Success rate of silverwastes?
Haven’t been there lately, but I’m not really surprised about the win rates going down.
For example: I did a ton of breaches and vinewraths in the past and know the encounters pretty well. But as with everything that you do over and over again, SW somewhen stopped being fun. Unfortunatly, my wife was one of those unlucky people not being showered with chestboxes from vinewrath, so we went there over and over again. Until she got the magic drop a few days ago. And guess what? We never set foot in SW ever again. Reasons are simple- unless you’re still trying to finish your Luminiscent Collections, there’s nothing really to do there. Chest farming? Plz spare me, it’s as dull as champ trains, I really disgust that “playstyle”. Doing the events? Dull aswell. Defend the fort, collect rubble, escort supplies. Rinse and repeat. Yawn. And not even rewarding as soon as you don’t need bandit crests anymore (got all lumi parts and all minis, hate chest farming = no need for crests). An in addition you’re doing the work for the chest farm blobb most of the time. No ty.
Oh, and in addition I got really really sick of seeing sands and wastes, nothing but sands and wastes as far as the eye can see all the time.
Asuming that up to now most players that were interested in the collections are done and many feel like me and my wife, I’m not surprised at all about the events failing, since I expect less and less sw “veterans” being there.
tl;dr: I guess most ppl that know what and how to do it have finished everything in sw they wanted and are pretty much fed up with the map = higher rate of breach/vr fails
Leader of “Servants of Balance” [SoB], a small guild endemic to the FSP.
Done SW usually once a day lately, all success. EU op.
From my experience from few weeks ago on EU best SW is night SW, somewhere from 9pm to 5am server time. Breach is usually success with occasional 4/5, and most of the time VW champs are killed with first attempt. I have some ideas why this is the best time, but I rather keep them to myself, lol :p
From my experience from few weeks ago on EU best SW is night SW, somewhere from 9pm to 5am server time. Breach is usually success with occasional 4/5, and most of the time VW champs are killed with first attempt. I have some ideas why this is the best time, but I rather keep them to myself, lol :p
Exactly my experience. In the evening I have an almost 100% success rate on VW, Breach is a different beast due to players being wrongly educated about red champ for months now.
From my experience in EU, night time SW is the most successful while weekend afternoons fail the most.
When the Silverwastes first became explorable, people were enthusiastic, much like Dry Top. I hadn’t messed around there since it first opened up, but I decided to try it again tonight.
I don’t know if it was the map I was on or not, but it was pretty boring.
No one escorting supplies from Camp Resolve, a few people on defense at forts and overall spread thin.
I don’t mind zergs if they can organize. People willing to learn the mechanics because team efforts are enjoyable for me.
Tonight, crickets.
Low map population, disorganization make for low rewards. It made my time there feel unproductive. I have yet to complete the entire map, but today was not the day I was going to get anything done.
Always a success in th evening. Hit and miss during the afternoon.
Thats the results for me recently
I find VW failures rare. Failures are much more frequent than before, but that’s just newer players finding their way there. It’s actually an impressive feat to make this map fairly consistent, some odd lane wipes or bad luck notwithstanding.
Vinewraith fails very rarely.
Breach fails quite a bit (mostly Indigo, or Red)
I also had some trolls that actively sabotaged breaches, often by intentionally focusing bubbles at red or similar things.
Playing late in the evening and deep into the night seems to increase success rates though.
Breach fails often because people do not understand the mechanics, do not WP when dead, and do mediocre damage.
VW fails because people do not understand the mechanics, do not WP when dead, AFK on the sidelines, and do mediocre damage
Know how the mechanics work and having Berserkers gear helps a ton with Breach, even if it’s 1 person.
You can pretty much guarantee indigo kills G/S in time by personally being there and popping bubbles at the right time, then DPSing.
Telling red “aoe is fine and just dps” makes that succeed a lot more also, since there’s still a lot of people misinformed on how copper works.
Blue and amber rarely fail, so not much needed there.
As for VW, just go mid and put down reflects and pop pustules, and tell other people to do the same, since that’s where most wipes happen.
The past few Vinewrath events have failed that I’ve been a part of. Most of the map was a blame fest afterwards (and during). I’m pretty new to the event chain in Silverwastes, but from what I gathered from map chat each time we failed, was that too many people go south, so they can AFK after their lane is finished, and because of that, not enough people went mid or north.
I was mid-lane both times, and I gotta say it was rough, but it looked like we had enough people there. (about 12-15, though south seemed to have over 30)
-Sorrow’s Furnace-
12-15 is def enough. But it is not always about numbers. Bottom lane attracts people due to its ease and proximity to the wp and also if any of the next lanes fail, they can get more crests with their dissectors as the boss chain comes round.
Mid lane is a bit more involving with positioning and taking down pustules for faster dps. It also benefits the most from reflects. If it fails, top lane is often ill prepared for the mid lane boss.
