[Suggestion] Boss or not Boss

[Suggestion] Boss or not Boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


sorry if i port this here… but the “suggestion” subforum doesn’t exist anymore… not in the active forum

So i was wonder if GW2 bosses are really “bosses”. I mean when you face a boss you should say “holy kitten … i have to find the right way to avoid attacks… but how…” and not “oh, another boss… come here doggy, right in the corner we don’t have enough time for you too …”

So a simple solution would be:
why not to make bosses don’t follow players but play their game with players? Just give them 1 or 2 one shot skills if players try to stack or avoid combat and it is done.

Stupid example:
Golen Mark II
Actually: the tactic is to avoid electrified fields and run left and right over the platform.
What actually happen: players with a good ranged skill stay right our the platform and go afk on auto-attack.
What should be done: give golem mark a skill which one shot every single player outside the platform (in a good range, not infinite) and make it spam this skill, let’s say, every 10 sec (?)

what do you think?

[Suggestion] Boss or not Boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraca Kabob.3564

Maraca Kabob.3564

I agree. I want challenge in means of boss mechanics. there are some good ones but some just suck. Resilient arent good mechanics

[Suggestion] Boss or not Boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soinetwa.5193


in general i reeeeeaaaallly dislike the idea of oneshot skills cince that encourages to use zerker stuff since if oneshot it doesnt matter if you have close to 4000 toughness or 2000…

but some kind of punishment for simply autoattacking from far would be nice

for close range every 20sseconds a 3second fear
and for range above 1200 (up to 2000) every 20seconds 3stacks konfusion

or to make not all bosses have the same skill others could have some pull(or teleport) up to 25players into a orb (like liadris) and then a high damaging(not instakill) long lasting aoe that pretty much kills everyone who does not move (ie autoattack)
note:this aoe should not be able to spawn in mellee range of boss!!

or simply some retaliation phase the boss gets every few seconds.. (even if i dont like that method since this does not allow attacking at all whilst others let you attack when u do it right..)

moving bosses couldprioritize players that did not move for the longest time a bit more (even if i doubt its be that easy to program..)

overall i think they showed us quite interesting mechanics in hte crown pavilion
like retaliation on ogre
healing turret..(i didnt mention that..xD)
the pirate who lays a ton of aoes around him/her idk that are dodgeable and really fun..sure there is an afk option if lured to the side…. but the mechanic itself is nice

boss porting from here to there.. overall there are a lot of things anet can do and starts to implement
cant wait for living story season 2

but i do hope that they buff some of the world bosses who simply are afk loot..

i like it that they are easy if theyd be medium difficulty theyd still die as often

its just that it would encourage players NOT to go afk

unfortunately the lazyness of people wants to go afk and get nice rewards whilst afk^^

[Suggestion] Boss or not Boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PurebladeProductions.4875


I’d love actually challenging bosses as well, the problem is, however, that everything the worldbosses do is pre-programmed and they don’t seem to react specifically to players but just unleash their attacks (This only goes for the big worldbosses with special health bars).

Personal suggestion for the Inquest Golem Mark II:

  • Whenever the observation platform becomes covered with electricity patches, the green pillars around the borders of the platform start to glow and create a reflecting wall between themselves for 2-3 seconds.

As for other bosses that get stacked on around a corner, give them a skill for melee range that makes them retreat some distance and perform a high-damage ranged attack afterwards (enough damage to one-shot full berserker-geared of any class but not enough to kill more defensively built characters).
Obviously the attack will need to be unblockable (and potentially also unevadable) so that it cannot be reflected, sucks for people using a block to defend themselves but otherwise it’ll just be another trivial skill.

Pureblade – Maelstrom Warriors [MW] – Gandara (EU)
8/9 Professions, Asura Guardian main.

[Suggestion] Boss or not Boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Well, first of all thank to devs for “[suggestion]” mark
your is actually a really good, and possible, solution!
Why not to make this wall to be always on?! it will be like this:
when the boss fight starts the wall around the platform stand up. This wall allows players to walk through but reflect ranged attacks and while the ground is electrified it becomes elecrtified too (for 2-5 sec) knocking back every player who touch it.
In this way it will become more like a wrestling match :P


also for common bosses (like dungeon’s bosses) give them one-shot mechanics if they are not killed in the right way … i know “one shot” is a bit abused in this game but it is the only way to reduce all the freedom that the “holy trinity” absence gives us (sorry for the bad english :<)

for example… the “Destroyer of Worlds”… really? a so “leggendary” name for a so doggy boss?
Quick suggestion: add a world destruction bar. If the boss hit players with a particular attack the bar fills (this should penalize the “stack in a corner” strategy) and when the bar if full… end of game!

I think we can fill up an entire thread with boss suggestion… but … my question is:
will never devs care of our suggestion? I mean, i know devs always read forum but if we say “add strategy X to boss Y” doesn’t this make bosses actually easier to kill? we have created that strategy after all…