Stop making outfits!!!

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Moreover, I suspect ANet may already be working within their old skinning system, and that outfits are already individual skins in some way flagged as being part of a set. This might explain how helmets are hidden on outfits in the same way they are for armor. (That shoulders and gloves cannot be hidden could be an arbitrary limitation and design decision.)

You can hide an outfit’s helm because they appear in cutscenes, I’m pretty sure.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706



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Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017

(That shoulders and gloves cannot be hidden could be an arbitrary limitation and design decision.)

Actually, from what I have seen, gloves can be hidden on outfits (I tested it on the Hexed outfit, and hiding your gloves does indeed hide the gloves on the outfit as well).

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naus the Gobbo.5172

Naus the Gobbo.5172

I love outfits and want them to make more.

What we do in life echoes in eternity – GW2 – A world of wonder

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I really enjoy the outfits and will often use them while leveling characters so they don’t look like complete crap (and so I don’t have to either constantly wear my heritage armor or waste transmutation charges). That being said, I’d very happily welcome more full armor skin sets, especially if they look great.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

I don’t like the outfits either and will NEVER buy one.

However, I would never presume to tell Anet and other players what they can and cannot choose to make or buy. The OPs dislike of outfits is NOT a reason for Anet to discontinue their release (tho I wish it was).

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Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elestian.6134


Actually, from what I have seen, gloves can be hidden on outfits (I tested it on the Hexed outfit, and hiding your gloves does indeed hide the gloves on the outfit as well).

So I’ve never looked into this and don’t have or make use of nearly enough outfits to have noticed on my own. Apparently the ability to hide gloves is an exception made for certain outfits and not others. So for example, gloves can be hidden on the Hexed and Mad King Outfits, but not so for Ceremonial Plated or the upcoming Crystal Nomad Outfit. I also could not find any mention of this made on Wiki.

I honestly can’t tell if this is by design or oversight.

(edited by Elestian.6134)

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: crismuno.4210


don’t stop making outfits, just make them 6 pieces withc 4 color channel each cause right now they are a joke

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naus the Gobbo.5172

Naus the Gobbo.5172

Actually, from what I have seen, gloves can be hidden on outfits (I tested it on the Hexed outfit, and hiding your gloves does indeed hide the gloves on the outfit as well).

So I’ve never looked into this and don’t have or make use of nearly enough outfits to have noticed on my own. Apparently the ability to hide gloves is an exception made for certain outfits and not others. So for example, gloves can be hidden on the Hexed and Mad King Outfits, but not so for Ceremonial Plated or the upcoming Crystal Nomad Outfit. I also could not find any mention of this made on Wiki.

I honestly can’t tell if this is by design or oversight.

The reason you can hide your gloves on the mad kings outfit, witch outfit and wintersday out fit is because they were made as actual armour pieces back when we had town clothing.

Those outfits were actual armour sets, you could mix and match every piece if you wanted. They were just turned into outfits. New outfits don’t get that option.

What we do in life echoes in eternity – GW2 – A world of wonder

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


I had no idea you could hide helmets on outfits. Anyone got an image of the male Lich outfit with helmet hid? Googled for it, but didn’t come up with any.

When I first saw it, I thought parts of it would make a great Satyr themed outfit with some dye changes, the was very disappointed to learn it was an outfit, and not a real armor skin.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017

Actually, from what I have seen, gloves can be hidden on outfits (I tested it on the Hexed outfit, and hiding your gloves does indeed hide the gloves on the outfit as well).

So I’ve never looked into this and don’t have or make use of nearly enough outfits to have noticed on my own. Apparently the ability to hide gloves is an exception made for certain outfits and not others. So for example, gloves can be hidden on the Hexed and Mad King Outfits, but not so for Ceremonial Plated or the upcoming Crystal Nomad Outfit. I also could not find any mention of this made on Wiki.

I honestly can’t tell if this is by design or oversight.

Yeah, I mostly discovered it by accident. I was also under the assumption that gloves could not be hidden on outfits, until I activated Hexed outfit while I had my gloves hidden on my armor. It’s a pity other outfits don’t let you hide the gloves though. I wonder if any of them let you hide the shoulders?

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elestian.6134


Those outfits were actual armour sets, you could mix and match every piece if you wanted. They were just turned into outfits. New outfits don’t get that option.

Yeah, I guess I got caught up thinking of Hexed as the exception to that possibility, but I suppose it is practically copied from the Witch’s Outfit.

I wonder if any of them let you hide the shoulders?

Doesn’t appear that you can. Assuming Naus is correct, I’m not sure why ANet wouldn’t then also allow shoulders to be hidden on these previously-armorset outfits.

(edited by Elestian.6134)

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017

I had no idea you could hide helmets on outfits. Anyone got an image of the male Lich outfit with helmet hid? Googled for it, but didn’t come up with any.

