(edited by kurumufan.2389)
Stop murdering mommy Dolyaks
Maxtar Rapidstep is the owner of a ranch where you can capture baby Dolyaks for a heart quest. However, as you try to capture the baby Dolly’s the mommy will attack you in order to prevent you from capturing her babies. Isn’t it cruel that you are basically doing the equivalent of smashing baby seals heads in as their mothers are watching and you don’t even get a choice to support this awful practice in game or not? How can I feel like it is MY character running out there in the fields if I would make them do something I would be so much against if I were in their shoes? I don’t understand why you can’t just make it an event where the mommies are the carrier Dolly’s and you just have to return the babies from the fields and protect them from wild animals. Please, I’ve been bothered by this heart quest ever since the game came out. Can we stop the cruelty please?
I suggest a simple change where either the mommy Dolyaks no longer attack you when you try to capture their babies or that the mommy is already at the farm and it will be changed into a retrieving mission where you capture the babies to return them to the mommy.
Thank you for reading
I hope everyone understands that this is both a serious request as well as a funny note since I understand that the chance arena net are going to change this are pretty darn low. Have a nice day!
This is probably nicer than some of the other requests a farmer could ask of you. I think its quite interesting having slightly darker quests, I remember frist doing this and feeling “oh this is horrible” but having quests that make you feel something is better than any forgettable quest you are asking for.
Adds a bit of depth to the world which subconciously reminds you that its not all rainbows and lollipops in Tyria and you might be asked to do things you aren’t entirely comfortable with (you can of course refuse to do the heart – I would possibly even suggest an alternative method of completion where you could also try to let the baby Dolyaks out the cage for some silly ecoterrorist off to the side somewhere), keep the heart with this method of completion.
If it bothers you I suggest you take a break and do the Wintersday quest instead. It’s a heart warming quest where you poison a sentient creature over several days time until you kill him by feeding him poisoned soup. While he is slowly dying, you look for a poor orphan’s stolen ornaments, because he said he’ll pay you for them not out of the kindness of your heart. Once you get the ornaments you go to the orphan and get your reward, then instead of giving him his ornaments you stand there and salvage them in front of him. After that you take his one and only present from underneath his Wintersday tree, and with a cheery wave, you waypoint out.
It’s stories like this that truly warm my heart.
ANet may give it to you.
As far as depressing renown hearts goes, nothing tops the dying quaggan island in Bloodtide Coast. It’s such a hollow feeling to know you can’t save them all thanks to the looping mechanics.
(edited by Makai.3429)
You do realize there’s an alternative way to complete the heart by killing the skelk that shadow and kill the baby dolyaks, right? It might take longer, but there’s that option if this guilts your conscience.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Upon completing that heart, Maxtar sells you a recipe for Dolyak Stew.
Don’t worry, baby dolyaks will be reunited with their mothers soon. It will be a heartwarming reunion.
Well, heartwarming for you, unless you like your stew cold.
I’ll go back to slaying Quaggans instead
You probably dont want to know that in 1 year, about as many dollys where slaughtered in WvW as there was military deaths during entire World War 2.
So we dont “smash baby seal” heads in PvE for enjoyment. That would be ridiculous and a waste of resources. Dolyaks are soldiers too. We need those baby dollys.
I’ll go back to slaying Quaggans instead
You monster.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
If you’re good enough you can snatch the dolly babies without killing their mothers. I haven’t killed one in years.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
As far as depressing renown hearts goes, nothing tops the dying quaggan island in Bloodtide Coast. It’s such a hollow feeling to know you can’t save them all thanks to the looping mechanics.
Oh no, the worst ones are where the asura are asking you to participate in experimenting on skritt. (Worse still after learning what happened prior to the events of GW2.)
Hahaha thank you all very much for the replies It’s great to see so many people took the time to read my silly request! First of all I would like to say that yes I do know that you can either not kill the mother dolly or kill Skelks instead. I do like that the option to capture them and kill their mothers is there because for some characters I understand it would fit to take such harsh and dark actions. But for the lighter or heart I wish there indeed would be a baby dolly cage where you can free them
even if it doesn’t count towards the heart! There are plenty of other hearts where I sometimes wonder what the writer of the quest was thinking when he set this up… But mostly I enjoy the freedom you get in gw2 to do what you want and complete quests ^^ Like in bloodtide coast where you can capture crabs to either give them to a hylec so that he can eat them or give them to a Quaggan who will keep them safe. It’s moments like those that I feel like my character has a choice, a preference… A personality! <3
Thanks again for the support/criticism.
You see, some quests are a test for stupidity and meant to be refused. For example the quest satyr gives you in Teldrassil when you leave spawn area. If you are dumb enough to complete it, the next one in the chain explains you your mistake. Or the WHOLE lot of sidequests in Sith Academy. Doing such quests “because im a completionista” is to mutilate own sanity.
