes as well. If the current bug fixing team can’t deal with the present bugs, the problem will only get worse when new content is added. Whoever deals with bugs could make a more focused effort to deal with current bugs. You don’t have to be an industry expert to realize this would help them reduce the overall number of bugs faster. Content designers could focus on improving what the game already has. Changing content will likely make new bugs anyway, but wouldn’t it be less than brand new content? Some people make it sound like it would be impossible for Anet to even slightly alter how personnel resources are allocated.

Also, I think the OP is arguing for a broad idea than “fixing bugs should be the #1 priority.” This is more about whether a higher quality of content is more important than a higher quantity of content.

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gaspara.4079


Sounds to me like the moral of this thread is. Stop catering this game to many different people and cater is specifically to me.

I think you should take a minute to realize that there are other people playing this game. Some like to explore and try and find little secrets and things, others like to kill lots of monsters, some enjoy solving puzzles and having to figure out how to get to the treasure, others like pvp. When they developed this game they didn’t just want the GW1 population of super casuals and pvpers, they wanted a game for the masses. They wanted to make a game that pleases as many people as possible because the more people who like your game the more money your company makes and the more spending power you have on your next game.

I’m sorry that GW2 is not a direct reboot of GW1 but it never should have been. As great as GW1 was it was a game best left in the past because it was designed around technical constraints and cost efficiency that apply much more loosely to today’s game and to match or exceed its market shared it had to be upgraded.

Also as far as the bugs. Are there bugs? Sure, there are tons of them, but no system this huge is ever bug free, EVER. You may not have ever worked in the software industry or written a computer program but I can tell you if it does more than say “Hello World” it almost certainly has a bug of some kind.

(edited by gaspara.4079)

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curae.1837


I actually love the jumping puzzles. I also love the fact that some poi’s and skill points are harder to find. It adds to the dimension of the game to me as well as providing me fun. Sure, bugs also have to be fixed, but there are different teams working on different things. What would you suggest that the teams who make puzzles and such go do in the meantime then? twiddle their thumbs?

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The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProphetSword.5427


Others have already mentioned that the development is in multiple teams, so I won’t bother with that. But I do have an issue with this:

Please Anet can we have a patch or two that doesn’t add brain dead space bar+forward content for the wow masses and just fixes the 10000 bugs. And please add a 4v4 or 1v1 arena and ill love you forever.

Some of us like the jumping puzzles. Also, calling those of us that do the “wow masses” is inaccurate. How many jumping puzzles can you name from WoW?

And where do these unusually large bug numbers come from? 10,000 bugs? Can I see your source so I can verify this is the actual number?

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gele.2048


I love teh puzzles so u dont have to do them if u dont like something dosent mean the rest of us dont like it GROW up

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


There is 0 skill in pressing the space bar? Really? Then why do you get sick from doing the puzzles? You should be finished in no time.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aaron.7850


Why not both? Jumping puzzles are one of my top favorite features of GW2

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flynch.6034


Actually, in theory, the more bugs they squash, the more experience they will gain and in doing so, will prevent bugs cropping up in newer content.

3 months in? Of course there are going to be bugs. But they will be handled. New content is an absolute priority to keep things fresh and exciting – and along the way, they will learn how to avoid pitfalls.

There is no good reason to stall on producing new content just because some bugs have not been rectified as yet.

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


Don’t like jump puzzles, don’t do them.

Not sure if I understand but are they required?

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: interpol.2397


I would also like ANet to stop focusing on things I do not like (1v1, 4v4, 8v8 tPvP), and focus only on things that I do like (dungeons, jump puzzles, competitive missions), and also fix all of the bugs.
Is it reasonable of me to ask for the developers to stop working on things that other players enjoy and I do not? No, it isn’t.
Is it reasonable for me to want all the bugs fixed? Yes. Will it happen at my command? No.

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Considering how quickly anet pushes out new content vs how slowly they fix bugs, I would think they could spare to shuffle a few devs from the content group to the bug fix group…

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: draeath.8536


Don’t like jump puzzles, don’t do them.

Not sure if I understand but are they required?

Nope. Just another “Guys! Stop having fun!” post.

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Considering how quickly anet pushes out new content vs how slowly they fix bugs, I would think they could spare to shuffle a few devs from the content group to the bug fix group…

The bugs are caused by the tools the programmers make for the content development team. This meance, chances are, they don’t have an underlying knowledge of how the software works to be able to fix it, so ‘shuffling them around’ would be a complete waste of time.

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Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Stop adding puzzles, fix the broken stuff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProphetSword.5427


Not everyone who works on the new content is a programmer with knowledge how to fix the bugs.

Some of them are artists. You know, the people who make the game look so awesome. Their time is better spent making art.

Some of them design new events, monsters, encounters, etc. They are good at designing things, and should not spend time fixing bugs they didn’t create.

Some of them are likely responsible for in-game dialogues given by the NPCs and such; because, prose is what they excel at. They do not excel at figuring out code.

So, you assume all of them are programmers, which is a fallacy.