[Suggestion] Class based armor
So was that a good idea or what?
It’s in the wrong forum (it’s a Suggestion, so should be in the suggestion forum) and it’s a bad idea. Making a new armor set is too time consuming; it would be a waste to make an armor set and limit it to a single profession, not to mention a specific profession-race combination (and that would be waaaay too many armor sets anyway).
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
What they could do so it wouldnt be time consuming is add it to the gem store as a skin, that way they’d make money and all that time put in would be for nothing.
I support this idea. Would love some more engineering armor for my toon
Why not? ANet has a huge budget! Think BIG!!!
(Or they’ll get lazy and we’ll get LFG→total catastrophe)
Making a new armor set is too time consuming; it would be a waste to make an armor set and limit it to a single profession
Who’s saying that they have to all be done at once, and straight away? Who’s even saying ANet have to design them? There were quite a few weapon skins designed by the community in GW1. Make it a competition.
Personally, I’d like armour and weapon skins that keep in the theme of my profession.
Just think:
- A Thief set that gives you a cloak made of smoke
- A Guardian that has glowing symbols etched into their armour
- An Elementalist that has armour that changes the effects depending on Attunement
- A Necro that has a robe made of shifting shadows
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
I think it’s probably too much work for them, in GW1 there was class unique armor so each armor set had a unique apperance for each class. They decided to change this and go with a more simple approach of just making heavy, medium, and light armor different, so I would guess they won’t be changing their mind.
It’s not too much work them lol! If they can get iPad 3+iPhone 5+250$(at least) for Christmas, it means they are drowning in money. So make them work for said money! Big money=Big challenges eh?
And that’s a bad change anyhow. They need to have at least 2-3 Armour sets that at least resemble what each of the classes in that said Armour class is supposed to look like. Medium Armours-where are Fking Engi Armours? All I get are either sleek Thief Armours or Ranger greatcoats(don’t even make me comment stupid YARRR Armour). Heavy Armour-80% of Armour looks Like it’s designed for Warrior, not for Guardian. Light Armor-where the kitten are scary Necro attires(Light Plates, Gothic dresses and stuff Like that)? Most of L.A looks Like it’s designed for Ele anyhow…
Show some creativity please…
Yes this is needed so badly, class based Armors would be a god send…
P.s. less Trench Coats though..
Who’s saying that they have to all be done at once, and straight away? Who’s even saying ANet have to design them? There were quite a few weapon skins designed by the community in GW1. Make it a competition.
The “design a weapon” context were still a lot of work for ArenaNet, since they had to adapt the concept designs into in-game models. Same would apply here; assuming the community had people good enough to make decent designs, even if it were something implemented slowly, it would be a massive waste of resources. Between making an armor set available to only what, 1/40 of the characters in game (assuming there’s an equal spread between professions and between races, so 1 out of 8 characters would be of a given profession and 1 out of 5 would be of a given race), and making an armor set available to 3/8 of the characters in game, there is little doubt as to what concept is smarter.
This is the exact reason ArenaNet went away from profession-exclusive armors like they had in GW1. It was one thing that was giving them too much work, considering how each chapter needed an ever increasing number of armor designs for all available professions. Avoiding it by making armors to be spread in 3 main classes was a great idea.
Light Armor-where the kitten are scary Necro attires(Light Plates, Gothic dresses and stuff Like that)? Most of L.A looks Like it’s designed for Ele anyhow…
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
(edited by Erasculio.2914)
So was that a good idea or what?
It’s in the wrong forum (it’s a Suggestion, so should be in the suggestion forum) and it’s a bad idea. Making a new armor set is too time consuming; it would be a waste to make an armor set and limit it to a single profession, not to mention a specific profession-race combination (and that would be waaaay too many armor sets anyway).
When has alot of content been a bad thing again?
Anyhow i believe it would be a good idea i don’t like the fact my mesmer looks like my Ele it makes no sense.
When has alot of content been a bad thing again?
Players like to make suggestions without thinking about the impact they will have. It’s easy to see, “Let’s add a dozen more skills to each profession, because more is better, right?”. No. Adding a lot more skills would only lead to the game having, now or soon, way more skills than ArenaNet would be able to balance, leading to a majority of useless skills among a few overpowered ones (aka, GW1).
The OP wants ArenaNet to make 40 new armor sets, each available to only 2,5% of the characters in the game. It would (rather obviously) be a big waste, considering how they could make 40 new armor sets, each available to 37,5% of the characters in the game, instead.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
Am I supposed to care about other people? Other people I don’t know? You kidding me?
