[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AgCNO.6427


It takes 3600 ascended shards of glory to buy all three sets of ascended armour from the PvP vendor and it takes 3600 ascended shards of glory to merely buy the armour skins.

Considering how much the rewards have been reduced, this is just not feasible. For anyone who is unaware of how the system works this PvP-season: You need 670 pips to complete all 6 reward tiers and 180 for every following iteration of Byzantium. Each tier, including the repetition of Byzantium, awards 50 ascended shards of glory. Depending on win/loss and a few additional circumstances, you’ll get 3/4/5/10/11 pips per game (unless you are of platinum or legendary rank, where you’ll earn a few additional pips, but that is of no concern for the vast majority of players).

Keep in mind that to get 3600 shards, you’d have to complete 72 full reward tiers (to repeat Byzantium once you need at the very least 17 games, provided you straight up win all of them, if you factor in the inevitable losses, that number naturally increases accordingly). If anyone is that dedicated to gather 3600 shards, he certainly isn’t going to spend them on mere skins, rather he is going to put that little bit of extra effort in to get the ascended armour.

Yes, I get that it should be a long-term goal to get the ascended armour, but 12 seasons (assuming no repetition of Byzantium) seems to be a bit much to me.

And yes, I also get that the idea is to offer the skins to people who aren’t willing to put in the effort to craft the ascended armour, but at the moment the bottleneck for the acquisition of this armour are the ascended shards of glory and it is such a tight bottleneck that crafting it is the easy part.
That means that currently the skins that the vendor is selling are completely superfluous, because nobody in their right mind would buy them instead of saving the shards for the real armour and to change that the price of the skins would have to drop significantly. At this rate of acquisition of the ascended shards, a tenth of the current price would be appropriate and even that would be considered expensive.

(Addendum: If you really just want the skins, as of now, doing the Glorious-Reward-Track 18 times is probably a lot faster than getting the skins of the ascended PvP armour. These armour skins are almost the same: 1, 2)

Bottom Line: The armour skins that the Ascended Armour League Vendor is selling, are too expensive by a large margin and the price should be significantly reduced. My suggestion is a reduction to at least a tenth of the current price.

(edited by AgCNO.6427)

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vukorep.3081


1) Yes it was ment as a long term reward

2) Ardent glorious armor is a “prestige” version of the regular ardent armor skins…cause you know..one can be farmed super casually trough daily pvp achievements and the other requires you to play and be kinda good in pvp ranked leagues

3) What exactly do you mean reducing the price by a 10th of the cost? So instead of 3600 shards for all 3 sets (18 pieces ) it should be 360 shards for all 18 pieces?
You want to acquire 3 sets of exotic armor (or ascended armor if you wanna craft the tokens which get you the armor cheaper) for 360 shards?
1 Ascended armor SET for 120 shards? what is that? 4 byzanthium chests? For a long term year round temporary pvp league system?

This is yet another thread about the “gimme gimme gimme” mentality of everything that is supposed to be “rare”, “hard to get” and even “prestigious” in the game yet there is another thread a few days ago who complains there is “nothing prestigious to get in the game that we can show off to other players” (that guy apparently never bothered with raids, or maybe he doesnt consider raid only minipets/weapon/armor skins and titles to be prestigious show off material)

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Eh, I don’t think the OP was saying “gimme gimme gimme” in the least. They pointed out a fact: with 4-5 seasons per year, it will take years to acquire all the skins. They thought that was unreasonable.

However, ANet’s stance is also reasonable: some stuff should take a long time to acquire. It’s not “prestigious” if just about anyone can get them in a season or three, especially if it’s just a matter of grind.

Both are reasonable points of view; it’s just a matter of design philosophy.

For what it’s worth, I agree with ANet; I like that some stuff in the game is difficult to obtain.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vukorep.3081


i think its unreasonable to get 18 pieces of exotic/ascended items for finishing 12 byzantium chests within 1 league.

If its a matter of grind, the byzanthium chests are repetable, people can get 3600 shards by opening 120 chests, and can do so inside 1 league…

Another question is do you really need all 3 sets (to use) and considering the op mentioned they look almost the same as the ardent armor….(for skins)
This is why i thought it was about the “gimme gimme gimme” mentality. You dont really NEED all 3 sets of skin,and there are other much faster and easier ways to obtain ascended armor (which again,you dont really need 3 different sets off…normally..)

Like i said before right on the start. This is a long term reward system for active ranked league pvp players…that and the legendary backpack/glider who also requires playing trough several leagues to be obtained.

