[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kingsdavid.3598


So as I (not you angry guy/girl on the keybord preparing to write and angry comment) see it the Mastery system is a failure. I am talking about the system itself and not the masteries themself.
I think the way to fix the Mastery system can be implement in 2 ways.
First, remove the experience bar and leveling system (Time Wall) from the Mastery system. Make the masteries only a point system. Make it a fix number for unlocking every new Mastery skill (not that the first cost 3 then the second cost 5 etc, all of them cost 3 Mastery points). Make it that after you unlock the first tier of in a mastery tree you are free to unlock any mastery you like from that tree (Not been force to do all of that mastery tree just to get one mastery you want like from that tree.)
And most importantly, make it a character based system and not account bound system (no need for account based once you remove the Time Wall from the picture).
Second, is a little bit more complicated , and I don’t think Anet will do it becuase it will take to long. Make it that every tier opener a story mission and make it have place in the world and a reason for been there. Think of a mission in HoT that you build a glider and Taimi helps you make it. And says that thats the only way you can maneuver through the jungle. And other one that a Itzel teaches you how to use the jummping mushrooms. And make the way you get new mastery points fun, like the Adventure system or the random mastery scatter in world. And not like boring achivment like guild under and brige.
My thoguts on why I think these changes need to happen are in the next commnet to keep you of me rambleing for an hour.


[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kingsdavid.3598


Instead of been a FUN new feature that’s add to the game in order to inrich it, it’s fake progression system to make sure you spend 1000000000000 hours in the game, in order to answer WoW expansion and the “level reset” it does every time.
The whole point of experince bar and leveling system in the Mastery system is just stupid in my opinion.
After playing Zelda Breath of the Wild, a Role Playing Game with not level and expirance system, it open my eye. Games don’t really need leveling systems and skills been locked behind a giant TIME WALL(xp and leveling) to make you spend time in them (hope it make sence).
If you think of it the more expansion GW2 will keep doing the more time it will take to all of them. If someone want to join the game in the next expansion or the one after that, you really think he will spend all this time to unlock all the new masteries and the old ones?.0 NO, He will say kitten IT I AM NOT DOING THIS kitten this will take me ages, and go play other game. And then Anet will sell a new expansion with all the previous masteries unlocked which ruin the game even more (making people ignoring the older content all together).
My reasoning for making it a the mastery system a charactrer base and not a account base is that the mastery system will keep feeling fresh even after you done them for the first time. Not making it a chore you must complete and never see or think of it again. Second it make every character feels uniqe, especially with the way that every mastery is unlockable after you completed the first tier in that tree. Meening that you can have one character with stealth gliding and with no fast gliding at all, that way every chararter feels unqie.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


Actually, remove the mastery points and let experience bar fill up…… That way you get to enjoy whatever content you want to play in a given zone.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Actually, remove the mastery points and let experience bar fill up…… That way you get to enjoy whatever content you want to play in a given zone.


This I would like.
As to the OP’s post. I like that my low levels can glide right out of the starting instance. I like that they have auto loot. I like taking a new char to the HoT and I’m able to immediately go right into the content without having to redo the mushrooms and wallows and poison areas, etc. etc for each char I have.

So no. I don’t want to redo it all over again for each char.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


So as I (not you angry guy/girl on the keybord preparing to write and angry comment) see it the Mastery system is a failure. I am talking about the system itself and not the masteries themself.
I think the way to fix the Mastery system can be implement in 2 ways.
First, remove the experience bar and leveling system (Time Wall) from the Mastery system. Make the masteries only a point system. Make it a fix number for unlocking every new Mastery skill (not that the first cost 3 then the second cost 5 etc, all of them cost 3 Mastery points). Make it that after you unlock the first tier of in a mastery tree you are free to unlock any mastery you like from that tree (Not been force to do all of that mastery tree just to get one mastery you want like from that tree.)
And most importantly, make it a character based system and not account bound system (no need for account based once you remove the Time Wall from the picture).
Second, is a little bit more complicated , and I don’t think Anet will do it becuase it will take to long. Make it that every tier opener a story mission and make it have place in the world and a reason for been there. Think of a mission in HoT that you build a glider and Taimi helps you make it. And says that thats the only way you can maneuver through the jungle. And other one that a Itzel teaches you how to use the jummping mushrooms. And make the way you get new mastery points fun, like the Adventure system or the random mastery scatter in world. And not like boring achivment like guild under and brige.
My thoguts on why I think these changes need to happen are in the next commnet to keep you of me rambleing for an hour.

i like the basic concept you are talking about, not so much the story mission, unless its small for alts.
not so sure if alts should have to do it again, but yeah basic idea makes sense.

