[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


It doesn’t really fit the GW2 aesthetic. Something more along the lines of human T3 heavy would be better.

With the amount of “omg this design is [kitten equivalent here]” and “another awful armour” comments out there, I do not really think that keeping on with things that fit the GW2 aesthetic is an undoubtedly good thing.

So maybe shifting the general style of new armours a bit could be refreshing, as we still have the Canthan region as a perfect excuse for more Asian-themed designs. And these, though I am not an expert in GW1, make far more sense then an American Marvel superhero Zodiac armour.

20 level 80s and counting.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


All I want is more variety, some unrealistic armour would be nice, some more realistic. I just want to be able to express my character visually a bit better.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xzaander.4123



Realism aside, I don’t want stuff like Phalanx (and many, many other sets) happen again. I saw this particular set on a male char first, them I previewed it on my human guardian – what a disappointment that was. Or heavy OoW, which looks completely awesome on dudes, gets ridiculous boob windows on females.

That i completely agree with. One of my biggest gripes with mmorpgs overall is the unnecessary armor dimporphism between genders. I love the Phalanx set on males, but that the female version was so vastly different and not even resembling the heavy plate armor of the male version was a disgrace. Fan-service, sure. But there are too many armor sets in gaming that makes female characters look like strippers rather than fighters.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Etien.4601


Amazing thread. Two thumbs up!

Drop Acid Not Bombs (Richie Hawtin)

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Novalitus.7382


I agree with the OP..
The armors in Guildwars 2 really don’t look good at all..
Al lot of the armors actually look the same and even the ‘’high end’’ armors aren’t looking ‘’high end-ish’’.

The costumes in the gemstore aren’t very pretty either (male or female). I would not buy them.

I love playing MMOs and investing time/money in how my character looks.. I try to make them look as beautiful/wicked as possible, but GW2 does not let me do that.

I play another game alongside GW2 and the armor I obtained there yesterday is just gorgious.


[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xzaander.4123


I agree with the OP..
The armors in Guildwars 2 really don’t look good at all..
Al lot of the armors actually look the same and even the ‘’high end’’ armors aren’t looking ‘’high end-ish’’.

The costumes in the gemstore aren’t very pretty either (male or female). I would not buy them.

I love playing MMOs and investing time/money in how my character looks.. I try to make them look as beautiful/wicked as possible, but GW2 does not let me do that.

I play another game alongside GW2 and the armor I obtained there yesterday is just gorgious.

No offense but… if you’re happy with Tera, then play that? This time I don’t mean that as something mean, just that you seem to have found a game you like aesthetically. So can’t you people leave at least one game to those who don’t like AION/Tera-style aesthetics?

Because our other options are like… Age of Conan or Mortal Online. And if you’ve played them, then you should know why many people avoid those games.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Novalitus.7382


I agree with the OP..
The armors in Guildwars 2 really don’t look good at all..
Al lot of the armors actually look the same and even the ‘’high end’’ armors aren’t looking ‘’high end-ish’’.

The costumes in the gemstore aren’t very pretty either (male or female). I would not buy them.

I love playing MMOs and investing time/money in how my character looks.. I try to make them look as beautiful/wicked as possible, but GW2 does not let me do that.

I play another game alongside GW2 and the armor I obtained there yesterday is just gorgious.

No offense but… if you’re happy with Tera, then play that? This time I don’t mean that as something mean, just that you seem to have found a game you like aesthetically. So can’t you people leave at least one game to those who don’t like AION/Tera-style aesthetics?

Because our other options are like… Age of Conan or Mortal Online. And if you’ve played them, then you should know why many people avoid those games.

Well the costumes of TERA is only ONE thing I like about the game. This discussion is about the costumes/armors design, not about the rest of the game. So I am pointing out that I would like to see more of TERA/Aion’s costume/armor designs in GW2.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the other aspects of neither GW2, Tera or Aion.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xzaander.4123


I agree with the OP..
The armors in Guildwars 2 really don’t look good at all..
Al lot of the armors actually look the same and even the ‘’high end’’ armors aren’t looking ‘’high end-ish’’.

The costumes in the gemstore aren’t very pretty either (male or female). I would not buy them.

I love playing MMOs and investing time/money in how my character looks.. I try to make them look as beautiful/wicked as possible, but GW2 does not let me do that.

I play another game alongside GW2 and the armor I obtained there yesterday is just gorgious.

