[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


A lot of discussion already but please…

Make gift of exploration consumable for an alt that has no map completion and will receive a map completion ONLY. No additional gifts or something else ofc.
Then if we need a gift of exploration we will have to roll an alt and make a normal map completion.
That way we will be able to choose if we want to go for a legendary or go for map completion.

HoT maps excluded cause classes need them for elite specs.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cyn.2157


Just so I understand the request – are you asking for an alt to be able to consume a gift of exploration and:
1) get all WPs, hearts, POIs, and associated fog of war from POIs/etc. unlocked, with no map completion rewards from any of the maps
2) get all WPs unlocked, w/ related fog of war, but still be able to finish hearts/POIs
3) other?

I’d be in support of #2, I’m not sure how I’d feel about #1 – not sure there’s benefit in having those automatically completed without reward (unless, I suppose, OCD completionists who can’t stand to not see 100% on any given map).

-Fade Nightshade (thief all the way, baby)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Just so I understand the request – are you asking for an alt to be able to consume a gift of exploration and:
1) get all WPs, hearts, POIs, and associated fog of war from POIs/etc. unlocked, with no map completion rewards from any of the maps
2) get all WPs unlocked, w/ related fog of war, but still be able to finish hearts/POIs
3) other?

I’d be in support of #2, I’m not sure how I’d feel about #1 – not sure there’s benefit in having those automatically completed without reward (unless, I suppose, OCD completionists who can’t stand to not see 100% on any given map).

Get all vistas,wp,hearts etc but only that. Will receive a 100% map completion with no rewards after that(meaning gift of explo ofc otherwise will be an endless loop).
And that only for tyria cause HoT maps needed for elite specs.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeanBB.4268


Does one really need all waypoints, which I assume is the actual goal? I mean, how long does it take to run from LA to Orr, for example? 15 minutes? I’m not a good judge cuz I always get distracted by nodes and events.

I’m not opposed to getting everything unlocked once you’ve done so on one character, so long as no rewards are associated with it. It’s not something I’d use, but wouldn’t object to others consuming a Gift or better yet buying an unlock pack from the gem store.

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


I have 4 map completions and 8 characters. I ve made 2 legendaries only and not intended to make more. I have many gifts of explo that i can’t do anything with them(don’t want another legendary).
Probably if they make the wp at least account wide, will be happy, but now i think is unfair like that.
After all if they make the gift consumable, anyone can either pick to complete map with this or by atual exploration.
Also if you want to swap main character for good will be easier to have map complete.
Grinding is nice but there are some limits also.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killermanjaro.5670


I’d be happy with that idea, even if it did everything but left the hearts to do. (to keep players going to different maps, so maps seem more full to new players etc). Or even if all it did was unlock the waypoints and un-fog the maps, I’d still be happy, as having fogged bits and not seeing all of the map is what bothers me most when I make an alt.

Don’t get me wrong, exploring in this game is fun, and I love the world and environments. But having to unlock all the waypoints and make all the maps and map areas visible again is what puts me off making a new alt or two. Partly the thought of running around just to unlock the maps again annoys me and would feel like a tedious thing to do after having done it twice already, and partly if you have limited time to game then it just makes having to unlock/unfog areas again just to enjoy an alt not viable.

I’d even be happy if it was a gem store item, as others have suggested in the past, which would be only purchasable if you’ve done map completion on at least 1 character first. Or I think another suggestion someone made in a previous thread was to have a cartographer vendor in each zone, where for x amount of gold you could pay for a map to unfog and unlock all WPs (or everything) in that zone. (again only available after at least 1 character on the account has completed that zone)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


I’d be happy with that idea, even if it did everything but left the hearts to do. (to keep players going to different maps, so maps seem more full to new players etc). Or even if all it did was unlock the waypoints and un-fog the maps, I’d still be happy, as having fogged bits and not seeing all of the map is what bothers me most when I make an alt.

Don’t get me wrong, exploring in this game is fun, and I love the world and environments. But having to unlock all the waypoints and make all the maps and map areas visible again is what puts me off making a new alt or two. Partly the thought of running around just to unlock the maps again annoys me and would feel like a tedious thing to do after having done it twice already, and partly if you have limited time to game then it just makes having to unlock/unfog areas again just to enjoy an alt not viable.

I’d even be happy if it was a gem store item, as others have suggested in the past, which would be only purchasable if you’ve done map completion on at least 1 character first. Or I think another suggestion someone made in a previous thread was to have a cartographer vendor in each zone, where for x amount of gold you could pay for a map to unfog and unlock all WPs (or everything) in that zone. (again only available after at least 1 character on the account has completed that zone)

I totally agree with all.
Gift of Exploration currently only used for old legendaries thats why i mention it and also is the best proof that you already open tyria maps once.
At least unfog the map and open all wp is fine by me.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Gift of Exploration is used for all legendaries, not just the old ones.
Edit: Mea culpa!

(edited by Tanner Blackfeather.6509)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Does one really need all waypoints, which I assume is the actual goal? I mean, how long does it take to run from LA to Orr, for example? 15 minutes? I’m not a good judge cuz I always get distracted by nodes and events.

I’m not opposed to getting everything unlocked once you’ve done so on one character, so long as no rewards are associated with it. It’s not something I’d use, but wouldn’t object to others consuming a Gift or better yet buying an unlock pack from the gem store.

If you mean literally all of them probably not. I know there are plenty of WPs I’ve never used in the years of playing the game.

Gift of Exploration is used for all legendaries, not just the old ones.

New ones use Gift of Maguuma

(edited by Khisanth.2948)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ubi.4136


Make them sellable. I am currently sitting on 16 of them (iirc) and should be getting 14 more in the next month roughly. I have like 17 Gifts of Maguuma, wouldn’t mind selling those too.

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Gift of Exploration is used for all legendaries, not just the old ones.

New ones use Gift of Maguuma

Huh. You’re completely right. I could have sworn they used the old GoE along with the maguuma ones, but checking the wiki – nope, no Gift of Exploration anywhere. Wonder what made me think that…

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Gift of Exploration is used for all legendaries, not just the old ones.

New ones use Gift of Maguuma

Huh. You’re completely right. I could have sworn they used the old GoE along with the maguuma ones, but checking the wiki – nope, no Gift of Exploration anywhere. Wonder what made me think that…

Gift of Maguuma Mastery has the same icon as Gift of Exploration

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SRoode.7318


I’ve done map completion 4 times (twice when you had to do WvW). I’d like to make another legendary, but I cannot get myself up for doing all of those hearts again. I’d suggest that after the first time on an account, hearts are complete for all other characters, but you still have to do everything else. I mean, the hearts were originally placed there as a learning experience for new players as I recall, so if you have done them once, you should not have to do them again. IMO.

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Gift of explo is a reward for 100% map so i prefer when consumed to give the exact same thing with no additional gifts.
Is the most fair i think and very easy to do it.
No need checking if you did it once or not cause you have the gift, and also you can do it as many times as you want until gifts run out.
hen you just have to do it normaly to take more gifts.
Siple as that.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mem no Fushia.7604

Mem no Fushia.7604

Gift of Exploration set merchant pirce 500g, still accbound so npcs mearchants will note higher trade records.