When I first saw it, I thought parts of it would make a great Satyr themed outfit with some dye changes, the was very disappointed to learn it was an outfit, and not a real armor skin.

Here’s the male version previewed without a helm.


Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


Here’s the male version previewed without a helm.

Nice, thanks!

I thought previews didn’t reflect hidden slots.

Much appreciated.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017

Here’s the male version previewed without a helm.

Nice, thanks!

I thought previews didn’t reflect hidden slots.

Much appreciated.

No worries. :P

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


they could just make the armorset available for every class!

They literally can’t do that, because of the way the armor classes work. They’d have to make a seperate version for each armor class, and they might as well make a new set entirely at that point. And of course all three versions would be sold individually at 800 gems apiece like all the other armor in the gem store…

This also means that if they hypothetically turned outfits into armor, they’d be locked to a single armor class, again like the existing gem store armor.

why shouldnt they be able to do it????

i cant imagine that it takes more than 3 minutes to copy for example the heavy armor for light and medium too
and they can just release it as 1x bought and unlocked for every armor class

like the mordrem shoulder, glove and helmet skins…. IT ALREADY EXISTS THAT WAY!

how do you even come to the idea that they “literally cant do that” ???

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Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


Here’s something for everyone to chew on, and a question for you. This is just an example and in no way reflects reality, but, consider it might take them a week to design an outfit. Now take that week and multiply 50 fold to design an armor set, that gives you some idea of the complexity involved in making an armor set vs an outfit. Now the question, would those of you wanting armor skins instead be willing to pay 3000 gems for an armor skin vs 800 for an outfit?

For those that think it’s just a bit more work to make an armor set vs an outfit, you’re in fantasy land, it’s a lot more complex than you think and takes a considerable amount of addition time, resources and money…all of which come out of the same budge so that would reduce the amount of money for some other area of development.

i would pay even 10.000 gems to get an actual useable armor instead of an outfit…
can’t speak for everyone with that ofc


outfits already hide the helmet and you can clearly see different designed pieces for shoulder and gloves for most realistic armor outfits already…. they just have to separate them into actual armorpieces
i really dont believe that it takes 50x as long as creating the outfit itsself

i am talking about realistic outfits like Ceremonial Plated Outfit or Balthazar Outfit or Shadow Assassin Outfit or Crystal Nomad Outfit here ! ! !

the Holiday + Costume Brawl outfits dont even need to eb released as real armorsets.. and i agree that it would be kind of impossible for these since they often have just 1 big armorpiece that covers everything

clipping issues are NO PROBLEM
every existing armor clips… the nice thing is to search and find good fitting looks!

We Glitched Out Of All [MAPS]
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:

(edited by Orangensaft.7139)

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


Here’s something for everyone to chew on, and a question for you. This is just an example and in no way reflects reality, but, consider it might take them a week to design an outfit. Now take that week and multiply 50 fold to design an armor set, that gives you some idea of the complexity involved in making an armor set vs an outfit. Now the question, would those of you wanting armor skins instead be willing to pay 3000 gems for an armor skin vs 800 for an outfit?

For those that think it’s just a bit more work to make an armor set vs an outfit, you’re in fantasy land, it’s a lot more complex than you think and takes a considerable amount of addition time, resources and money…all of which come out of the same budge so that would reduce the amount of money for some other area of development.

i would pay even 10.000 gems to get an actual useable armor instead of an outfit…
can’t speak for everyone with that ofc


outfits already hide the helmet and you can clearly see different designed pieces for shoulder and gloves for most outfits…. they just have to separate them into actual armorpieces
i dont really believe that it takes 50x as long as creating the outfit itsself

clipping issues are NO PROBLEM
every existing armor clips… the nice thing is to search and find good fitting looks!

10.000 gems might be a bit overkill… but id gladly pay more to have a functioning armorset composed of skins aswell… if its “top notch” quality and goes my direction of taste id go up to 1200 easily… heck id pay that much just to have the darn facepaint of the mad prince and the “mask” of the cook outfit (at charr its a mask with iron cage arround the mouth and its literally the best looking non metallic helmet for charr up to this day in the game). Sometime i might get bored of it (like it happened to me a lot and will surely happen in the future again) and i wanna swap out parts of it and with a functioning armor set i can actually do that…yea mind blown lol.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brahmincorle.1264


stop buying outfits and they will stop making them ;-)

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nike.2631


stop buying outfits and they will stop making them ;-)

Working on that as fast as I can.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slamfunction.7462


they will just keep making outfit. outfit get big income,

think about it.
1 set armor skin cost 800gem
the game designer need to design 3 set plus combination each part.

1 set outfit 700 gem
1 set design no combination.

save labour fees, safe time big profit.