No offense but… if you’re happy with Tera, then play that? This time I don’t mean that as something mean, just that you seem to have found a game you like aesthetically. So can’t you people leave at least one game to those who don’t like AION/Tera-style aesthetics?

Because our other options are like… Age of Conan or Mortal Online. And if you’ve played them, then you should know why many people avoid those games.

Well the costumes of TERA is only ONE thing I like about the game. This discussion is about the costumes/armors design, not about the rest of the game. So I am pointing out that I would like to see more of TERA/Aion’s costume/armor designs in GW2.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the other aspects of neither GW2, Tera or Aion.

I would argue that it does tie in with other aspects of the game, like gameplay mechanics, graphics quality, features and so on. Because sure, it’s a matter of choice depending on personal taste, but even if a game would have what I consider really awesome gear design, I wouldn’t play it if it was a bad game. Gameplay first, ya know.

And here then comes the problem. There are so many mmorpgs out there adapted for those who won’t/can’t pay a monthly fee. So many mmorpgs, and each one with different (well, at least somewhat) gameplay mechanics. But a vast majority of those are Korean/have a distinct asian art-style, which leaves a lot of options for those who like that style.

Those who don’t, those who like more medieval-rooted, western fantasy and not over-the-top type of aesthetics, don’t have anywhere near as many choices, but GW2 fills a nice part of that demand.

I realize my “arguments” are very subjective and therefore may not have much impact or value, but this is a very subjective discussion so… yeah.

Well… I guess one game’s coming out that seems to be to my and my fellow “realist-aestheticians” tastes: ESO. Though that comes with a monthly fee.


[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soulmyr.8094


I agree with the OP..
The armors in Guildwars 2 really don’t look good at all..
Al lot of the armors actually look the same and even the ‘’high end’’ armors aren’t looking ‘’high end-ish’’.

The costumes in the gemstore aren’t very pretty either (male or female). I would not buy them.

I love playing MMOs and investing time/money in how my character looks.. I try to make them look as beautiful/wicked as possible, but GW2 does not let me do that.

I play another game alongside GW2 and the armor I obtained there yesterday is just gorgious.

If there isn’t any armor that fits your tastes at all then I’m afraid there won’t ever be one. Maybe gw2 art style just isn’t suited for you.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Personally Im a particle sucker, and I like big, unrealistic, imposing shoulder pads. Why? No idea, but I do, been like that for years. Right now radiant set is my perfect armor, I already have everything but the boots, and i dont like how thye are for 21k AP when im still at 10k, kinda very unrealistic.

I also love above all; detailed armors. By that I mean armor that have intricate patterns into it, such as human heavy t3, or heavy armor from CoE, or the aptterns on the radiant back part of the shoulder pad.

Examples of what i mean by intricate patterns on golden shiny armors, without having to fall in the unrealistic particle shoulders that I also like: (This is also from GW1, from Prophecies, Rhaegar Lannister, an NPC)



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[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Armor desing in this game is the worse thing i have seen in mmos past 10 years.. Ive never saw such ugly armors. Trenchcoats, skirts everywhere, some flame there and some there.

Nearly every armor i have seen looks like a joke except t3 sylvari medium, t3 heavy for asura, norn and charr, t1 and 2 light for charr. Ill give 3 examples of what i think when im speaking about decent looking armor


[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celestina.2894


Good gosh no, Aion has some of the worst visual design ever, and I don’t just mean ‘ever in an MMO’ I mean ever, period.

I’d like to direct you towards a little game known as Scarlet Blade.


[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xzaander.4123


Personally Im a particle sucker, and I like big, unrealistic, imposing shoulder pads. Why? No idea, but I do, been like that for years. Right now radiant set is my perfect armor, I already have everything but the boots, and i dont like how thye are for 21k AP when im still at 10k, kinda very unrealistic.

I also love above all; detailed armors. By that I mean armor that have intricate patterns into it, such as human heavy t3, or heavy armor from CoE, or the aptterns on the radiant back part of the shoulder pad.

Examples of what i mean by intricate patterns on golden shiny armors, without having to fall in the unrealistic particle shoulders that I also like: (This is also from GW1, from Prophecies, Rhaegar Lannister, an NPC)


That’s exactly the type of stuff I was talking about earlier! Nice. As said, this would make armor look detailed and royal without making it too fantastical.

Good gosh no, Aion has some of the worst visual design ever, and I don’t just mean ‘ever in an MMO’ I mean ever, period.

I’d like to direct you towards a little game known as Scarlet Blade.