Mostly it fails if people don’t listen to the strategy. That can be down to many things – new players (not their fault), language barriers (not their fault), disabled map chat (their fault). Stacking in bottom is an issue, but experienced small groups tend to get the job done in the other lanes, so numbers do not tell the full story.
I stopped running bottom lane events for Vinewrath and use my dps ranger on top. Reason? People stack near the comb and auto-attack there more often than not. Result: close to total wipe. Last time I tried, another guy and I were the only survivors out of 15-17 people and the boss was still at 30%.
When happens to have chain fails and north gets Beekeeper, I give the instructions to players use AoE heals and blast it, use stability during the vinewrath attack, to keep the small trolls away, cc, knockdown, whatever and, of course, lead the bees to the combs because they won’t go by themselves. That usually works out and we beat the boss unless we have only a handful of people.
I’ve also seen Iron fails a lot lately with people standing still in one spot auto attacking. Just like the Beekeeper, almost had a wipe in my last attempt, we were only 3 still alive, boss failed anyway.
Still all things considering, the successful rate is still higher than the failure, however, I did noticed has a higher chance to fail during PST (PDT) morning and weekends for some reason.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Vinewraith fails very rarely.
Breach fails quite a bit (mostly Indigo, or Red)
I also had some trolls that actively sabotaged breaches, often by intentionally focusing bubbles at red or similar things.Playing late in the evening and deep into the night seems to increase success rates though.
You are supposed to focus the bubbles at red…
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
AHA, I knew it wasn´t just a fluke.
Same experience as OP for me too. Though will try again during the EU evenings.
But as others already said, “WASTES” do not make for happy game experience.
Before leaving more then a year back I made a kitteny remark that the only way they could make a worse looking high level area than Orr would be something sandy.
I’d say my success rate is at about 80%+ (totally qualitative). Don’t seem to fail all that much when I’ve been doing them. EU OP
I also find evenings successful, on weekends in the morning or afternoon it’s been hit or miss. Should maybe mention I’m in NA region PST time.
I also find evenings successful, on weekends in the morning or afternoon it’s been hit or miss. Should maybe mention I’m in NA region PST time.
Won 5/6 vinewraths over 2 days, got all 3 chest boxes by 4th one
Its easier if you taxi till the maps full before it happens so you know you have enough people
Yes I taxi. Still a couple times it is as a fail. Of course it will still depend on afk’ers.
I have only seen VW fail once and have been running it daily, almost live there tbh. Granted champ fails happen commonly, but usually VW will complete.
Defense of forts will be hit or miss depending on map population, if the map is unpopulated during foothold, I just cap red and stay there until population rises.
Usually when I run it is early mornings in EST, so the least populated time.
I had a breach/VW yesterday evening that was really awful. Most breach bosses failed and only 1 successful lane at VW.
Main reason: dead players not waypointing, therefore no longer contributing to the fight. I know they don’t scale up the enemies, still they are not doing anything plus they are distracting the players who are still fighting to rez them instead. No good. Sadly it is even a way to grief unexperienced players.
I generally tend to think, dead state handling should be changed. After being finally dead, players should have 30 seconds to be rezzed. After that, the option to rezz them should no longer be available, their icons should disappear from the minimap and their own game display should permanently switch to a map display with them having to select a waypoint.
After one lane fails, a lot of playes go afk since they don’t believe it will work anyway. That is a problem, too, but I don’t have a solution for that. It’s just the way people work in 2015, I think. Don’t invest on your own, only maximize your personal outcome.
It would be beneficial to add another WP closer to the north/middle lanes for VW. I know it is a heck of a long treck if you die at North lane and have to WP and run back. This can easily eat up 2 mins or more if you get slowed by any mob. I’ve seen almost everyone dead at North and they just don’t even bother. South lane, there’s just no excuse not to WP, it literally takes 30 secs or less to get back to the fight. I’ve also seen quite a few people just standing around regardless of how well it’s going, but that’s just something we have to live with I guess.
Same for me, morning and late evening/night is almost 100 % success rate – peak hours maybe closer to 50 % so I don’t go to SW to do VW during peak any more…
I have not done it in a while and decided to start doing sw again, all recent attempts I have participated in the majority have been failures, both in defending keeps, the breach and also vinewrath.
When I last did it was a few weeks after the end of season 2 when I was looking for my carapace chest piece and everyone seemed to know what was going on and majority of maps were wins, now it’s pretty hit and miss and seemingly a waste of time especially if I put in time to bring keeps to beach from 60% to have the whole thing fail.
How has your recent SW experience been?
My SW Experience has been outstanding. I have had almost the complete opposite experience you have, but I have learned how to spot maps that might perform poorly. LFG something in the early stages. Many post looking to start maps and include completion/fort percentages in the description. At this point I am enjoying a 90% success rate, no exaggeration. That 10% represents failing breaches. That seems to be happening more and more often. Beyond that, I have been shamelessly farming the kitten out of SW for over a month now and I’m having a great time. I do dailies, but other than that I’m in the Silverwastes.