Some people got it within 2 leagues , for me it took the entire year (tho i was offline for 5 months). I think this would apply for the skins the OP was talking about

(edited by Vukorep.3081)

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AgCNO.6427


First of all: Read my suggestion in its entirety and read it closely – I’ve never suggested to drop the price for the ascended armour to a tenth, I’ve suggested to drop the price for the ascended armour SKINS. And it is not exotic armour either, as you seemed to think, the vendor merely sells skins of exotic rarity (but the rarity is basically meaningless in this case).

Let me ask the main question again: What is the point of spending 3600 shards that an average player probably needs a year or two to acquire at the current rate, on mere skins, when you can just “work” a bit on the side on crafting the marks to buy the armour. Compared to the acquisition of the shards, crafting the marks is a breeze. A comparable scenario would be: If someone offered you a 1:1 non-functional toy model of a Mercedes for 20000€ or a working car of the same type for the same price, what would you take?

That is the central point of my suggestion and you can’t really compare that to the backpack, because that is a legendary item and those follow their own rules. Maybe cutting the price of the skins to a tenth is too much – it is not about the actual number, it is about the fact that the price should be reduced significantly, or else these vendor-sold skins are completely superfluous, if it is to a third, a fifth, a tenth, or anything in-between is only of secondary relevance.

That aside, have you even seen the ascended armour skins and the normal glorious armour skins? Those are literally almost identical. How can you say that those skins should be something special, when you can get them by casually completing a PvP reward track over and over again? (Besides, you don’t need to be good to get the asceneded PvP armour, just patient.)

And is it really reasonable that the ascended PvP armour possibly takes years to complete, while the normal crafted one can be obtained in a few months at most? There is a good reason why so many people complain that the rewards of the current PvP season are ridiculous.

(edited by AgCNO.6427)

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Muy.3170


I don’t think to put an unreasonable amount of dedication of time into something that you cannot control is very rewarding or prestigious or fun. It’s like counting to 1million in seconds. That time you wasted while counting to that number will never come back and this would take you 2 weeks with zero breaks. These rewards are very much like this but larger time sinks, how is it fun if you have to start at a specific time and wait for a specific duration to be obtained? Stuff like this people will forget because it’s so hard to obtain. I know tons of people do not care about AP Armor Skins because of how unobtainable they are for everyone.

I enjoyed the easy system we had prior because I obtained gear that would allow me to play at the highest tier in the game without crafting which I very much dislike required crafting routines. Arenanets doing a very poor job of giving player choices but supporting you have to do everything to do anything. Why can’t the challenge be the content? Instead of the challenge of making the way you wanna play?

Look I play games to enjoy myself and have fun while doing so, waiting years to earn something someone can get in a month of crafting items that have time limits because they want to artificially create a bottleneck is stupid. Why not open up freedom and help players choose the way they wanna play? So far this is the only option and it’s the option for the elites. Look (Legendary) armor/weapons SHOULD HAVE this time sink, not the bare minimum which I think of when I think of ascended stats. Right now it’s easier to make a legendary with sheer amounts of gold than it is to create these ascended bottlenecks. It’s not fun and I don’t support it because it’s ludrocity.

(edited by Muy.3170)

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


So don’t get all the skins?

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I don’t think its unreasonable to request that the price of the skins be lowered substantially, or conversely to ask instead for the nerf to the ascended shards of glory to be undone (just apply it for subsequent completions of Byzantine chest).

As it stands though, this armor was released and we had an entire season where it was essentially free to get an entire set of skins. If Anet wanted the skins to be hard to get they should have done that from the beginning, not changed it after 1 season.

If they feel the need to keep ascended armor extremely expensive and grindy, then whatever. But I don’t understand why the skins were also changed that way.

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fremtid.3528


Wow this is justine’s answer for everything don’t get the skins, don’t make two. Don’t do anything you wanna do. I mean anet’s never wrong.

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


Wow this is justine’s answer for everything don’t get the skins, don’t make two. Don’t do anything you wanna do. I mean anet’s never wrong.

If you want everything,
work for it,
don’t petition for it.

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fremtid.3528


You mean grind for it endlessly, ok.

[Suggestion] Armour skins (PvP) too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cyn.2157


Here’s your recommended daily non-helpful solution: Anet should Just make it so the skins aren’t for sale – problem solved. You want the skin? Craft the tokens to purchase the ascended piece w/ the skin.

-Fade Nightshade (thief all the way, baby)