That entire game is a disgrace.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torsailr.8456


Silly people. This will explain everything for you.


[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tagus Eleuthera.7305

Tagus Eleuthera.7305

Skyrim has some amazing armors too. The Daedric, Ebony, Glass sets are all amazing. You know tbh though, that Scarlet’s Veil helm is some of their best work to date. That thing is amazing… and it’s not even using particle effects to achieve it’s amazingness!

Too bad I took a couple months off and just came back, so I’ll never be able to get it.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Good gosh no, Aion has some of the worst visual design ever, and I don’t just mean ‘ever in an MMO’ I mean ever, period.

I’d like to direct you towards a little game known as Scarlet Blade.


That’s not even art at all, that’s interactive porn.

But honestly, if you’re going to throw your artistic integrity out the window to provide pervservice (I refuse to call to call it fanservice) like the Aion developers, you might as well go all the way. Kudos to scarlet blade for making tasteless porn and admitting that’s what it is, instead of trying finagle something just short of porn and push it on people as art.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celestina.2894


Personally Im a particle sucker, and I like big, unrealistic, imposing shoulder pads. Why? No idea, but I do, been like that for years. Right now radiant set is my perfect armor, I already have everything but the boots, and i dont like how thye are for 21k AP when im still at 10k, kinda very unrealistic.

I also love above all; detailed armors. By that I mean armor that have intricate patterns into it, such as human heavy t3, or heavy armor from CoE, or the aptterns on the radiant back part of the shoulder pad.

Examples of what i mean by intricate patterns on golden shiny armors, without having to fall in the unrealistic particle shoulders that I also like: (This is also from GW1, from Prophecies, Rhaegar Lannister, an NPC)


That’s exactly the type of stuff I was talking about earlier! Nice. As said, this would make armor look detailed and royal without making it too fantastical.

Good gosh no, Aion has some of the worst visual design ever, and I don’t just mean ‘ever in an MMO’ I mean ever, period.

I’d like to direct you towards a little game known as Scarlet Blade.


That entire game is a disgrace.

I agree with this.

It gets worse, btw. Although that’s likely the riskiest I can safely post.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

See… too bad all of that, even if released, will be in the gem store, or gem store related.

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[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xzaander.4123


Oh yeah, there are quite a few mmo’s out there which main feature seems to be ‘sexiness’. Funny thing is, only female characters are ‘allowed’ (I laughed in silent sarcasm in my head there) to be sexy.

Well well, I don’t want to get into that discussion again, and if I keep talking about it I’m bound to end up in a skimpy-armor flame war, alone against 10+ pervs people.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jayvux.4128


Anet, i’ll love u more than how much i already love you if you guys can hire designers with these art styles for armors…so beautiful ;~;. For a game that’s pretty much all about skins (Skin Wars)… this is the right move! Asian art styles, dabest.

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[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


But honestly, if you’re going to throw your artistic integrity out the window to provide pervservice (I refuse to call to call it fanservice) like the Aion developers, you might as well go all the way. Kudos to scarlet blade for making tasteless porn and admitting that’s what it is, instead of trying finagle something just short of porn and push it on people as art.

Oh yeah, there are quite a few mmo’s out there which main feature seems to be ‘sexiness’. Funny thing is, only female characters are ‘allowed’ (I laughed in silent sarcasm in my head there) to be sexy.

Well well, I don’t want to get into that discussion again, and if I keep talking about it I’m bound to end up in a skimpy-armor flame war, alone against 10+ pervs people.

You know guys, I’m playing MMOs to look at pretty things, and not same dull grey metal, dusty bricks and fat bistro workers.

And also, you know what? Imagination is what makes us different from animals; this is what makes us percept fanservice as a sort of art which specializes on creatively emphasizing women’s beauty instead of treating her as a brute source of reproductive instinct. Take a careful look at the pictures which OP has posted and tell me what exactly makes this slick and elegant artstyle – made attractive for both females and males – a “pervservice” ©. If you still see them as only a thing which a pervert would like – then sorry, but I believe that the perverts’ art tastes are superior to the straightforward animal vulgarity of people who deny any kind of creativity in depicting women’s clothes and instead prefer them either fully dressed or fully undressed during all the respective activities assigned to her by nature itself.

See… too bad all of that, even if released, will be in the gem store, or gem store related.

800 gems * 8g per 100 gems = 64g. Which is 3 times less than 180g per a Tier 3 Cultural.

