[Suggestion] Burning should be a PBAOE

[Suggestion] Burning should be a PBAOE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nopoet.2960


So I always thought it was bad to stand next to someone on fire. I mean we know that we shouldn’t stand in the fire but we shouldn’t stand next to the fire either. Right now as the devs are thinking about balancing burning please consider giving it the unique ability to damage foes standing next to their flaming allies.

The damage on the aoe portion shouldn’t be affected by the number of stacks on a target. The number of stacks just makes the range of the aoe bigger. So I envision that 1 stack of burning will damage foes 200 unit from the burning target (just outside of melee range). Each stack will add 10 units of range to the aoe.

Of course the damage on the primary target will have to come down but this would make burning a more unique condition so the devs don’t have to differentiate burning by damage alone. It would also be a good tool against zergs and stacks.

Bonus Suggestion:
Make the debuff for poison longer then the damage portion. My reasons for this are selfish as I play a thief and miss the poison up time.

[Suggestion] Burning should be a PBAOE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Susulemon.3204


There are already skills that are aoe and apply burning, if a burning target also procs aoe damage, an aoe skill that applies burning would then trigger bunch of aoe damage again from each target that got burned

[Suggestion] Burning should be a PBAOE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nopoet.2960


There are already skills that are aoe and apply burning, if a burning target also procs aoe damage, an aoe skill that applies burning would then trigger bunch of aoe damage again from each target that got burned

I’m actually ok with that. Thematically thats the nature of fire; it spreads. Right now burning is just a glorified bleed. They have some balancing to do anyway. It could still work and the game would be better for it.

[Suggestion] Burning should be a PBAOE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arioso.8519


I’m… okay with this.

Let’s face it, as we’re now learning, stacking burning doing significantly more damage than bleed is kinda broken.

It used to do more damage because it was duration rather than intensity stacking.

Burning is now literally just a better bleed.

To balance burning, we’re either going to have to limit the stacks again somehow, which defeats the point of the change, unless we can make burning stacking duration PER PLAYER to multiple players can intensity stack burns but a single player can only maintain a single stack (on the old damage numbers) and extend it; or normalize it’s damage with other conditions.

If the latter is done, a new feature of burning should be added to give it more of a reason to exist alongside bleeds, like all the other conditions with side-effects. Damage spreading is a potential good one (and a way to discourage PvE stacking) but it does fight the design of Guild Wars 2 as a game, in that you could potentially have troll players or just really bad ones sticking to other players and putting burn damage AOEs on them. The game seems designed to mostly prevent things like that from happening.

A common suggestion I like is making it an inverse torment where it does more per tick against stationary targets.

[Suggestion] Burning should be a PBAOE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nopoet.2960


I’m… okay with this. …

A common suggestion I like is making it an inverse torment where it does more per tick against stationary targets.

So glad someone gets it.
I’m not sure about the inverse torment thing because the game teaches you to move in combat from level one. Torment is effective because all of the sudden you are punished for doing the “right” thing.