(Sug) More units to fight in Silverwaste

(Sug) More units to fight in Silverwaste

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061



More and Larger Squads of units to fight in the Silverwastes.

Have squads of units come out to attack players with similar tactics of WvW squads.

Have Mordrem’s that function similar to each of the playable classes, and some that function like sieges do in WvW when it comes to attacking the locations and players.

That way players have to be more tactical when dealing with them.

When they capture a base, make their base a resource pool for them, so players have to change tactics whenever they get defeated.

Gives it a more WvW feel, since WvW is dead on my server.

(Sug) More units to fight in Silverwaste

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taglor Anwamane.9468

Taglor Anwamane.9468

Sounds good to me. It’d be much more interesting.

(Sug) More units to fight in Silverwaste

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

WvW and PvE are two separate things for a reason. And there aren’t always enough people to complete events in SW now, anyway. Needing even more people would make that worse – nothing would ever get completed.
Sorry WvW isn’t popular on your server. You can’t guest to another server for WvW?

(Sug) More units to fight in Silverwaste

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


WvW is the only thing that remains server bound. You play for your home team only.

I’ll disagree with changing SW for the sake of making it more WvW like; if people aren’t playing WvW because it doesn’t interest them, that won’t push them to do SW instead. I enjoy the WvW-like feel of it without the prime detractor for me which is that I can’t relax when other people might want to hunt me down and kill me. While I like the idea of organized Mordrem to some extent, I find that SW requires constant enough attention already. I don’t even notice guild chat while I’m doing a round in that zone.

(Sug) More units to fight in Silverwaste

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Most of what you suggest is already in there. Husk Slingers and Smashers are siege. Groups of mobs consist of healers (eles), high damage flanking wolves (thieves), minionsummoning trolls (mesmer/necro), condition damaging or ranged attacking trashers (engineer/ranger/necro), frontline teragriffs and husks (guardian and warrior).

Enemies that get hit by playersiege will instantly target the siege that hit them if possible. During attacks, tendrils will spawn in the fort to attack any players, npcs or siege inside.

Sure, tactics aren’t that important when there’s a zerg at a fort just before the breach starts. But when it’s just a couple of players defending the fort at the start of the event, certain mobs are better taken out in a certain order (i.g. Slingers asap).