20 level 80s and counting.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Few more examples:

Middle row, last set.

My mesmer says pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?!?!?!?!?!

/vote yes to those heels

Last row, 3rd from the right

My necro says gimme!

Edit: Please note that all of my various characters are female.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xzaander.4123


But honestly, if you’re going to throw your artistic integrity out the window to provide pervservice (I refuse to call to call it fanservice) like the Aion developers, you might as well go all the way. Kudos to scarlet blade for making tasteless porn and admitting that’s what it is, instead of trying finagle something just short of porn and push it on people as art.

Oh yeah, there are quite a few mmo’s out there which main feature seems to be ‘sexiness’. Funny thing is, only female characters are ‘allowed’ (I laughed in silent sarcasm in my head there) to be sexy.

Well well, I don’t want to get into that discussion again, and if I keep talking about it I’m bound to end up in a skimpy-armor flame war, alone against 10+ pervs people.

You know guys, I’m playing MMOs to look at pretty things, and not same dull grey metal, dusty bricks and fat bistro workers.

And also, you know what? Imagination is what makes us different from animals; this is what makes us percept fanservice as a sort of art which specializes on creatively emphasizing women’s beauty instead of treating her as a brute source of reproductive instinct. Take a careful look at the pictures which OP has posted and tell me what exactly makes this slick and elegant artstyle – made attractive for both females and males – a “pervservice” ©. If you still see them as only a thing which a pervert would like – then sorry, but I believe that the perverts’ art tastes are superior to the straightforward animal vulgarity of people who deny any kind of creativity in depicting women’s clothes and instead prefer them either fully dressed or fully undressed during all the respective activities assigned to her by nature itself.

See… too bad all of that, even if released, will be in the gem store, or gem store related.

800 gems * 8g per 100 gems = 64g. Which is 3 times less than 180g per a Tier 3 Cultural.

The only thing creative here was this post trying to excuse sexist character design. Well done, you almost succeeded in trying to make it sound sensible. Which, no matter how you try to put it, objectification of women is not. You only show how skewed and affected your view on women has become by our societys sick depiction of women is if you think that stuff like this is ‘beauty’. It’s sexy, sure. And there’s nothing wrong with sexy. But does a woman always have to be ‘sexified’ in order to feel beautiful? Because that is surely the case now.

I’m a male heterosexual though. And even though I like the female body as much as the next hetero man, I’m getting tired of getting it exposed to me everywhere I look. That, if something, leaves nothing to that imagination you talked about.

Now as said. I’m too tired of flame wars and the risks of getting into stupid effing discussions about this subject, so I may reply once or twice after this… but I’d rather not.

Good night.

PS. The excuse “I want to look at pretty things” doesn’t hold up here. Then allow female gamers to do that also, or get a girlfriend. The real stuff is way better anyway.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddy.6247


Even Arena Net knew they only had like 4 good armor sets so they threw those armor sets on members of Destiny’s Edge.

Oh, and of course Countess Anise has that dress that nobody else can obtain. And Braham’s armor skin doesn’t fit quite right on males. At least not if you like covering up your entire backside.

Oh well. Three cultural armors I can live with. Play Infamous Second Son until a fourth good set comes out.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


to provide pervservice (I refuse to call to call it fanservice) like the Aion developers

Take a careful look at the Aion pictures which OP has posted and tell me what exactly makes this slick and elegant artstyle – made attractive for both females and males – a “pervservice” ©.

You only show how skewed and affected your view on women has become by our societys sick depiction of women is if you think that stuff like tera online link is ‘beauty’.

Here, I’ve bolded out your strawman argument.

You only show how skewed and affected your view on women has become by our societys sick depiction of women is if you think that stuff like this is ‘beauty’. It’s sexy, sure. And there’s nothing wrong with sexy. But does a woman always have to be ‘sexified’ in order to feel beautiful? Because that is surely the case now.

Should I remind you of the many ancient bas-relief and certain books from India? Or the many Japanese paintings and the customs of pre-arranged weddings? Or even the pre-historic sculptures of women with ample child-bearing hips and child-feeding breasts? Sorry, our view is not skewing – our view is evolving. Today, men can percept women’s beauty as artistic beauty, while real women – as equal persons with equal feelings and rights, simply because we can block our natural hormones with innate society’s ethics. In ancient times? Ha, not to be rude, but “producing children” was their most important if not the only job, and nobody asked them of their feelings. So, which of these roles – being admired as beautiful in all forms of art or being directly “used” in real world – is really sexist towards women?