I gotta admit, I try to avoid killing the mothers wherever possible. For the same reasons that I dislike Vollyms Battle Pit, and the battle pit in the charr zones (Diessa?).
Although having said that, some of my characters would undoubtedly side with the separatists if I played them to form.
Also, as has been said, it it invokes a negative reaction, in a way that is an appeal to sentiment that I can respect. Personally, I don’t like that so much of the wildlife is immediately hostile as it most surely would not be in real life, but it’s a game and has to provide challenge.
GW2 is a full genocide run.
Make sure no dragons are left alive!
The Dolyak Liberation Militia approves this message.
You know what might change your mind on the matter? A lesson in Dolyak biology.
Adult dolyaks protect their young because they regularly eat them. Alive. From the adorable little hooves and up. Then, when the adult alpha dolyak grows old and infirm, its young gang up on her, kill her and eat her. Following a brief and bloody struggle among the remaining youths, the winner is the new alpha dolyak and has the right of first pick among the delicious calves. The circle of life continues.
this Renown Heart offers a unique perspective and makes players think. not only is it an educational tool, it’s FICTIONAL!
if anything, it is a boon to your cause
Thank you for reading
I hope everyone understands that this is both a serious request as well as a funny note since I understand that the chance arena net are going to change this are pretty darn low. Have a nice day!
I just ignore the adult dolyak xD
After killing ambient bunny after ambient bunny wasn’t filling that insatiable hunger of mine, i had to resort to mass slaughter of baby dolyaks. Why babies you ask? because they are far more tender than their full grown mothers. And hey, the mothers attacked me first, I was just defending myself. I only eat the calfs. I leave the mothers carcass out to rot.
As the Imp advisor from Black and White 2 said, “WAR is evil, and I am EVIL! Its time to choose, boss!” And this game is called Guild WARs 2. Are you seeing a pattern here?
GW2 is a full genocide run.
Make sure no dragons are left alive!
lol on one hand you have dragons whose natural state is to consume magic to survive, then you have us heroes plowing through the innocent with magic to feed our insatiable lust for xp and loot :P
I like killing rabbits, they give nice big dmg numbers!
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
It’s… a…. game.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
We got a post not long ago about not killing ambients.
Now we get a post about not killing mommy doylaks.
I guess some people won’t be happy unless we all take up knitting. Sorry but I like killing things to relax after work, and as a matter of fact I imagine all the things I kill to be the customers I had to deal with all day.
If that makes me a sociopath then so be it; it is my free time after all and I did pay for the game too.
I remember this quest because I felt bad doing it. There may be very young children playing this game and they may pick up a thing or two about cruelty towards animals. But it is a quest in the Norn homeland after all and they are hunters you know. Maybe A-Net can give us the option to capture the mommy dolyaks too so we don’t have to kill them. I’m sure the Norn can find good use for mommy dolyaks, like carrying their stuff for them or whatever.
gaem not made for mi
If your kids learn it’s ok to abuse animals from a video game, you’re not parenting correctly.
But I don’t think this thread is really meant to be taken that seriously. Just enjoy the humor. It’s fun.
Edit: to clarify, I meant the thread is fun. Not innocent pixel yak murder. I mean, I’m not judging how you enjoy your time. I just wanted to say I like this thread.
(edited by Squee.7829)
I always thought talks about animal abuse and violence in games were kinda silly, and I kill deer without blinking an eye because I hate deer and how stupid they are touching my AOEs and then blaming me. But then I remember doing this heart, and I’m like “dude, that’s totally messed up!”
I don’t even try to kill the angry adult dolyak these days.
It’s not enough for me to contact PETA and I still lament the lack of a meat pizza in the game, but :O It’s an issue of consistency for me. Hearts are like mostly doing community service and cleaning up cow dung or some kitten or some goody goody crap, and then… this!
Although ironically, I hate being the goody goody hero too and I have the yakslapper title so I actually do like killing dolyaks, so…. I think it’s a matter of the game in general portraying your character as a goody two shoes. I wouldn’t mind more kittenish things if the story allowed for it more and portrayed it as such.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
GW2 is a full genocide run.
Make sure no dragons are left alive!
And I’m having such a Good Time doing it…
Ahh this thread made my morning.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Maxtar Rapidstep is the owner of a ranch where you can capture baby Dolyaks for a heart quest. However, as you try to capture the baby Dolly’s the mommy will attack you in order to prevent you from capturing her babies. Isn’t it cruel that you are basically doing the equivalent of smashing baby seals heads in as their mothers are watching and you don’t even get a choice to support this awful practice in game or not?
I suggest a simple change where either the mommy Dolyaks no longer attack you when you try to capture their babies or that the mommy is already at the farm and it will be changed into a retrieving mission where you capture the babies to return them to the mommy.
Well, starting up farms will always result in suffering of said animals, adults and their babies.
And not to forget that nature in real life is even crueler, predator will attack it’s prey, regardless if it’s a baby or adult, hunger gives no easy way out…
I’d say it’s more like: Kill the mother to herd their children, than the opposite…
In a way, if Anet does change it, perhaps it forces players to capture the mother instead and the calves will then follow obediently.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
I want them to add an option that I can roll in a dolly that I just killed to mask my smell, so I can sneak up on them and kill them easier. After all, they are just pixels and not real in any way………..
Also I want to kill quaggans.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I always thought talks about animal abuse and violence in games were kinda silly, and I kill deer without blinking an eye because I hate deer and how stupid they are touching my AOEs and then blaming me. But then I remember doing this heart, and I’m like “dude, that’s totally messed up!”
I don’t even try to kill the angry adult dolyak these days.
It’s not enough for me to contact PETA and I still lament the lack of a meat pizza in the game, but :O It’s an issue of consistency for me. Hearts are like mostly doing community service and cleaning up cow dung or some kitten or some goody goody crap, and then… this!
Although ironically, I hate being the goody goody hero too and I have the yakslapper title so I actually do like killing dolyaks, so…. I think it’s a matter of the game in general portraying your character as a goody two shoes. I wouldn’t mind more kittenish things if the story allowed for it more and portrayed it as such.
This wouldn’t be the first instance of Guild Wars heroes turning an abrupt 180 and becoming sociopaths. A certain quest in GW1: Nightfall involved helping a voracious drake fill his belly with live enemies: many of which could be Kournan soldiers.
I hope you are a vegetarian. Else what you did in real life is even more cruel.
“Heroes of Tyria” murdering dolyaks, rats and other innocent animals.. and yes i do have issue with killing rats.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Just make the mommy dolly invulnerable, maybe?
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
Just make the mommy dolly invulnerable, maybe?
It would hardly be fair to the new, low level chars trying to do a heart in the starter map if they were being attacked by an invulnerable mob. More than one with each group of baby dolyaks they have to rope. I think there might be a complaint or two about that.
ANet may give it to you.
This Heart did tug at the heartstrings. Especially the slow, walk of sadness the baby dolyak does when it’s been captured and is going off to its grim future as an eventual steak.
But how’s that really any different from those tigers or wolves just massacring helpless rabbits? Or us killing hostile mobs that attack us because they’re trying to eat us? Either way, something’s going to be dead at the end of the day.
GW2 is a full genocide run.
Make sure no dragons are left alive!
And I’m having such a Good Time doing it…
- 4 left.
Bunnies= Fluffy tailed rats
—Napoleon Bonaparte
And thats why i prefer to genocide human players in sPvP.
How about changing the mechanic a bit and instead subtract from your completion percentage for the task, or even reset it altogether when you killed a mommy? That way you have to dodge her attacks while you subdue her children. It still seems a bit depressing, but at least no one (aside from us, I presume) are getting hurt.
just kill the skelks then and leave the doylaks alone if you cant stomach it.. geez..
Just make the mommy dolly invulnerable, maybe?
It would hardly be fair to the new, low level chars trying to do a heart in the starter map if they were being attacked by an invulnerable mob. More than one with each group of baby dolyaks they have to rope. I think there might be a complaint or two about that.
I actually think it would be pretty funny to see the mommy Dolly’s being invulnerable but still hostile :P
OP is offended by killing mommy Dolyaks. Takes a screenshot of killing a mommy Dolyak.
At what point does the renown heart NPC, the mobs themselves, or any part of the quest identify the adult dolyaks as female? You just assume they are the mothers? Typical, close-minded reinforcement of restrictive, stereotypical gender-roles, consigning us to functions that society has determined are natural to us. We will not be oppressed by your antiquated dichotomy. Live free! Be yourselves, dolyak sisters and brothers and allyaks in between!
This thread is highly offensive! Especially to skelk.
(It had to be done.)
GW2 is a full genocide run.
Make sure no dragons are left alive!
And I’m having such a Good Time doing it…
- 4 left.
Eh? Are we comparing GW2 to Undertale now?
That’s amusing.
What’s next? Is Flowey secretly a minion of Mordremoth?
You can always go back and do the renown heart that requires you to wear a cow suit to …. advance?
It might put things more in perspective for you.
The mother Dolyaks deserve it for not peacefully accepting their role as baby manufacturer for their Norn overlords. Don’t worry though, they taste delicious. Their bodies are collected and turned into healthy steaks with no artificial flavors or preservatives.
You can always go back and do the renown heart that requires you to wear a cow suit to …. advance?
It might put things more in perspective for you.
If I wanted to be yelled at and told what to do, I’d be a game developer and read the forums :P