Stuck at 71..again

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


My first toon was an ele – took him to 71 and hit the fort trinity area…

Second toon is a ranger – took him to 71 and hit the fort trinity area…

I am tired. Of. Risen.

I get it, they’re supposed to be brick walls…but going out into the water to try and get to events (which in two days I haven’t seen another person trying to do) is an act in futility and frustration. After enjoying the game up to this point, all I see now are swarms of Risen arranged in a way to make your life hell as you try to progress through the area. You can’t move 10 yards without Risen being all over you.

Anyone else as frustrated as I am at this stage of the game? Honestly I can’t imagine another 9 levels of this.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: minikiller.8475


there is the north you can go to…

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caiden.9074


Head over to Frostgorge Sound! Fun zone, and even has a dragon encounter. That should change the pace a bit for you to head back to Orr later.

A true warrior does not give up what he loves, he finds the love in what he does.

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Thanks, I’ll try that

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


Orr isn’t solo friendly, and so isn’t populated enough to PUG the events.

At the same time, there doesn’t seem to be much to draw groups there besides the temples.

I stick to Frostgorge Sound; many events in the zone can be done solo, and there’s always a large group of random players doing the Claw of Jormag event whenever its up.

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archer.6485


At least they got the atmosphe right. I never feel safe there and it always keeps me on my toes.

Before I had exotics just trying to survive there was enough to raise my heartbeat. Though I will admit I started hating those anchor throwing zombies with a passion. I guess that’s what villians are supposed to do though… Too bad I didn’t get that feeling out of Zhaitan.

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cezton.2415


Never really hit any walls leveling…

Always had zones/content, if not dungeons. Aggro had never been an issue until Orr.

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: korgoth.5924


lol the 80 zones everything cc’s you back to the stone age… its like running through mud trying to get across map with out fighting through it…

No man is an island, but a bunch of dead bodies make a pretty good raft.

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


it’s funny how everyone avoids Orr all together, i do aswell!
I think this shows there is a major flaw with Orr as a continent/zone that needs to be adressed by ANet.

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shingui.4197


you don’t have to immediately go to orr you know…
I’ve just turned level 80 now, and i am now just starting Straights of Devastation.

Go do some other zone, or go to wvw to level, or do some dungeons.

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ten.8421


Frostgorge Sound is a great map, fun to do, atmospheric, great variety of enemies and has the Claw of Jormag event!
Sadly it’s only one map.

It is possible to get to 80 without ever setting foot into the Orr zones, easily. You just have to do every single map as you level up. I hit level 80 before I had touched a single 70 – 80 map, just from map completion and maybe 5 levels from WvW.
Unfortunately, your storyline mission will lead you into the Orr zones eventually, so if you want to finish that, you have to at least run through for some waypoints.

Gamut Gaming Group [GGG], an inclusive non-oppression, non-prejudice, non-normativity group.

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Yup go to Frostgorge, fun well designed and action filled.

Orr… is just… Melchor Leap especially is horrible

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wollie.9751


I love Orr. Finished all three zones 100% solo. Its doable. But if you dont like it you can do… ANY other zone in the game. Level scaling, learn it and love it.

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


you don’t have to immediately go to orr you know…
I’ve just turned level 80 now, and i am now just starting Straights of Devastation.

Go do some other zone, or go to wvw to level, or do some dungeons.

On the advice of people here I did go to another zone. I was just following my story line and leveling as it led me to each area.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


Yup go to Frostgorge, fun well designed and action filled.

Orr… is just… Melchor Leap especially is horrible

Frostgorge is amazing.

Until Orr is fixed, it’s actual quite a cool place to hang out.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”