2 major problems though.
1) they needed way more mastery points than they have abilities, and not always related to the mastery.
2) and this is the most important, apparently some people prefer exp grind to the exploration/adventure focused growth. as evidenced by others above

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I am not a fan of making the mastery system character bound, I don’t see a way in which it could be done without it either being completely trivial per character, or having way too much grind (which would be ironic considering that reducing grind is the most often repeated argument in favor of character bound masteries that I’ve seen).

Plus, how would the mastery points work out that way? Right now, as account bound points they could act similar to WvW ability points, where you earn them once and then can spend them freely on any character. But immediately that would make it no different from account bound masteries at best (as soon as you hit 80, you open up the hero panel and just assign all the points you earned on other characters), and at worst just introduces substantially more grind (you already have the points as soon as you hit 80 on any alts, but still have to grind out exp to unlock each mastery tier).

So only solution would be to make the mastery points character bound. But how would this work, since all of them are tied to achievements? Even the communes and strongboxes, the actual mastery points are tied to completing the achievement, not to channeling the point (and I suspect theres some technical limitation here, which is why the achievements are only worth 1AP each, its there because that was the only way to give us the mastery point for doing the commune). So you’d only be able to gain the points once anyway under the current system. Which means that to have truly character bound points they would have to be decoupled from achievements, which means you’d have to earn them either through completing the story (needless grind to force us to do story completion on multiple characters) or back to performing certain events in game (which again would be needless grind, since you’d have to repeat it on each character). Or they could just be handed to you through playing the game, which would trivilaize the entire thing. On a more technical side, there might not be a way to hand them out on a character bound basis outside of just handing them out for getting experience, which again does nothing to address the grind and would just make it worse for players who have alts.

So while yes I think the system could have been more immersive if it was character bound, I don’t think it would make the system any better to go for it now. Plus, we still have to sort out the issue with how you obtain the mastery points. Any way I can imagine it either makes the system even more trivial than currently, or just introduces way too much extra grind, to the point of making it no fun to go for masteries on alts period.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


All of that said, I think a hybrid system would have been best. Some masteries (notably movement masteries and stuff like the fractal line/possibly raid masteries) would be better off being account bound, but the lore based ones would have worked better as a character bound system.

This way, you would still get the experience of having to “train” each character in the lore masteries to unlock those specific perks from those lines, but the convenience ones, the ones used to make traveling in HoT maps not so rageworthy, would be a one time thing. You get them and you are done. To me, this would have been the absolute best way to deal with masteries, having aspects of both account bound and character bound systems.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


I think the mastery system is fine as is.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So as I (not you angry guy/girl on the keybord preparing to write and angry comment) see it the Mastery system is a failure. I am talking about the system itself and not the masteries themself.

Not everyone who disagrees with you (and there are enough reasons to disagree) is mad or angry, they simply have a different opinion.

First, remove the experience bar and leveling system (Time Wall) from the Mastery system. Make the masteries only a point system. Make it a fix number for unlocking every new Mastery skill (not that the first cost 3 then the second cost 5 etc, all of them cost 3 Mastery points).

So that people can hit max mastery level 1 day after the content got added? Thanks pass. See all those threads from people complaining about lacking mastery points? Imagine how big the outcray were if all those threads came up at once? The internet would explode. A minor timegate in form of experience is fine, if only to not make people feel required to constantly grind mastery points.

If at all, they should globalize mastery points and not split them between content to give people more flexibility.

And most importantly, make it a character based system and not account bound system (no need for account based once you remove the Time Wall from the picture).

I have 22 characters, you do not. See how this could become a problem? The current system scales to an infinite amount (well 69 or 70 max since that’s the cap on characters per account) of characters, your idea does not. So again, you are asking for an inferior idea to get implemented.