WHY NOT.. they will never change….


I just keep wondering when everything changed, and it was perfectly “OK!” to expect less from the products we consume. Its like somewhere along the lines someone said it was cool to never expect anything more than mediocrity.

I don’t agree with the excuses that ANet is handing out. I’m not buying outfits. And i agree with people posting their issues with outfits, because if we stop complaining, ANet will just keep doing the wrong things. Sad it comes to that. We expected more…

Arena Nets are used to catch Gladiator Fish.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: crismuno.4210


Just think about the money they would make with people like me, buying all outfits just because wanting single pieces that i like from every single one, not mentioning people that, happy with new 6-picese-mix-match-colorful-policy, would buy them more happily.

100% more incomes ? ( from people like me would be 500% )

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

how do you even come to the idea that they “literally cant do that” ???

A dev stated outright that the armor classes could not be combined during the town clothes kerfuffle last year..

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

how do you even come to the idea that they “literally cant do that” ???

A dev stated outright that the armor classes could not be combined during the town clothes kerfuffle last year..


The Dev was talking about the start of outfits and mentioned why the different armor types could not be made to mix and match.

Source (page 18).
“When we started looking at bringing more of the clothing back into armor with mix and match styles there are some fundamental incompatible things between weight classes. (part of how we set up every armor to allow many dye channels and styles per piece). There really is no way at this point over six years since we started development to make absolutely everything work together. So we needed something new to continue to grow in the future.”

In other words, they can’t just copy and paste onto the different weights. They have said there are differences where the armor seams are (where the different pieces are divided from the neighboring armor piece) as well as where the different weights have their dye channels.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geikamir.6329


Who cares about clipping. Just let me mix and match.

Toons: Foreseer, Geikamir, Rapscallion, Specimen, Scythian, Zeau, Ärtifact, and Replica.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Well I’m using gem store armor with ingame armor mixes on a big part of my chracters.
And I sometimes see people wearing something partly the same, but I remain UNIQUE, and I get head gear I want.

I do not wear generic outfits with no customisation options like all people levelling alts which is carried by a big part of the community due to the fact they do NOT have to use transmutation charges. I just couldn’t care.

I have 2 outfits now, There was a halloween outfit I got it, and I never use it as it is more ugly then lvl 0 basic armor, and I have the "vampire’s dress which was hyped to the level of a -1 euro store- item due to the fact eerybody and their neighbour bought one.

The dye channels are FUBARRED, colors seem to be modified again and again leading to frustrations: I have all dyes, why can’t they look the same in all channels…(I understand the difference between leather, metallic and cloth, but even within cloth there are color shifts. hue changes and color flips…)
This completely destroys the “ease” of the dye system well let’s see which one of the 304 dyes will I need to complement the other part of my outfit in the same shade of Fill in color here." Not to mention the gem store dyes…. I have at least a legendary’s worth of gold spend on dyes…. I cannot seem to use a part as colors are modded and modded, so gray is black in one channel, silver in the next, matte grey in a third….

In the end I bought some armor sets on the trading post and even though I haven’t used some of them , I do use single armor skin parts for mix and matches, I found I didn’t mind only using 2 ,3 or 4 pieces and leaving the rest unused in a bank tab, while I find the gems paid for the outfits the most useless purchase I made, except maybe for the bag slots which were on my 2 deleted characters.

Giving the impression the outfits are for people with no ingame cash, no real life cash and no interest of working on something Unique, In a game where looks are the true endgame.

No More Outfits would be a start, converting all outfits to armor would be a great addition. Reintroducing the town cloting as ARMOR would be a 3rd!! Then you should have things abit more on track IMO (yes: No IMHO).

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rockinrobot.8539


They should stop making armor sets unless they are going to make some less eccentric, flamboyant or more calm and more simple.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ReaperStriker.1982


Outfits have the benefit of being able to be worn regardless of armor class (ie. light, heavy), as well as not using transmutation charges. But still, transmutation charges are fairly easy to get in PvP, and as stated by another poster, you couldn’t mix and match the armor pieces. Maybe anet could return the townclothes UI, and tweak it to be used for outfit customization instead.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


Stop making outfits! We cant pick and choose pieces to match with our armor sets, it’s all or nothing, and LOTS of people don’t like that. There are SEVERAL outfits that would be better off as armor sets, and if they were armor sets and not outfits, I would happily purchase some of them to be able to meld them to my liking with my other gear.

Totally agree, it’s waste of good armour that could be combined to full mix and match set. I don’t see a point why they are making outfits at all..