PS. The excuse “I want to look at pretty things” doesn’t hold up here. Then allow female gamers to do that also, or get a girlfriend. The real stuff is way better anyway.

Which is what Aion is doing – not GW2. I’m the same “hetero male”, yet I think that their male armour is awesome and it would’ve actually made me create a male character because he wouldn’t be looking like a dirty farmer in rugs or a castle knight armour hanger from comedy movies.

20 level 80s and counting.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

I think this is relevant to those that are arguing over looks/perceptions in games…
Also think about super-heroes/heroines…


Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

(edited by Zero Day.2594)

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


You know guys, I’m playing MMOs to look at pretty things, and not same dull grey metal, dusty bricks and fat bistro workers.

And also, you know what? Imagination is what makes us different from animals; this is what makes us percept fanservice as a sort of art which specializes on creatively emphasizing women’s beauty instead of treating her as a brute source of reproductive instinct. Take a careful look at the pictures which OP has posted and tell me what exactly makes this slick and elegant artstyle – made attractive for both females and males – a “pervservice” ©. If you still see them as only a thing which a pervert would like – then sorry, but I believe that the perverts’ art tastes are superior to the straightforward animal vulgarity of people who deny any kind of creativity in depicting women’s clothes and instead prefer them either fully dressed or fully undressed during all the respective activities assigned to her by nature itself.

This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read.

Alright Rainbowchild Sue you asked for it.

Nearly everything about our brain chemistry seperates us from animals, there is not even the slightest chance of getting a human brain confused with that of any other creature in the world. Explained by spirituality or science, neither can deny we are unique among all of nature. In fact pretty much the only thing we do share with most animals is the instinct to survive, and the instinct to tadah have sex.

Second, imagination is the result of learning and compounding experience and knowledge combined with the brains innate need to organize and structure itself regardless of its knowledge base or intake. We intake things accepted as truth, and fill in the gaps with whatever our current sensibilities can cobble together. As we grow more intelligent, reality and fiction seperate and our cobbling gives away to some degree of logic, and we can say that we do not know something and that what we do know of it is not true. Or in short, we can just accept the gaps. But that cobbling ability never goes away completely, that is imagination. There is no imagination in following the instinct to reproduce.

You don’t need to learn it, have an emotional experience about it, sex is factually instinctive, a matter of chemistry, and your body will figure it out. It requires no imagination, learning, creativity, emotion, or aesthetic experience. That doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful, aesthetic, or creative, as potentially it is the ultimate expression of love and caring between two people. But it is only such when married with higher emotions and passions than the desire to satisfy base urges.

But displayed for no purpose except appealing to that base instinct we share with animals, it is nothing greater than what those animals experience.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


Then allow female gamers to do that also, or get a girlfriend.

This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read.

Alright Rainbowchild Sue you asked for it.

I won’t be surprised if we get a black post here at this rate.

Let me remind you guys: derailing the thread into discussing “interactive porn” © or claiming OP’s pictures as “pervservice” © will surely help to get the thread locked, but it will not help to deliver a clear message to ANet.

Which is: there is a significant fraction of players who are inspired by Asian slick and elegant designs and would be happy to get catered to (read: they’ll pay for it) in this game which they overall like instead of other games which they overall don’t.

OP has posted designs he/she liked – people who liked these seconded. So let us continue discussing these designs and not other hypothetical skimpy clothes.

I think this is relevant to those that are arguing over looks/perceptions in games…
Also think about super-heroes/heroines…

Ahah… Yes, pretty much this

20 level 80s and counting.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Honeydookie.6179


I love those armor sets the OP posted.
I do think GW2 has it’s own style, but it lacks refinement imo. The majority of in-game armors are overly bulky, some armors lack detail (where’s the detail in the zodiac heavy armor in comparison to the zodiac light/medium?). There are a handful of nice armors available in game, but I feel the majority are drab, unimaginative, and even if one might think they’re more “realistic”, there’s nothing realistic about their particle effects, oversized shoulders/boots/gloves/waists. (lol SE armor anyone?)

I would like to see more detail in armor sets, more streamlining with body curvature (especially ankles and hips/waistlines).
Even the reintroduction of old armors from GW1 with updated graphics/design would be nice. I remember there being many nice looking armors from GW1 that I used to grind weeks, even months out, for.

[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddy.6247


Mad King Thorn armor.

Found my fourth character.