[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: davadude.6017


Dry Top was added to the world map recently, and Southsun Cove was added a long time ago. I understand Dry Top is not “completed” yet, but Southsun is. I would encourage adding these maps to the total world completion, as well as have them have a map completion meter and map completion award. Once Dry Top is complete, add it and any future zones, too. Not only does it seem more professional, it makes everything seem more integrated and immersive.

In terms of the total reward (gift of completion), it may be a good idea to make it that all players earn their two gifts at the map completion interval that is equivalent to the launch game. Then, everything after that can be for exploration junkies such as myself who enjoy having 100% on their characters/account.

In short, please tier the gift rewards and add the new zones to the total world completion. It adds immersion and looks more professional.

davadude – Ego Sum Promptus

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I don’t see how the way they’ve done it is unprofessional.

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: davadude.6017


I don’t see how the way they’ve done it is unprofessional.

The new zones are very broken. I recall playing with a friend of mine last month who started playing, and he immediately noted the strange lack of continuity in Southsun Cove (“where is the meter,” “this zone doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the world like how it handles”). Maybe unprofessional is the wrong word, but it really hurts continuity for players like myself who enjoy exploration and enjoy seeing a sort of tracker for it.

davadude – Ego Sum Promptus

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

I think ANet should be consistent.
At the one hand, all old maps do count towards map completion.
However all new ones do not. If they change them, so they all count towards map completion, which I am ok with, they should make sure to change all maps.

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: davadude.6017


I think ANet should be consistent.
At the one hand, all old maps do count towards map completion.
However all new ones do not. If they change them, so they all count towards map completion, which I am ok with, they should make sure to change all maps.

Agreed. Do you also have any suggestions for the gift unlocks if the new maps are added? Do you agree with my suggested method of making it equivalent to the current 100%?

davadude – Ego Sum Promptus

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kohlteth.3715


As long as they take the 4 WvW maps out as unless REALLY lucky you cannot do them as you get slaughtered on most servers trying to get them done

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: davadude.6017


As long as they take the 4 WvW maps out as unless REALLY lucky you cannot do them as you get slaughtered on most servers trying to get them done

Agreed, perhaps make it that visiting the WvW zones unlocks all POIs, Vistas, and Waypoints instantly.

davadude – Ego Sum Promptus

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tribio.8531


As long as they take the 4 WvW maps out as unless REALLY lucky you cannot do them as you get slaughtered on most servers trying to get them done

All these PvE kitties that complain about not getting their map completion done because WvW counts as well: WvW is WvW, for the love of god.. Organise yourself and you can easily map an entire BL..
(and before you start b*tching: check from which low tier server I come and how hard this server has had it with their matchups – especially 9-10 months ago, when I completed the maps)

I never asked to have to run mindlessly in those PvE maps and instances to get my map completion, yet I had to do so as well..

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Let’s keep in mind, that people who will miss LS2 must pay money to have 100% map according to your suggestion.

Not to mention the fact, that older maps, presented in LS1, can’t be added becasue it would mean that people who missed the first season, will never be able to get 100% map.

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Let’s keep in mind, that people who will miss LS2 must pay money to have 100% map according to your suggestion.

Not to mention the fact, that older maps, presented in LS1, can’t be added becasue it would mean that people who missed the first season, will never be able to get 100% map.

You can access the drytop map whenever you want. It’s just the story instances that need to be bought if you miss them.

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Let’s keep in mind, that people who will miss LS2 must pay money to have 100% map according to your suggestion.

Not to mention the fact, that older maps, presented in LS1, can’t be added becasue it would mean that people who missed the first season, will never be able to get 100% map.

There are no map completion PoI’s, WP’s, hearts, Vistas and SP’s that are (or were) available only through LS, so no, we don’t have to keep what you said in mind, since it’s simply not true.
There are currently 3 places that do not count for world completion: Southsun, Dry Top, and Hall of Monuments. All 3 are freely accessible by anyone.

