As much as I love this game and its gameplay, I’ve become somewhat disenchanted with its loot of late. This has now got to the point that I barely even look at loot that I receive from Fractals and Raids and I’m certainly not excited about opening chests/bags or even killing specific bosses – with the potential exception of Gorseval the Multifarious due to his unique and prestigious drop.
I’ve been giving this a lot of thought lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason I feel this way is that 99% of the loot I receive either gets sold directly to a merchant or just gets salvaged into materials that I then sell on the Trading Post periodically or, on rare occasion, actually use to craft. Even rares and exotics, which make up the main bulk of “good drops”, are often sold or salvaged after having collected all of the skins.
Essentially, this results in 99% of loot effectively being gold i.e. liquid. This has the obvious advantage of allowing you to spend your hard earned gold however you see fit but comes with the drawback of being incredibly boring and ultimately, feeling unrewarding.
There are far too few exceptions to this rule; the best of which being precursors but they have a justifiably low drop rate and while the prospect of dropping one remains exciting, the feeling of doing so comes very infrequently for most and never for some. I miss the sensation of dropping rare/prestigious weapons from Guild Wars 1 and feel like this is seriously lacking in Guild Wars 2.
It is for these reasons that I am proposing a potentially controversial change. Add Black Lion weapon skins as dropable loot to the core game outside of Black Lion Chests. Black Lion Chests have their own problems but the chance of dropping a Black Lion Key from the core game and then receiving a Black Lion weapon skin from it, is even lower than dropping a precursor and the fact is that this chance is so low that it might as well be 0 in terms of player anticipation.
I’m proposing that the skins be added as potential drops from anywhere in the game (much the same as precursors) with varying drop chances depending on the level/difficulty of content – at the discretion of Anet of course. After discussing the proposal with friends, we think that the skins would have to drop in the following form:
1. As an exotic weapon with a sigil (potentially tied to the specific set)
2. Account bound
3. With a drop rate somewhere between that of an ascended weapon/armor chest and that of a precursor
In this form, nobody could be disappointed by receiving such a drop even if they despised the skin they were awarded. In such a case, they could simply salvage it like any other exotic and receive the liquid gold from its materials. The drops would also be unsellable and untradable due to being account bound so the impact on Trading Post prices would be minimal. Furthermore, due to the low drop chance of getting any skin in the first place, combined with the unlikelihood of dropping a specific desired skin, players either in desperate need of a specific skin or looking to collect large quantities of skins, would still be inclined to place buy orders on the Trading Post or buy Black Lion keys from Anet respectively. This should minimise the impact both on Trading Post prices and on Anet key sales.
A change like this would add some magic and excitement back into the game and, to me, seems like a minor and simple way to give players more to look forward to when reviewing their loot. Guild Wars has never been about gear progression and so the pressure falls on gameplay and item skins to keep people interested. In my opinion, the current method of acquiring the latter is too heavily skewed towards grinding liquid gold and doesn’t provide enough opportunity for random acts of reward and, ultimately, that’s what loot should provide in a game like this.
I hope I’ve made my point clearly and succinctly and I hope that people/Anet see this for what it is and don’t see this as a person complaining about having bad luck. If anyone has any information about why a change like this would never happen, I would love to see some official feedback!
Thanks for reading