Suggestion: Graphics Options - Custom Presets

Suggestion: Graphics Options - Custom Presets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


Hey there travelers,

As the title describes, I’m here to cry out for custom presets which not only allow for ‘something in the middle’, but also specific toggling of whichever features I may or may not want gw2 to display.

Since forever, I’ve been toggling things on and off while in and out of WvW or fighting World Bosses, and often times laziness will result in me just settling for ‘Best Performance’ when zerging (ie, game looks like pewp).
I find auto-detect to over-estimate every time / not take into account the hundred other players standing next to me, so for the above alone – custom presets would be super <3 being able to select all of the options best suited for my machine with just a couple of clicks <3 <3

[s]My new issue, is having someone recommend the beauuuutiful:
‘Reshader’ / ‘Master Effect’ / ‘Reshade Unlocker’ combo!
This 3rd party software allows for all of the tweaking of the previous sweetfx / gemfx and more, including what is said to be more effective implementation of a number of things already found in the Gw2 Graphics Options.

And so, now when phasing back to low pop gameplay from zerging, if I want to play around with this new software, switching back to ‘Best Appearance’ in low pop environments is no longer optimal. Gw2 & this 3rd party software will each wind up attempting to display the same thing, which ofc could be avoided if there was a custom preset or two![/s]
(Have just discovered this may not be relevant? I’m not yet sure how it all works would still be nice for the WvW stuff though!)

Just me?

(as always, sorry if this is a repost :O I did check I promise!)

/wave ^^

(edited by Danface.3671)