Sub-level 80 world map completion?

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drainbamaged.1062


Is it possible? Discuss.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


I would imagine the experience gained while progressing toward world map completion would be more than enough to push a character to level 80.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


It’s possible but unlikely that anyone will do it.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drainbamaged.1062


People love challenges. I remember seeing level 2 prophecies characters that had made it to the end only leveling once.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


People love challenges. I remember seeing level 2 prophecies characters that had made it to the end only leveling once.

With ascension required to advance the story, how is that possible?

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drainbamaged.1062


Ran to droknars to skip ascension.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


I dont think its possible you get so much exp for it you have to be 80 at the end…

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhysati.4932


Considering I leveled my first character through only doing zones and hit 80 before I was even 50% world complete, I can safely say that it is physically impossible.

Heck, you can’t even survive in the later zones until you are in your 70s and just doing one or two of those would get you to 80.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drainbamaged.1062


I’m not saying you would have to solo it. But just achieve gift of explorer. Avoiding most xp gains is besides the needed hearts, vistas, areas, skill points and poi’s. Might be possible.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mughzee.3610


I don’t think so. Skill Points alone would destroy you. Now, Can you bring a friend with you? I’d think guarded you could get it all done, but still..not on your own.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I only had ~60% map completion when I hit 80, I don’t see how but anything is possible.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Impossible I would say. I say this because I have 100% complete on 5 char’s so far. Basically I start a new char and do NOTHING but clear maps until 100%. So on a new char for example I get NO exp from WvW/PvP of any kind and NONE from doing my personal story (I save that until I have world complete).

I do however do events as I come accross them while clearing maps, but I do not sit somewhere and farm any. So perhaps if one did clear the world without doing any events it could very slightly be possible.

Btw I forgot to mention I usually hit level 80 and still have a good 10-ish maps to clear (there are 25 not counting the cities).

PS. right now I am doing my thief, he has only done the cities maps and each start area and is about to start his first lvl 15-25 area and is currently level 30…

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morbious.5832


like paulytnz ive gotten 5 with world complete working on my 6th (also a thief) and at lvl 80 im roughily 70% complete

way i complete the zones i have a list of every zone and there level and i work down it im currentily on my thief lvl 53 in fields of ruin (30-40 zone) 48% complete
im always behind
if the question was could you stay near the lvl of the zones as you level…yes you could but i think it’d be annoying and slow you would have to go thru the game not doing events (unless it speeded up completion of the hearts) and not touch a node

orr cursed shore would be brutal (maze sp and the sp guarded by the champion noble)
so itd depend on how low were talking…how low are you thinking -5 anything more and the nobles alone would eat you

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

‘ve done world completion to 100% several times now. It gives alot of exp but it doesn’t give you enough to get to 80 from what I’ve seen.

If you were diligent and just did exploration and that’s it, this really shouldn’t be particularly difficult.

Some of the cursed shore skill points you might end up asking for help for in map chat, but that’s not a big deal.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


‘ve done world completion to 100% several times now. It gives alot of exp but it doesn’t give you enough to get to 80 from what I’ve seen.

If you were diligent and just did exploration and that’s it, this really shouldn’t be particularly difficult.

Some of the cursed shore skill points you might end up asking for help for in map chat, but that’s not a big deal.

Doubt it.
With the amount of EXP you gain from POI, skill points, hearts, etc. being proportionate to your level… it’s impossible even if you skipped all events and mobs.
Also, it’s hard to skip all events as sometimes just walking in an event zone by mistake will give you the event.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: caiomacos.1694


As far as I remember we also need to do the Personal Story (at least a big part of it) to get that PoI at Fort Trinity (Straits of Devastation). So we cant just explore to get 100% map completion. I would say its impossible, but we never know.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


As far as I remember we also need to do the Personal Story (at least a big part of it) to get that PoI at Fort Trinity (Straits of Devastation). So we cant just explore to get 100% map completion. I would say its impossible, but we never know.

I think this used to be true but it’s not anymore. I got to 100% world about 5 days ago on my warrior and like all my other chars he only did the opening game story quest to that point. So it is possible to grab that POI as you can enter before the story sends you there.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drainbamaged.1062


Ok guys. I’ll attempt the math when I get a chance to see if i should even try but first I have some questions. Which race and class should I attempt this out of ele, engi, or warrior? Also is it possible to get all skill points without killing any mobs and just being close when they are defeated. Still stuck at work:-(

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conner.4702


In theory maybe. In practise I would say no. You would have to avoid any unnecessary xp gain. This is not an easy task. The Hearts in my opinion would be the problem here. They tend to level you enough to move on to the next zone.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Not possible.

You have to do too much.

I only level doing map completion and I cap at a bit over half way through and I run past everything that I can and only do what is necessary.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morbious.5832


Which race and class should I attempt this out of ele, engi, or warrior? Also is it possible to get all skill points without killing any mobs and just being close when they are defeated. :-(

race wont matter…youve gotta watch it for x hours go with what you like
AT’s id choose if i was mad enough to try

thief for the multiple stealths / blinds and there quick moving once traited for quick getaways….
mesmer 2 stealths for get away / sneaking past vets / champs
throw a clone or 2 at a guarding vet and click the sp ive gotten away with it afew times but not always there safe but slowww moving

guardian might work sp with a vet you could hit aegis and hope youve not collected more adds

i dont know engineers but on my ele / warrior lol i dont dodge stuff i melt it

on the skillpoints you’d need to at least hit it once… can dent it and run next person to do the sp that completes the kills it’ll give you the sp and medal but can be a long wait its best just to attempt to finish

(edited by Morbious.5832)

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Those arguments claiming they got to level 80 and only have xx% completion are irrelevant. You don’t kill anything unless you have to.

Not possible.

You have to do too much.

I only level doing map completion and I cap at a bit over half way through and I run past everything that I can and only do what is necessary.

I’ve done world completion 5 times and this is very very far from true.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Ok guys. I’ll attempt the math when I get a chance to see if i should even try but first I have some questions. Which race and class should I attempt this out of ele, engi, or warrior? Also is it possible to get all skill points without killing any mobs and just being close when they are defeated. Still stuck at work:-(

You have to at least tag the mob with some sort of attack or get hit but the mob but getting hit has the same result. Skill points that require communing are usually guarded by a veteran. To avoid combat in those case you have bring someone else to clear things for you or be either a thief(stealth) or guardian(aegis). If you are going the stealth route then Norn might be ideal since one of the elites can give you more stealth.

You would also have to avoid getting hit by anything. I haven’t tested this but if YOU get tagged by a mob and then later someone else comes along and kill it you might still get exp from it.

You can avoid getting exp from an event if you accidentally participate in one by logging out before it finish. However, if you run through an event and some how acquire enough participation credit for it you will get exp from it no matter how far you are. Participation credit also persist through logins, as long as you are on the map when an event finally finish and you had enough participation credit you will get the reward.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcturus.5846


You’re going to need help especially for POIs and skillpoints in caves etc.

Sub-level 80 world map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: caiomacos.1694


As far as I remember we also need to do the Personal Story (at least a big part of it) to get that PoI at Fort Trinity (Straits of Devastation). So we cant just explore to get 100% map completion. I would say its impossible, but we never know.

I think this used to be true but it’s not anymore. I got to 100% world about 5 days ago on my warrior and like all my other chars he only did the opening game story quest to that point. So it is possible to grab that POI as you can enter before the story sends you there.

Yeah, thats true. Just checked out with a different character that was missing that single PoI to get 100% in SoD. =)