(Suggestion): Flavoursome Character Titles

(Suggestion): Flavoursome Character Titles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Psynocide.4965


First and foremost I would like to outline the minimal quantity of different titles – in total there are roughly fifty, half of which are merely checkpoints along a single title string (such as the Hall of Monuments).

The vast majority – indeed if not all – serve only as an acknowledgement for the achievement of some feat of varying merit, colloquially known as bragging rights. However, they provide little in the way of depth beyond simply saying to others “look what I did!”.
For instance, “The Emperor” title denotes that a person has invested a considerable amount of funds into aesthetics, “Mercenary” denotes a person has equaled or surpassed a fixed number of PvP matches and “Master Crafter” marks the equaling or surpassing of a fixed level across all crafting professions. Whilst these are all worthy achievements and some players may be quite content to bear these badges upon their person, they do little to embellish personality in your character.

I would like to see the implementation of new titles to augment this dull roster with the main aim being flavour; titles that help to define your character’s personality or outline their strengths or preferences and aren’t simply totems of accomplishment.
Right off the top of my head, as an example, the title of “The Martyr” could be awarded for being downed a set number of times whilst in the process of reviving another player. I accept that this is still a fixed number but the attaining of said number does not directly imply success in line with the set parameters of the game, in fact this title denotes quite the opposite; failure. Yet such a title would be far more descriptive of character.

I would be interested to hear any and all thoughts on the matter and perhaps leave your own purely flavoursome title suggestions (make sure to include how you think it would be obtained).

That other Psy guy

(Suggestion): Flavoursome Character Titles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


Kind of agree but titles have always been a part of prestige, even back to GW1.

If it makes you feel any better, I don’t show any of my PvP Champion (Illusionist, Slayer, etc…) and use either Chosen or Closer to the Stars because I love Cantha. Chosen is just a cool name.

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone