Strange smokescreens?

Strange smokescreens?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Hi folks,
me and my buddy were in Kessex hills, running from haunted door to haunted door. When swimming trough Viathan lake, we suddenly got pushed back, like there were invisible walls. Each time we got pushed back, there was a small cooldown on our skills. We saw these strange, faint smokescreenlike things in the lake. And I don’t think they were there before. Here are the screenshots.
So, what do you think, a bug? Some weird halloween thing? … Let us know.

(My idiot friend kept running in front of my screen, so the screenshots are a bit messy.
He will also try to leave some kind of funny remark here in this thread.
Ignore him.)


Strange smokescreens?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


More info in the living story subforum if you want spoilers on this

Strange smokescreens?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeliriumMask.4096


I happened to be there too and the strange smoke also appeared underwater. I hate it because I wanted to take our wedding pictures there, but the smoke ruined the picture.


Strange smokescreens?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Heh, thanks Randulf.
It looks like one awesome awesome mystery, good job Anet.

And we can have our wedding pictures somewhere else, hon. I hear Beetletun is nice this time around.