[Suggestion] Guild Airship

[Suggestion] Guild Airship

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lLobo.7960


A guild airship would be a way for guilds to start new maps and run map wide events with guild bonuses and inviting people to join by taxing into the map.

  • Activated by talking to an Airship Captain NPC in the guild hall and selecting a map destination.
    – When activated, a new instance of the map is created (like megaserver) with a Guild Airship on a predetermined location on the map. The airship have a guild portal and a WP.
    – This instance can only be accessed by the Guild portal or taxing. It cannot be reached by normal WP or zone portals. In this way the Guild can create events and invite openly on LfG (taxi people in) or have a guild-only map to run events.
    – Zones that the airship can be used are limited. No starter zones!
  • The airship provides zone-wide buffs, depending on what the guild has set up.
    – Similar to WvW keep buffs
  • Upgrades available to the airship to include merchants, repairs, TP, bank…
  • The airship have a set CD (24h?) and can be dismissed by a guild-leader (or certain ranks) talking to the ship captain.
    – Upon dismiss people on the map will get notification and be sent to a normal map within a set timer.
    – If the map goes inactive (low population), the airship is dismissed.

[Suggestion] Guild Airship

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


This is an amazing Idea.

I think this could really add some depth to WvW and such.

I also think adding smaller land-based steam carts should be introduced for smaller sized groups who need a little extra firepower.

These heavy armored carts could carry maybe up to seven players and can be upgraded in various ways.

- Cannons
- Shielding
- Storage for transporting supplies in bulk
- Speed

Steam vehicles yes

[Suggestion] Guild Airship

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


I remember this last year, there was requests to make a guild airship on the guild hall suggestion forum. An Anet employee liked the idea. Thank you for the reminder. Your idea is unique to the Guild Hall Airship ideas of 2015.

[Suggestion] Guild Airship

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sonoroho.5093


+I Yess!! I love this idea.

[Suggestion] Guild Airship

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lLobo.7960


This is an amazing Idea.

I think this could really add some depth to WvW and such.


The Idea was exclusively for pve though. As the main use of the airship would be to open new map instances, something you can’t do in WvW for obvious reasons.