After playing Zelda Breath of the Wild, a Role Playing Game with not level and expirance system, it open my eye.

Come back when you’ve spent 3, 5 or 10 thousand hours playing BotW, oh wait, it’s a single player game. Notice the difference?

If you think of it the more expansion GW2 will keep doing the more time it will take to all of them. If someone want to join the game in the next expansion or the one after that, you really think he will spend all this time to unlock all the new masteries and the old ones?.0 NO, He will say kitten IT I AM NOT DOING THIS kitten this will take me ages, and go play other game. And then Anet will sell a new expansion with all the previous masteries unlocked which ruin the game even more

First off, no one says HoT masteries will be required for the next expansion. Second you are completely exagerating how long it takes to complete masteries, especially with more and more experience rewards from story missions. Most people were mastery caped within 3-6 days after the expansion hit. If a hardcore gamer can hit max mastery in that time, a casual gamer can do so within a reasonable timeframe. This was before they started adding massive experience boosts left and right.

My reasoning for making it a the mastery system a charactrer base and not a account base is that the mastery system will keep feeling fresh even after you done them for the first time. Not making it a chore you must complete and never see or think of it again.

Flawed reasoning. It would make every character feel fresh (well the first 2-3 maybe) if there were choice or difference between characters. The way the system is implemented now all it does is take away something from future characters if it were changed to character based. I highly doubt this is “fun” to people who play multiple characters.

What you see as a chore, I found super fun since no matter which of my characters I played I could work towards my next mastery at my own pace.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


Character bound masteries with specific (story? event? …?) activities to unlock them reminds me awfully of the 2nd iteration of this game’s trait system. I’ve got a whole bunch of characters that unlocked traits under that system, and while I enjoyed it in theory, practically it was an awfull chore to go hunt the same event/do the same story/clear the same map/etc with each character again.

Account-bound progression is a huge boon to people who enjoy playing a variety of different characters. It’s one of the strongest points this game has for me: I can unlock a story/achievement/mastery on one character and next day switch to another one and have everything I unlocked the day before available.

This game is going out of its way to give its players the ability to progress on any character they feel like playing at the time and keeping that progress when switching to another character. I don’t see them changing this in any way that would make progression repetitive if you want to play different characters.

That said, personally I enjoy the mastery system the way it is because it gives a sense of progression over time (through experience gain), a variety of goals to reach milestones in that progression (by way of doing achievements that award mastery points), and I can play with any character I feel like to make use of that progression, unlike other games where each character has to re-do a large amount of stuff to get access to the same perks that my other character(s) already unlocked.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kingsdavid.3598


I am not a fan of making the mastery system character bound, I don’t see a way in which it could be done without it either being completely trivial per character, or having way too much grind (which would be ironic considering that reducing grind is the most often repeated argument in favor of character bound masteries that I’ve seen).

Plus, how would the mastery points work out that way? Right now, as account bound points they could act similar to WvW ability points, where you earn them once and then can spend them freely on any character. But immediately that would make it no different from account bound masteries at best (as soon as you hit 80, you open up the hero panel and just assign all the points you earned on other characters), and at worst just introduces substantially more grind (you already have the points as soon as you hit 80 on any alts, but still have to grind out exp to unlock each mastery tier).

So only solution would be to make the mastery points character bound. But how would this work, since all of them are tied to achievements? Even the communes and strongboxes, the actual mastery points are tied to completing the achievement, not to channeling the point (and I suspect theres some technical limitation here, which is why the achievements are only worth 1AP each, its there because that was the only way to give us the mastery point for doing the commune). So you’d only be able to gain the points once anyway under the current system. Which means that to have truly character bound points they would have to be decoupled from achievements, which means you’d have to earn them either through completing the story (needless grind to force us to do story completion on multiple characters) or back to performing certain events in game (which again would be needless grind, since you’d have to repeat it on each character). Or they could just be handed to you through playing the game, which would trivilaize the entire thing. On a more technical side, there might not be a way to hand them out on a character bound basis outside of just handing them out for getting experience, which again does nothing to address the grind and would just make it worse for players who have alts.

