[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

I came to think about how to improve our team play and it occurs to me, if other team players knew when I was about to cast a specific Combo Field they can prepare their Combo Finishers for the impact.

At the moment, people are randomly casting their Combo Fields hoping that other players will do something about it. They rarely do (except Might Stacking which in the end is usually done by the person who casted the combo field).

So my suggestion is to add an Option in the Settings to enable/disable Combo Field Calling. So when a person activates a Combo Field skill it would say “X players casted a Fire Field.” Also to make them more visible the Field names could be colored the corresponding color in the chat.

Maybe even add enable/disable a character bubble over our heads when we cast a Combo Field Skill, e.g. X player screams in a bubble over their head: “Lava Font!!” But that would be me just running wild with ideas.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


the fields are obvious enough to recognize to anyone that has paid enough attention and has played GW2 for more than a month, don’t need to waste voiceover work for it.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joanna.3541


No, I think it’s a good idea. People aren’t always looking in dungeons and it’s nice to not have to type out “stack might” to get their attention. You can’t always choose your teammates in pugs

I miss my GW1 Elite Kurzick mesmer armor.

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

the fields are obvious enough to recognize to anyone that has paid enough attention and has played GW2 for more than a month, don’t need to waste voiceover work for it.

Like I said everyone would have the option to toggle it ON and OFF so that both sides are happy.

But I would prefer it would stay ON as Default for newer players.

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sorin.4310


the fields are obvious enough to recognize to anyone that has paid enough attention and has played GW2 for more than a month, don’t need to waste voiceover work for it.

Oh how I wish this was true…

The amount of people I’ve met who have readily admitted they don’t know how combo fields work is rather disappointing. While I think this game has tried to oversimplify in a lot of areas, this is one area where I wish they would put in some tutorials.

Edit: What might be an interesting, but subtle change would to have some kind of highlight on screen to indicate what field your combo finishers would trigger on, if you are in one. A hue around the endurance bar could be subtle, but helpful. I’d like it so when someone overlaps fields I’d know which I’m actually about to blast.

(edited by Sorin.4310)

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brently.7946


the fields are obvious enough to recognize to anyone that has paid enough attention and has played GW2 for more than a month, don’t need to waste voiceover work for it.

Oh how I wish this was true…

The amount of people I’ve met who have readily admitted they don’t know how combo fields work is rather disappointing. While I think this game has tried to oversimplify in a lot of areas, this is one area where I wish they would put in some tutorials.

Edit: What might be an interesting, but subtle change would to have some kind of highlight on screen to indicate what field your combo finishers would trigger on, if you are in one. A hue around the endurance bar could be subtle, but helpful. I’d like it so when someone overlaps fields I’d know which I’m actually about to blast.

The highlighting would be the best option imo. The reason this would be best is because someone can drop down one field then someone else might drop another and now you don’t know which will be activated when you blast.

I’d also like to point out combo fields are bugged. They dont always show on a screen and only show a gold outline animation. 90% of the time I only know when to use a blast because I recognize the character animation for the skills that cause a field I would blast.

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


I like the idea of having the field called out by voice. I’m new to GW2 (4 weeks) and still trying to understand what the different fields are that I am seeing so I can determine what finisher is best. It’s also hard to see them in a zerg with all of the particle effects.

Take a look at http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo got a nice table showing the effects of different field/finisher combos, as well as links to what combo skill each class have

I’d also like to point out combo fields are bugged. They dont always show on a screen and only show a gold outline animation. 90% of the time I only know when to use a blast because I recognize the character animation for the skills that cause a field I would blast.

VERY rare i got something like that, try lower your graphic options maybe, probably your comp that cant draw everything fast enough

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sold Out.7625

Sold Out.7625

Control-click your upcoming field skill so people are ready. I do it on smoke and fire fields often, and people generally understand.

The ones that don’t never learned how fields work in the first place.

Leader of the Free Winds – RP, community, and all kinds of fun.
Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattyP.6954


Using voiceover work for that is silly. However, a message in the combat log wouldn’t hurt. It’ll only really affect people who pay attention to combat logs anways.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


I would love to have a few command lines my character could shout in the middle of the combat without having to stop to type.

Field mechanics aren’t the only area that would benefit from this: everything from skipping to concentrate damage, area denial and even coordinate activation of buttons would be better with in-game audio signals.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

[Suggestion] Adding Combo Field Calls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trice.4598


How about a small buff icon that indicate which combp field you are currently standing in, this way if you use a finisher you know exactly which field you are standing in, and what the finisher is going to do. Should be fairly easy to implement.