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddy.6247


There are more armor sets. There are also more outfits. I can almost guarantee we’ll see an explosion of new armor sets again after Heart of Thorns release – until then, mostly outfits. Then, after Heart of Thorns – back to outfits. It will be cyclical, because when there’s no reason to make a new theme of armor, it ’s easier to make a themed outfit (except the ninja outfit, that was just there to please those crappy Naruto fans).

One thing they need to do though is make a toggle headgear option for your outfit separately from your armor. That alone would dramatically increase some options while keeping outfits on point (looks that are too complex to be modified or can’t be split into different pieces easily).

(edited by Cuddy.6247)

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alecu.4786


new mordrem outfit in the gemstore….


Please, Anet, please!! Stop making outfits and actually make armor sets! It would be so much better…

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ark.6839


^ what he said. So many topics on this, so little (lol, nope. Non-existent is more like it) answers.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

new mordrem outfit in the gemstore….


Please, Anet, please!! Stop making outfits and actually make armor sets! It would be so much better…

“Stop making outfits and selling them on the Gem Store” essentially equates to “Stop trying to make money!”. A-net has the metrics- from the way they sell outfits (and how often new ones appear) I would assume that outfits are more popular and more profitable, probably because they are easier to create and any armour weight can use them. I’ve been put off spending 100 gems more on armour (and bought outfits instead) because I don’t want to spend 800 gems on something that can be used on roughly 1/3rd of any of my characters (and I’d assume other people are in a similar boat, also because all of the other benefits of outfits regarding transmutation stones).

Moreover, A-net have already said that gemstore armours will largely become a thing of the past- outfits will take pride of place in the gemstore and any new armours released will be available somehow in-game rather than with gems.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Pizza.8342

Sir Pizza.8342

I prefere having an outfit or 2 for my leveling characters, because if I have a certain skin for an armor piece, I would have to pay more transformation charges to keep my armor leveled to some extend.
And it would mean that I can’t wear it on my other characters.

Of course, there’s just a big of a chance I’m totally wrong, I’m only playing the game now since May with a lot of breaks for other games.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nike.2631


“Stop making outfits and selling them on the Gem Store” essentially equates to “Stop trying to make money!”.

No it doesn’t and obviously not. Its a customer saying “quite allocating man hours to something I’ll never buy when that same team has made stuff I did buy.”

Yes, they have a plan. As good a plan as they can come up with from their assessment of the numbers. A plan that leaves me and many other in the lurch because the outfits are OBVIOUSLY designed as various weights of armor and for the most part could be split back into and sold as armor if they chose to, while those of who like and use the mix and match system twiddle our thumbs. Obviously they feel they’re making more money this way but they are also alienating customers who would like new armor skins and have been waiting to see new gear roll out for ages while they dump new outfits into the store like clockwork.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

“Stop making outfits and selling them on the Gem Store” essentially equates to “Stop trying to make money!”.

No it doesn’t and obviously not. Its a customer saying “quite allocating man hours to something I’ll never buy when that same team has made stuff I did buy.”

Yes, they have a plan. As good a plan as they can come up with from their assessment of the numbers. A plan that leaves me and many other in the lurch because the outfits are OBVIOUSLY designed as various weights of armor and for the most part could be split back into and sold as armor if they chose to, while those of who like and use the mix and match system twiddle our thumbs. Obviously they feel they’re making more money this way but they are also alienating customers who would like new armor skins and have been waiting to see new gear roll out for ages while they dump new outfits into the store like clockwork.

Maybe one of the reasons they went with armor only in game and outfits in the gemstore, was because the armor wasn’t selling well enough and outfits sell better. If outfits aren’t selling, then they are certainly turning them out like clockwork for little profit.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


I don’t want them to stop making outfits, a lot of people love them and it brings them money.

What I want them to do is make 1 set of armor in game for each outfit they add to the gem store. We had lots of armor sets added through the gem store (and very few added in game), people complained and they said okay Outfits in the gemstore and armor in game.
And since we’ve had mostly Outfits in the gem store and very few armors added to the game, so clearly their priority is that which makes them money.
And that’s fair, they’re a business not a charity.

But that said its getting a little old to see the disparity, the least they could have done was discount/bring back the armor previously on the gem store for the anniversary sale.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malachi Draven.2865

Malachi Draven.2865

I totally agree! I would lovelovelove to use many of the current outfits, but that means I wouldn’t be able to use my Glint’s Gaze Mask with them and that’s just unacceptable.

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Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dsslive.8473


I disagree, leave outfits be as they are.

What i would like to see is a couple more armorsets alongside (not copies of the outfits) but like a 3:1 ratio for outfits and armors. I would love to have more stuff to mix and match.

But that said, leave outfits alone, they are fine for what they are and i quite like them, even if i love mix-match’ing armor more.

More of both, i say

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I’d like a feature where I could turn a current armor setup into an outfit. I don’t care if it costs a ton of money, how great would that be.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….