Only thing I care about is to make my characters look as they should-without compromises. Grind/crafting/whatever it takes. But please make it possible!
And Erasculio, you just keep Feeding me the evidence of ANet’s lazyness. Want 6k+Dollars a month? EARN IT!!! And yes, that involves, you know, hard work. No ifs ors ands buts. Do it!→simple as that(if they truly love what they are paid to do, this would be a challenge and not a roadblock). When’s the last time you heard Blizz say it’s too much work? EXACTLY!!!
(edited by Gorwe.9672)
Players like to make suggestions without thinking about the impact they will have. It’s easy to see, “Let’s add a dozen more skills to each profession, because more is better, right?”. No. Adding a lot more skills would only lead to the game having, now or soon, way more skills than ArenaNet would be able to balance, leading to a majority of useless skills among a few overpowered ones (aka, GW1).
The OP wants ArenaNet to make 40 new armor sets, each available to only 2,5% of the characters in the game. It would (rather obviously) be a big waste, considering how they could make 40 new armor sets, each available to 37,5% of the characters in the game, instead.
Implementing skills is a tad different from implementing new armour, since there’s numbers involved.
And while race/profession might be a bit over the top, having profession-specific armour wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
And I said that race part was optional(or so I thought). Anyways it is.
Implementing skills is a tad different from implementing new armour, since there’s numbers involved.
Same with professions.
In the first chapter of the original GW, ArenaNet made a lot of armor sets for 6 professions.
In the second chapter of GW1, ArenaNet made armor sets for 8 different professions; each profession had less new armor sets than in the first chapter, but there was still a lot of variety.
In the third chapter of GW2, ArenaNet made armor sets for 10 different professions. The professions introduced in the third chapter had very few armor sets, considering how ArenaNet had to make a lot of armors by then.
If the game had reached a fourth chapter, ArenaNet would need to make sets for 12 professions. Following the pattern seen on previous chapters, we would have only one or two new armor sets per profession.
Which is why…
And while race/profession might be a bit over the top, having profession-specific armour wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Yes, it would be a bad thing. Making an armor set available only to 12,5% of the characters in the game is still worse than making an armor set available to 37,5% of the characters in the game. The difference betweens classes has its advantages – ArenaNet doesn’t need to worry about a single new armor piece clipping with all other armor styles – but doing more than 3 styles is way too much.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
It doesn’t have to be class-specific to be class-appropriate. Right now, most of the medium armor looks like it was geared towards thieves, but very little is something you would expect an engineer to wear. Most of the high-level heavy armors have tattered tabards or skulls hanging off of them, which are great on warriors but kind of strange on a guardian. And in terms of light armor, there really could stand to be some more tattered or gothic necromancer options. There are some, but not many.
It would be nice if every class had some choices when it cam to sticking with their class theme. But there’s no reason they couldn’t keep all the armors open to everyone. Let people have a steampunk ranger or a gothic elementalist if they so desire. I’m sure there are plenty who do desire that but can’t have it since the options just aren’t there.
(edited by Urthona.3198)
- Snip -
I guess were just going to have to agree to disagree.
Bear in mind though, Anet made 3 different tiers of Cultural Armour (so 9 sets in total) which could only be used by 20% of the population (assuming equal numbers), which is then divided up depending on profession (my Maths isn’t that sharp, so I couldn’t work it out).
With this in mind, how would one set for each profession be any less of a waste?
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Nope i don’t want to look unique or anything.
Or maybe you guys fear that the armor might take some actual commitment to get.
With this in mind, how would one set for each profession be any less of a waste?
Cultural armors already were a waste. Profession-specific armor not only would be another waste, but it would also be a bigger waste (one eighth of possible characters, as opposed to 20%). Besides, I agree with the poster above you – if someone wants his/her elementalist to look more gothic, what is wrong with that?
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
1) Nope i don’t want to look unique or anything.
2) Or maybe you guys fear that the armor might take some actual commitment to get.
1) Then don’t get it. But there are some people that do.
2) I’m not entirely sure what this comment has to do with anything…
Besides, I agree with the poster above you – if someone wants his/her elementalist to look more gothic, what is wrong with that?
Fair enough.
Design armour and weapon sets around specific professions, but make them available to everyone.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)
Go create an Engineer and tell me if you truly do depict one how it looks when you start(or even when you progress).
Then go to WAR-Warhammer Online and create Engi there. Within FIVE minutes you will look more Like Engineer than you will ever in GW2.
It’s just sad when a failed game whoops successful Game’s kitten even if in one department)…