So while yes I think the system could have been more immersive if it was character bound, I don’t think it would make the system any better to go for it now. Plus, we still have to sort out the issue with how you obtain the mastery points. Any way I can imagine it either makes the system even more trivial than currently, or just introduces way too much extra grind, to the point of making it no fun to go for masteries on alts period.

First of all, I think they should remove the achievement based masteries. Make it only open world (like the ones in the maps you can get to/glide to or even once that at the end of jumping puzzles), Adventure base and compliting open world bosses/meta events/Raid bosses/Fractal bosses (for the first time with each character). And they could add the open world masteries to the Vanila maps.
Second, if you make it that every mastery cost the same, and it cost only 3 points it makes the point getting alot easier, and not feel like a chore. Today you have to get 186 mastery points to complete the whole set. But if you make it only 3 for each one it will cost you a total of 108. That is 78 point you can throw away (via all the achivemnt based ones). And if you make it that you can choose freely which mastery to unlock and not be forced to do the whole tree just to get one mastery you like, you can not do certain masteries and be happy with yourself. You can have only 60 Mastery point and have the masteries you want, insted of having 108/186 masteries and feel like you only did most of the becuase you needed to unlock the last one.

(edited by Kingsdavid.3598)

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kingsdavid.3598


i like the basic concept you are talking about, not so much the story mission, unless its small for alts.
not so sure if alts should have to do it again, but yeah basic idea makes sense.

2 major problems though.
1) they needed way more mastery points than they have abilities, and not always related to the mastery.
2) and this is the most important, apparently some people prefer exp grind to the exploration/adventure focused growth. as evidenced by others above

I think that it will be fun if they were non main story related mission. That way if you have the 3rd or 6th alt you don’t have to complete the main story over and over again just to get the mastery.
And as I said, the story mission will unlock the first one in that tree. The rest will be via the mastery points system.
I agree that some people want the grind (I was one of those people not to long ago), but if you make it with no xp (Like Zelda) you will see that a game don’t really need xp to be intresting and make you feel like you have (fake) accomplish something becuase it take longer time to do (Via Time Wall/XP System). The game itself should be really intresting and FUN (becuase that’s purpose of game after all) becuase it’s FUN and becuase it takes longer.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Feanor.2358


I think that it will be fun if they were non main story related mission. That way if you have the 3rd or 6th alt you don’t have to complete the main story over and over again just to get the mastery.

Just imagine creating a new character, stripped of all masteries. Yeah, we used to play like that. However, now we’re used to the QoL the masteries give. A character with no auto-loot, no fractal mastery, no gliding, no wallows? It will feel essentially crippled. Not my idea of fun. Not by a long shot. And it’s only going to get worse as they add more and more masteries, meaning you’d get new ways in which your new characters to feel crippled. Not to mention it would make the process of creating a new 80-level character a long and tedious chore for no apparent reason.

No, thanks.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menadena.7482


Different people were gated by different things. WHile some claim xp was the gate I never had a problem with that. With myself and others the gate was the points. I would have no trouble with, oh, earning a point each time you leveled. Find the points easy to get and you can go faster but do not gate everyone else in the process.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hevoskuuri.3891


The system definitely could use some tweaking.

The HoT mastery points are pretty much okay in my opinion; you get plenty of them from doing basically any HoT content; insights, story, bosses, events, adventures, strongboxes, raids and LS3 maps. The XP needed for the high-level ones is definitely a bit grindy, but HoT content also brings in tons of that. Still, once you’ve done most of the content but still need points to max out everything, it becomes a chore.

Core Tyria however, is very difficult since the sources for getting the points are very limited, especially if you don’t do fractals.

I’d like to see a system where we have a static amount of XP, and once the bar is full, it grants a mastery point (at least in the Core Tyria area). They could maybe also be added to reward tracks.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The mastery system is fine.

There’s an excess number of mastery points that are obtainable which allows players the freedom to pick and choose which poibtsvthey want, or do not want, to do. These mastery points are all over the HoT content so they get the players to experience the various content rather that just small percentage of it.