Imo Anet should do the same as they did with adding new poi’s/wp’s to old maps – require completion for all those that didn’t get to 100% yet, leave the title/star marker for all those that did. Completion rewards should, of course, be issued only once.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I think ANet should be consistent.
At the one hand, all old maps do count towards map completion.
However all new ones do not. If they change them, so they all count towards map completion, which I am ok with, they should make sure to change all maps.

A.Net IS being consistent. people who have already received the Map completion keep it. It would be unfair to the players who already received map completion. What you want it to retroactively change it. Sorry No – that is NOT CONSISTENT.

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullmount.1758


As long as they take the 4 WvW maps out as unless REALLY lucky you cannot do them as you get slaughtered on most servers trying to get them done

All these PvE kitties that complain about not getting their map completion done because WvW counts as well: WvW is WvW, for the love of god.. Organise yourself and you can easily map an entire BL..
(and before you start b*tching: check from which low tier server I come and how hard this server has had it with their matchups – especially 9-10 months ago, when I completed the maps)

I never asked to have to run mindlessly in those PvE maps and instances to get my map completion, yet I had to do so as well..

I think what they’re asking for is only have to do it on one map, not three identical ones.

I think ANet should be consistent.
At the one hand, all old maps do count towards map completion.
However all new ones do not. If they change them, so they all count towards map completion, which I am ok with, they should make sure to change all maps.

A.Net IS being consistent. people who have already received the Map completion keep it. It would be unfair to the players who already received map completion. What you want it to retroactively change it. Sorry No – that is NOT CONSISTENT.

Yeah, and thats why they didn’t put the new stuff in the total map completion.

I think it would be better to have a living world map completion thats separate from the normal map completion. (Ie go to world map, and have a duplicate set of waypoints/vistas/POIs section like the current map completions/vista/waypoint/POIs counts) That way, those who haven’t finished normal don’t have the new waypoints/vista/POIs suddenly decreasing the zone completion, even though you already have it (like brisban when they added the guild puzzle waypoint, suddenly my zone completion went to 98% instead of the 100% it was).

But yeah, new maps should give some kind of completion like the normal zones.

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

(edited by skullmount.1758)

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreenAlien.5623


I would rather go past 100% World completition, and get an additional Gift of Exploration at 150%. Well.. first we need to get more new maps of course…

(edited by GreenAlien.5623)

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: davadude.6017


As long as they take the 4 WvW maps out as unless REALLY lucky you cannot do them as you get slaughtered on most servers trying to get them done

All these PvE kitties that complain about not getting their map completion done because WvW counts as well: WvW is WvW, for the love of god.. Organise yourself and you can easily map an entire BL..
(and before you start b*tching: check from which low tier server I come and how hard this server has had it with their matchups – especially 9-10 months ago, when I completed the maps)

I never asked to have to run mindlessly in those PvE maps and instances to get my map completion, yet I had to do so as well..

I have no problem with exploring or playing WvW (it’s easy enough as it is, follow a blue taco for victory). The point is, it kittenes off serious players because they’re losing valuable slots to people uninterested in playing and preferring to explore zones intended for fighting.

davadude – Ego Sum Promptus

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: davadude.6017


I would rather go past 100% World completition, and get an additional Gift of Exploration at 150%. Well.. first we need to get more new maps of course…

Hmm, perhaps not have it go over 100%, but rather have it award more gifts as you explore more? Like reward tiers?

davadude – Ego Sum Promptus

[Suggestion] Add zones to total map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: davadude.6017


Let’s keep in mind, that people who will miss LS2 must pay money to have 100% map according to your suggestion.

The world completion meter is only for open world content. If you are referring to the content behind the house in Prosperity (you know which one, let’s be mindful of spoilers for those who have not played), you can access it without the story instance.

Any examples where the LS is needed?

davadude – Ego Sum Promptus