[Suggestion] Choice for character sounds
Well, you know, to each his own…
And I’d like my characters to make Ace Ventura quotes, but it’s not going to happen.
There have been suggestions to add a choice of character audio/styles for a long time, much like Aion has.
However, the amount of work that would have to go in to make something like this happen is astounding.
New voice actors would have to be hired- if there was just one extra choice of audio, that’s 10 voice actors they’d have to hire.
All story dialogue would have to be re-recorded. All future story cutscenes would also be affected.
All story dialogue would have to be re-recorded. All future story cutscenes would also be affected.
Why? Just player characters… how is story involved? Oh… You know…
I meant action sounds. Not dialogues…
Action sounds. Got it?
Like, when she dies… “Aaah, aaah, AAAAAHHHH!!!” (hehe)
come on…
Yeah, and shouts and battlecries would also have to be changed as well. Y’know, things like “Might makes me right” and “I feel 6 feet tall!”.
So if you’re changing the way a character talks there, dialogue in story and character interaction also should be changed. But of course, this would get very costly.
So where would the line be drawn?
It would probably have to be a gemstore item for it to at least partially fund itself, but players would be pretty annoyed/upset if it was a half-complete item. I think a lot of people (RP-ers especially) wouldn’t see the point if the item only changed /some/ of the voice-acting.
I might actually be willing to make a human male if this were implemented.
Yeah! I always want my Canthan girls to do that cute “yay!” when i do /cheer and all the other more cute female voices and less of the deeper sounding voices we get at random.