Having points being all communes would defeat this purpose as it becomes more like map completion rather than actually doing anything on the map. You’d also be running into more people not participating in the meta events because they’re trying to get their mastery points. And people complain enough about those doing HP’s during metas.

The experience points requirement is to get you to play the content which belongs to the masteries whether that be HoT or core Tyria. The experience requirement to unlock higher tiers in each mastery line progressively increases which is to reasonably be expected. This is an end-game progression system after all.

Speaking of progression, this isn’t intended for players to grind out in a matter of day. Although, players certainly can. I think the first few players maxed out their masteries in about 6 days. The three days would have been unrealistic although maybe possible if people still did the leather farm up the mountain.

So the mastery system is essentially an end-game progression system to get the player to experience various content and improve horizontally with that content. It’s not something that was meant to be grinded although it can be.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I am not a fan of making the mastery system character bound, I don’t see a way in which it could be done without it either being completely trivial per character, or having way too much grind (which would be ironic considering that reducing grind is the most often repeated argument in favor of character bound masteries that I’ve seen).

Plus, how would the mastery points work out that way? Right now, as account bound points they could act similar to WvW ability points, where you earn them once and then can spend them freely on any character. But immediately that would make it no different from account bound masteries at best (as soon as you hit 80, you open up the hero panel and just assign all the points you earned on other characters), and at worst just introduces substantially more grind (you already have the points as soon as you hit 80 on any alts, but still have to grind out exp to unlock each mastery tier).

So only solution would be to make the mastery points character bound. But how would this work, since all of them are tied to achievements? Even the communes and strongboxes, the actual mastery points are tied to completing the achievement, not to channeling the point (and I suspect theres some technical limitation here, which is why the achievements are only worth 1AP each, its there because that was the only way to give us the mastery point for doing the commune). So you’d only be able to gain the points once anyway under the current system. Which means that to have truly character bound points they would have to be decoupled from achievements, which means you’d have to earn them either through completing the story (needless grind to force us to do story completion on multiple characters) or back to performing certain events in game (which again would be needless grind, since you’d have to repeat it on each character). Or they could just be handed to you through playing the game, which would trivilaize the entire thing. On a more technical side, there might not be a way to hand them out on a character bound basis outside of just handing them out for getting experience, which again does nothing to address the grind and would just make it worse for players who have alts.

So while yes I think the system could have been more immersive if it was character bound, I don’t think it would make the system any better to go for it now. Plus, we still have to sort out the issue with how you obtain the mastery points. Any way I can imagine it either makes the system even more trivial than currently, or just introduces way too much extra grind, to the point of making it no fun to go for masteries on alts period.

First of all, I think they should remove the achievement based masteries. Make it only open world (like the ones in the maps you can get to/glide to or even once that at the end of jumping puzzles), Adventure base and compliting open world bosses/meta events/Raid bosses/Fractal bosses (for the first time with each character). And they could add the open world masteries to the Vanila maps.
Second, if you make it that every mastery cost the same, and it cost only 3 points it makes the point getting alot easier, and not feel like a chore. Today you have to get 186 mastery points to complete the whole set. But if you make it only 3 for each one it will cost you a total of 108. That is 78 point you can throw away (via all the achivemnt based ones). And if you make it that you can choose freely which mastery to unlock and not be forced to do the whole tree just to get one mastery you like, you can not do certain masteries and be happy with yourself. You can have only 60 Mastery point and have the masteries you want, insted of having 108/186 masteries and feel like you only did most of the becuase you needed to unlock the last one.

I addressed this in my comment. There is reason to believe that Anet cannot give us mastery points without tying them to achievements, since even from the mastery point communes we still get the actual mastery point from the achievement associated with communing.

How would this work for unlocking it on multiple characters unless it was unlocked by default? And again, if I am forced to kill all the HoT bosses in order to max out my masteries on every alt I take through there, it introduces needless grind, which would not make the game more fun.

I reiterate my belief that it would be impossible to switch to a character bound mastery system without either making it just as trivial if not more so than it is now, or introducing excessive grind that would just kitten off players

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashlizardy.9167


Actually, remove the mastery points and let experience bar fill up…… That way you get to enjoy whatever content you want to play in a given zone.

