I’ve put together a list of cosmetic options that I think would greatly improve the experience of the game overall. Since one of the major aspects of endgame is making your character look as cool as possible, I think it would be worth the effort to include these additions to the game.
1) Dyeable Weapons:
I think this would be relatively simple to implement depending on how its done. You could make it simple, like only allowing us to dye the hilts on some weapons, or some of the accent components of the weapon such as inlaid filigree or gems that are in weapons. You could leave the metal part/wood part of the design, the same, depending on the type of weapon. If you wanted to expand on this you could allow us to dye/change the aura’s or particle effects that come off of certain weapons.
Other weapons you could leave un-dyable, such as ascended weapons (mostly because each is a unique color when crafted). So you don’t have to make every single weapon dyeable, but the vast majority could be dyed, especially gemstore skins. This would be a great addition to the game and worth the development time in my opinion.
2) Dyeable Backpieces:
Mostly the same argument above, but I think this too would add a great amont of value to the game if you could just dye the overall colors of most backpieces. Gemstore skins especially would be especially preferred, however in the case of the feather wings backpiece, where you had to buy the two separate colors, simply leave those undyable. In addition, certain skins such as the spinal blades backpiece, where you have to craft a certain color/aura, leave those as is and make them undyable, as its the same argument as ascended weapons. (ie. you have to craft the color you want).
The vast majority of backpieces, however, could be dyed and I think this would add a lot of value to the game as well.
3) Making Trinkets/Rings/Amulets Visible:
This would require a fair amount of work, but I Believe the pay off would be great. If we could visually be able to see the rings we have on, in addition to the trinkets being displayable earrings and the amulets being necklaces, all with their own unique skins associated, I think it would rejuvenate certain area’s of the game profoundly. For example, the skin market for rings would be profoundly affected, and players desire to acquire unique ring/accessories etc. would spur players to go out and revisit old content even more, in order to customize their characters appearance further.
In addition to this you could even do something with jewelcrafting like increase the cap to 500 with the purpose of allowing us to craft legendary rings/trinkets/amulets which would all have their own unique displayable skins (particle/glow effects optional). You could leave the majority of these rings/trinkets/amulets, if not all undyable as each one would have to be crafted or acquired to get the skin you want, especially since there are so many different types of accessories with different color gemstones already in them.
4) Allow characters hair to show through helmets:
I know this is probably quite a bit of work to implement this, however I think the payoff would be good. I understand the reason for not having this is that hair clips through most of the helmets, but I believe it would be worth it to implement and some type of hair to flow down/out of the helmet, that is the same hair color as your characters chosen hair, for each helmet for each race/gender.
I think this change is justified however, since the end game of gw2 is primarily a cosmetic focus and I think a lot of people would be very pleased by this change. Additionally it would spur a lot of people to go out and acquire new helmets, ones that they didn’t consider before due to hair disappearing while wearing them.
I truly believe it would be worth the development teams effort to add these features in and I was wondering if anyone knows if there is any future development occurring towards any of these suggestions?