[Suggest.]Vote|concept art|Anet makes it
While a system like that would be nice, it would also rather quickly get abused.
Player A makes a totally out of place item.
Player A gets a bunch of friends to vote for said item.
ArenaNet is forced to add said out of place item or else all kitten breaks loose.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
While a system like that would be nice, it would also rather quickly get abused.
Player A makes a totally out of place item.
Player A gets a bunch of friends to vote for said item.
ArenaNet is forced to add said out of place item or else all kitten breaks loose.
No need to be extreme. Proper rules, guidelines and qualifications would be set.
Anet could reserve the right not to accept certain works into the final line-up of candidates.
Which comes to the part about “all kitten breaks loose”.
If they suddenly start removing certain submitted entries people will rage like mad and complain about how the voting system is pointless and so on due to ArenaNet being able to basically select which can be voted on in the first place.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
This kind of contest actually works and has been held several times before for gw1 so it would be cool to have one for gw2hot. But there were no votes though (probably better)