^ This would be a big improvement!

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


So as I (not you angry guy/girl on the keybord preparing to write and angry comment) see it the Mastery system is a failure. I am talking about the system itself and not the masteries themself.

Not everyone who disagrees with you (and there are enough reasons to disagree) is mad or angry, they simply have a different opinion.

First, remove the experience bar and leveling system (Time Wall) from the Mastery system. Make the masteries only a point system. Make it a fix number for unlocking every new Mastery skill (not that the first cost 3 then the second cost 5 etc, all of them cost 3 Mastery points).

So that people can hit max mastery level 1 day after the content got added? Thanks pass. See all those threads from people complaining about lacking mastery points? Imagine how big the outcray were if all those threads came up at once? The internet would explode. A minor timegate in form of experience is fine, if only to not make people feel required to constantly grind mastery points.

If at all, they should globalize mastery points and not split them between content to give people more flexibility.

And most importantly, make it a character based system and not account bound system (no need for account based once you remove the Time Wall from the picture).

I have 22 characters, you do not. See how this could become a problem? The current system scales to an infinite amount (well 69 or 70 max since that’s the cap on characters per account) of characters, your idea does not. So again, you are asking for an inferior idea to get implemented.

After playing Zelda Breath of the Wild, a Role Playing Game with not level and expirance system, it open my eye.

Come back when you’ve spent 3, 5 or 10 thousand hours playing BotW, oh wait, it’s a single player game. Notice the difference?

If you think of it the more expansion GW2 will keep doing the more time it will take to all of them. If someone want to join the game in the next expansion or the one after that, you really think he will spend all this time to unlock all the new masteries and the old ones?.0 NO, He will say kitten IT I AM NOT DOING THIS kitten this will take me ages, and go play other game. And then Anet will sell a new expansion with all the previous masteries unlocked which ruin the game even more

First off, no one says HoT masteries will be required for the next expansion. Second you are completely exagerating how long it takes to complete masteries, especially with more and more experience rewards from story missions. Most people were mastery caped within 3-6 days after the expansion hit. If a hardcore gamer can hit max mastery in that time, a casual gamer can do so within a reasonable timeframe. This was before they started adding massive experience boosts left and right.

My reasoning for making it a the mastery system a charactrer base and not a account base is that the mastery system will keep feeling fresh even after you done them for the first time. Not making it a chore you must complete and never see or think of it again.

Flawed reasoning. It would make every character feel fresh (well the first 2-3 maybe) if there were choice or difference between characters. The way the system is implemented now all it does is take away something from future characters if it were changed to character based. I highly doubt this is “fun” to people who play multiple characters.

What you see as a chore, I found super fun since no matter which of my characters I played I could work towards my next mastery at my own pace.

most people were not capped 3-6 days after the expansion hit. Most people were not even in drgaon stand 3-6 days after the expansion hit.

this leads me to believe your idea of the average gamer, or most guild wars players is a bit skewed.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

Actually, remove the mastery points and let experience bar fill up…… That way you get to enjoy whatever content you want to play in a given zone.


This I would like.
As to the OP’s post. I like that my low levels can glide right out of the starting instance. I like that they have auto loot. I like taking a new char to the HoT and I’m able to immediately go right into the content without having to redo the mushrooms and wallows and poison areas, etc. etc for each char I have.

So no. I don’t want to redo it all over again for each char.

I agree completely. Regrind all that stuff for each and every character? No thank you!


Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I prefer to keep it account-wide. I have one char of each class and it would take too much time unlocking everything on all of those just to properly experience all content on them.

I do however agree it would have been awesome if masteries were tied to actual missions, perhaps sort of like how ‘current events’ are running and some of the LS3 story missions are. I just don’t think it will happen because if they keep them account wide they will be one-off missions that take a lot of resources to develop. The current system isn’t great but it works and gives players a reason to use exp food or buffs. The only downside is that the actual mastery points you earn are in nearly all cases unrelated to the masteries you learn.

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cyn.2157


Even if making mastery points character-based would work, and was a good idea (neither of which do I agree with) – you’re completely forgetting that a large glut of points were awarded based on past achievements. There’s no way that Anet stored which of my characters -first- completed the lvl 10 story arc, nor is there a way (given how it’s currently implemented) for any other character to unlock that achievement – because achievements are account bound.

As for the experience bit, it doesn’t take too long in the whole scheme of things – and it’s absurdly fast if you save up your daily chests (hero chests: bloodstone fen, bitterfrost, etc.), and just let them stack up if you’re waiting on MPs to complete one tier and move to the next.

Those high tier masteries that cost 8 or 12 MP’s were pretty absurd, though. As someone who doesn’t enjoy many of the adventures, those numbers make me sob.

-Fade Nightshade (thief all the way, baby)

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I don’t like leveling after the first character. I mean, it’s an okay way to be introduced to a game. I far prefer being maxed out and improving myself, rather than progressing the character(s) and I especially dislike going on scavenger hunts for abilities.

However, it’s pretty clear that my preference isn’t shared by the vast majority of gamers. That’s why GW2 has 80 levels, why ANet added in ascended gear, and why we have masteries. I agree with the OP’s idea of simplifying it, but I recognize that ANet is moving in a different direction.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

[Suggestion] Fixing the Mastery System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So as I (not you angry guy/girl on the keybord preparing to write and angry comment) see it the Mastery system is a failure. I am talking about the system itself and not the masteries themself.

Not everyone who disagrees with you (and there are enough reasons to disagree) is mad or angry, they simply have a different opinion.

First, remove the experience bar and leveling system (Time Wall) from the Mastery system. Make the masteries only a point system. Make it a fix number for unlocking every new Mastery skill (not that the first cost 3 then the second cost 5 etc, all of them cost 3 Mastery points).

So that people can hit max mastery level 1 day after the content got added? Thanks pass. See all those threads from people complaining about lacking mastery points? Imagine how big the outcray were if all those threads came up at once? The internet would explode. A minor timegate in form of experience is fine, if only to not make people feel required to constantly grind mastery points.

If at all, they should globalize mastery points and not split them between content to give people more flexibility.

And most importantly, make it a character based system and not account bound system (no need for account based once you remove the Time Wall from the picture).

I have 22 characters, you do not. See how this could become a problem? The current system scales to an infinite amount (well 69 or 70 max since that’s the cap on characters per account) of characters, your idea does not. So again, you are asking for an inferior idea to get implemented.

After playing Zelda Breath of the Wild, a Role Playing Game with not level and expirance system, it open my eye.

Come back when you’ve spent 3, 5 or 10 thousand hours playing BotW, oh wait, it’s a single player game. Notice the difference?

If you think of it the more expansion GW2 will keep doing the more time it will take to all of them. If someone want to join the game in the next expansion or the one after that, you really think he will spend all this time to unlock all the new masteries and the old ones?.0 NO, He will say kitten IT I AM NOT DOING THIS kitten this will take me ages, and go play other game. And then Anet will sell a new expansion with all the previous masteries unlocked which ruin the game even more

First off, no one says HoT masteries will be required for the next expansion. Second you are completely exagerating how long it takes to complete masteries, especially with more and more experience rewards from story missions. Most people were mastery caped within 3-6 days after the expansion hit. If a hardcore gamer can hit max mastery in that time, a casual gamer can do so within a reasonable timeframe. This was before they started adding massive experience boosts left and right.

My reasoning for making it a the mastery system a charactrer base and not a account base is that the mastery system will keep feeling fresh even after you done them for the first time. Not making it a chore you must complete and never see or think of it again.

Flawed reasoning. It would make every character feel fresh (well the first 2-3 maybe) if there were choice or difference between characters. The way the system is implemented now all it does is take away something from future characters if it were changed to character based. I highly doubt this is “fun” to people who play multiple characters.

What you see as a chore, I found super fun since no matter which of my characters I played I could work towards my next mastery at my own pace.

most people were not capped 3-6 days after the expansion hit. Most people were not even in drgaon stand 3-6 days after the expansion hit.

this leads me to believe your idea of the average gamer, or most guild wars players is a bit skewed.

Please show me were I said average gamers were caped 3-6 days after the expansion launched. I specifically mentioned hardcore gamers right after that sentence. The sentence right after the one you are refering to…